At this moment, the gods of death were very speechless looking at the projection of the three realms.

The relationship between this Hinamori peach and blue dye is really too ambiguous.

Is this indigo so attractive?

All right......

If you put aside the position of the indigenous enemy ...

This indigo dyeing is indeed quite attractive!

It's really not much of a problem to say that he is Kurosaki Ichigo's father...

High appearance, and domineering side leakage leadership temperament!

Even what he did to his "son" Ichigo Kurosaki made the Shinigami unable to find anything wrong.

Without the existence of blue dyeing, it is estimated that there would not have been the birth of Ichigo Kurosaki.

Then in the future corpse soul world, there will be one less savior!

If you want to fight with Youhabach, it is even more fantastic!

"840" in this regard, they really have to thank the blue dye.

No matter how unhappy it is, you have to endure it and continue to watch this blue-dyed video!

Of course, these words can only be said in their hearts.

No matter how much you thank Lan Ran, you can't say it, so as not to make the corpse soul world more humiliated.


While everyone was talking, the picture turned and began to come to the next screen.

On a pure white tower, a static and spectacular picture appears!

In the previous scene, Lan Ran Yousuke, who was still alive, was nailed to the wall by a pitch-black blade!

Blue-stained blood flowed down, staining the entire white tower.

His eyes were empty, as if he had lost his life.

After seeing this scene, Hinamori, the vice captain of the Goban team, screamed.

"Captain Blue Dye !!"

Immediately afterwards, countless members of the Grim Reaper came here, and they were also shocked to see Lan Ran's death.

The captain of the Goban team, Lan Ran Yusuke, was actually killed?

Who did it!?

Of course, the audience who knew the plot after knowing it was very clear that this was Lan Dye's suspended animation.

[Hibanya Fuyushiro: Hmph, this guy also has such an unbearable scene. I don't know how you feel when you see this scene now. 】

[Matsumoto Ranju: It's ridiculous to put on a dead appearance for your own purposes. 】

[Uluchiorra: Hmph, but don't you Shinigami still can't see it, this is just the illusion of Lord Lan Dye?] It is you who should be ashamed. 】

[Gerard: It's just a farce inside the Grim Reaper, it's really a child's life. 】

[Lijebaro: This guy who can play yin and can only hide and hide rats, and later we couldn't see him in the battle of the annihilation division, so it is estimated that it is useless. ] 】

[Dongxian want: Hmph, you exterminator has been lurking for thousands of years, isn't it more like a sneaky mouse? ] Who compares to your friend Habach? 】

[Heribel: I don't know what Yohabach's battle with death was like back then, deliberately pretending to be defeated by Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekoku, this is the actor who can act the most and pretend to die! ] 】

[Hasward: Hmph, you guys speak carefully, insult our majesty, the death penalty is inevitable! ] 】

[Esnott: In the future, our Exterminator will definitely be able to destroy everywhere in the Corpse Soul Realm! ] You weaklings are the most ridiculous! 】


The Grim Reaper and the Exterminator began their daily quarrel. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


And after that.

The screen switches to a different character.

Hibanya Fuyushiro and Matsumoto seemed to sense that something was wrong.

So he managed to open the door to the central room 46, only to find that all of these guys had been killed.

They were all stunned and incredulous.

Death has never been allowed to enter and exit here.

Composed of forty sages and six judges, it is the highest judicial body in the corpse soul realm.

Whether it is in this world or in the corpse soul world, the fault must be judged by the central forty-six room.

And their judgment, even Captain Yamamoto cannot object!

They all have a very high voice in the thirteen teams of the Guardian Court...

However, these rotten guys have always been unkind, self-exacting, rigid old antiques, and they can also be regarded as unpopular institutions...

Hibanya Fuyushiro and Matsumoto Ranju are shocked, and according to the long-dried blood, it is found that they have long died!


Who did it!?



The bloody scene in front of them made the audience moved.

Especially the current new Central Forty-Six Room.

I couldn't help but tremble.

The families of many of them were the former Central Forty-Six Room, and when they thought of such a tragic situation, they hated Lan Ran to the bone,

Moreover, I am also worried that such a scene will appear again!

In addition, in the previous video, after hearing that Lan Ran may still be in the corpse soul realm, and had a battle with Youhabach, they shivered involuntarily!

You even have to doubt...

Did this blue dye specifically want to come and them again.

Slaughter them again!?

Therefore, they are the most reluctant to return to the corpse soul world, or even become the one who rules the corpse soul world.

The video that I have been watching the future just now is also shivering 1.5!

Whether it is Youhabach ruling the Corpse Soul Realm, or Lan Dye ruling the Corpse Soul Realm, there is no good fruit for them to eat!

Lan Ran this guy wants to reform the Corpse Soul Realm so much, they will definitely be an obstacle that is forced to be removed!

[Heribel: Lord Lan Ran slaughtered well, this group of bad people should be completely slaughtered. 】

[Dongxian to: Well done, this is the embodiment of the justice of our Lan Dye Lord! ] Even if the new Central Forty-Six Room is elected, we will not let it go easily. 】

[Uluquiora: Indeed, the Grim Reaper is very silent. Especially those guys in the new central forty-six room must be silent, right? 】

[Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekoku: ......].

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