At this time.

Seeing the very suspicious Ichimaru Silver, the eyes of the Shinigami are very strange.

Genmu Kenba directly began to ask him.

"You guy, didn't you say before to deal with the travel disaster? But why wasn't it handled well? With your strength, it shouldn't be a problem to deal with them~? "

At this time, Ichimaru Silver became the object of suspicion of everyone.

Ichimaru Silver was an accident - authentic:

"Ah, aren't they even dead yet?"

Nirvana complained directly on the side.

"Don't pretend, those of us at the captain level should know if the soul on the other side has disappeared, right?"

The implication is that Ichimaru Silver deliberately let them go.

The atmosphere soon began to tense.

When several captains were about to quarrel, Captain Yamamoto asked in a voice full of majesty!

"Ichimaru Gin, you are privately dispatching at this time to deal with these travel disasters..."

"I can't catch the target, and it's a very gaffe as a captain!"

"Ichimaru Gin, do you have anything else to justify?"

Ichimaru Silver was still smiling at this time!

"I have nothing to justify! It's just my negligence and I'm not going to make excuses. "

Ichimaru Silver, who has an invincible mentality, is still extremely calm and calm no matter who he faces.

At this time, another unexpected event appeared that interrupted their conversation.

"Bell Bell Bell !!"

"Intruders break into the !! of the Soul Court"

"Please be on guard!"


Under the action of Shiba Kuzuru's cannon, Kurosaki Ichigo and others invaded the Orochi Garden.

They were all quickly ready to deal with this invader.

When Lan Ran left here, he also said to Ichimaru Silver with a gloomy face:

"It's really time for this alarm to go off!"

Ichimaru Silver's eyes were still smiling.

"I don't understand very well! Captain Blue Dye..."

Lan Ran sneered.

"Do you think you'll be able to fool around this way? Don't underestimate me! "

Finish these words.

Lan Ran walked out the door without looking back.

Ichimaru Silver was still very calm, and even smiled more and more.

If it weren't for the fact that he was professional, he would have laughed out loud long ago ...

Only Hibanya Dongshiro, who happened to be passing by, became suspicious of them!

It can be seen that Lan Ran is suspecting Ichimaru Silver at this time.

Because Lan Ran was very popular in the past, Dongshiro was also very attentive to this.

But what he didn't know was that it was he who was fooled.


After seeing this scene.

They all knew that the death of these two traitors later had very strange faces at this time.

Hibanya Fuyushiro can only be very speechless!

[Hibanya Fuyushiro: Abominable! Now that I think about it, they were there to play me! What two hateful actors. 】

[Ichimaru Gin: Haha, you know why I keep smiling! I almost couldn't hold back. 】

[Lan Ran Yusuke: Yes! I almost couldn't hold back my laughter myself. 】

[Hurribel: Flutter... Now I'm laughing out loud. 】

[Stark: Lord Lan Ran and Ichimaru Silver really play these Shinigami together. 】

[Uluchiorra: Hey, adults can really play, this is bullying children! ] 】

[Hibanya Fuyushiro: Hey, who are you talking about as a child?] Don't blame me for being completely ruthless to you in the future. 】

[Minister Jiro: These three guys are among the three most talented Shinigami in our 13 team of guardians, who can know what happened next?] 】

At this time, the gods of death were very speechless to these traitors in the corpse soul world.

More terrifying than a Grim Reaper whose ability is at the peak, it is the peak Grim Reaper whose IQ and acting skills have exploded!


The background after that is also very clear to everyone.

Ichigo Kurosaki, Orihime Inoue, Taitora Chado, and Yuryu Ishida broke into the corpse soul realm.

Yamamoto Shigekoku, commander of the thirteenth team of the Guardian Court, ordered.

The thirteen teams of the court protector entered a wartime general mobilization state!

It can be said that the mountain rain is about to come!

High-level combat forces, including vice captains and captains, must carry slashing knives at all times.

Moreover, including the captain when fighting, he can also fully liberate the slashing knife!

Against Kurosaki Ichigo and the others, there is no need to keep your hands at all!

And after that.

The picture turns again.

Came to the home of Lan Ran. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Knock knock!"

"Please come in!"

Hinamori knocked on the door of the blue dye room, and seemed to have finally plucked up the courage and said seriously:

"I'm sorry, Captain Blue Ran, although I know it's disturbed, can I have a few words with you?"

Hinamori looked sincerely terrified, as if worried that his rude actions would be rejected by Lan Ran.

Lan Ran was slightly stunned, and even faintly revealed a hint of self-blame, and said more gently.

"Oh, are you worried that I will drive you away because of your rudeness? It turns out that the usual me, does it look so ruthless? "

Lan Ran, who knows the human heart very well, easily saw Hinamori's state at this time.

Hinamori was even more terrified when he heard this, and stammered:

"Oh, what's the matter..."

Lan Ran warmly invited:

"Then you come in, there are indeed a lot of choking things happening today, you can stay until you calm down..."

Ask for flowers

Then, Hinamori was overjoyed and quickly walked in.

She has always been secretly in love with Lan Dye, and she feels that her heart is full of warmth and stability at this time.

As long as Lan Ran is there, she can quickly return to calm!

After Hinamori came in, Lan Ran asked:

"By the way, don't you have something to ask?"

Hearing this, Hinamori was a little tangled and seemed difficult to speak.

"Oh... It's like this..."

Lan Ran saw through her mind and took the initiative to ask.

"How's the situation with Asanjing?"

Hinamori was surprised, and it seemed that what he wanted to ask was said by Lan Ran, so he quickly said:

"His life was saved!"

Lan Ran noticed Hinamori's lingering sadness, so she comforted Hinamori:

"Don't worry, he won't be removed, although Captain Immortal wants to remove him, but because of the opposition of me and others, I had to give up!" After all, everyone loves him! "

Sure enough, Lan Ran is still the very understanding Grim Reaper!

Upon hearing this information, Hinamori finally let out a long sigh.

"That's really good!"

Lan Ran smiled faintly and continued to write!

Everything looks so calm.

Looking at Lan Ran's stable and reliable back, Hinamori smiled and asked expectantly:

"Captain Lan Ran, I'm sorry, can I keep looking at you behind your back?"

Lan Ran nodded.

"Okay, of course there's no problem."

Subsequently, Hinamori looked at Lan Ran with a happy face, very satisfied, and fell asleep before she knew it.


The barrage also began to complain at this moment.



Seeing this series of inventory, the gods of death were also very depressed.

This blue dye from man to woman really played the corpse soul world around!

It is estimated that for a long time to come, their corpse soul world will be in a depressed state!

As long as the video related to indigo dyeing, basically he will not lose face, right?

Shameful, it is estimated that they are all forces in the corpse soul world, right!?

And, as this video says, this blue dye is really a Shinigami and other Shinigami who are fascinated by death! .

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