In the picture.

The death of the central forty-sixth room cast a strange and grotesque shadow on the corpse soul world at that time.

Hibanya Fuyushiro also found the grim-looking Kira Izuru, and thought that he was the murderer of the central forty-sixth room, so he and Matsumoto Ranju hurried to pursue.

Seeing the tragic situation in the 46th room of the central center, all forces had their own thoughts.

[Baile Gang: Hmph, this historic central forty-six room even has such a moment...]

[Lan Ran Yusuke: It is estimated that when I did such a thing, not many members of the thirteenth team of the Guardian Court really hated me. 】

【Kyoraku Harushui:......】

【Yoruichi of Shikaedein:......】

[Ichimaru Gin: Hehe, during that time, I played these Central Forty-Six Rooms. 】

[Dongxian Want: Obviously watching you appear in front of me, but I still can't recognize that this is actually a scene where the three of us are pretending to be deaths, and I almost can't hold back. 】

[Matsumoto Ranju: Abominable, Silver, you were originally... Why do you want to do such a thing? 】

[Ichimaru Gin: Sorry, Chaoju, this is something that 24 people must not do! ] You will slowly understand me and Captain Lan Dye in the future. 】

[Kira Izuru: Captain Ichimaru, do you know how uncomfortable I was after you left? 】

[Hibanya Fuyushiro: Leave them alone, they are traitors in the corpse soul world, and we will definitely have to break with them! ] One day, we will hold them accountable for their crimes. 】

The Grim Reaper audience is also very depressed at the moment, and they all know it very well.

Lan Dye this guy, once the inventory begins, it is estimated that the whole process is a highlight moment!

At that time, it will be time for them to die very humiliated.

However, thanks to the appearance of Youhabach, this attracted the firepower of Lan Ran, so that everyone forgot about Lan Ran, the evil person!

Even compared to Youhabach, this blue dye looks so cute!

After all, from beginning to end, he has never completely killed a god of death.

Even his subordinate Ten Blades did not achieve much brilliant results, but became the background plate for their god of death.

Add to this his cultivation of the savior Kurosaki Ichigo, and the exploits of Ranja and Kurosaki Ichigo in dealing with Yuhabach...

The feelings that make the Grim Reaper feel for him are very complicated.

Such a good man in the corpse soul world, a great father...

What kind of existence is it?

They all very much hope that through this series of videos, they can have a good understanding of indigo dyeing.

Kurosaki Ichigo also came to look at his "father" with mixed emotions...

Look at what he's been going through.

After all, seeing so many future scenes, he was naturally very curious about his relationship with Lan Ran.

And I don't know why, after watching the final battle with Lan Ran, he wants to know more and more what Lan Ran's thoughts and goals are.

This is a difficult to explain, wanting to understand the special feelings of indigo dyeing...

It was as if he had fought Ichimaru Silver and Minotaur Yuha through his own slashing knife, wanting to understand the other party's thoughts.

After all, Papa Blue at this time is indeed no longer a so-called simple enemy!

If you don't understand his words, you may not be able to figure out your roots, right?


While everyone was talking about this, the picture turned again.

Came to a palace.

It is a familiar scene, and the blue dye is spicy and destroys the flowers!

Ichimaru Silver led Hinamori Momo, saying that there was something good for her to see.

Then, Hinamori Momo saw the familiar blue-dyed captain!

After seeing this long-awaited scene, Hinamori burst into tears in Lan Ran's arms.

Lan Ran also gently explained that his suspended animation was for a reason.

But there is no need to say anything more, Hinamori Tao has already attacked herself.

"No need to apologize, Captain Blue Dye..."


"Captain Lan Dye is still alive now, I am very grateful to the heavens!!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Seeing this scene, the gods of death are in mixed moods.

This young son is really played by the blue dye.

And they can't blame this Hinamori peach yet.

Because what makes them ashamed is that they themselves may not be much better than this Hinamori Momo...

After that, it was a classic scene of indigo dyeing!

When you smile, launch a femme fatale strike!

Hide a knife in laughter!


Hinamori's body was directly penetrated by the slashing knife.

Subsequently, Hinamori Momo was still in disbelief, and fell to the ground in pain.

This is completely a whip for poor Hinamori Momo...

After that, the screen continues to play.

Another familiar classic picture has appeared, Hibanyu Dongshiro was killed by blue dyeing!

After he saw Hinamori's death, he was angry and fought with Lan Ran.

Xiao Bai was brutally whipped again...

And because this has been played before, the three-world projection also ends quickly at double speed.


In the corpse soul world.

Are these three realm projections feuding with the death gods of the corpse soul realm!

Why are the videos played basically highlights as long as they are related to indigo dyeing?

Will this blue dyeing frame never fall?

Even if Ichigo Kurosaki, who was in a moonless state before, cut the blue dye in two, he couldn't see the follow-up scene, and he didn't know what the specific result was.

I only know that the blue dye can continue to live after that, and even show off the mirror with your friend Habach...

From the show to the end!


And after that, there was a scene that was not there before.

After Hibanya Fuyushiro was seconded, Orochimaru and Toratoru Yuyin arrived in time to discover the crime of Lan Ran!

I don't know why, Lan Ran doesn't seem to have the idea of making a move with Orochibana.

After all, he was also very aware of the strength of the hundred-year-old captain of Yu Zhihua Lie!

This is the original Sword Eight of the Murderous Demon!。

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