
The sadness and indignation in Kurosaki Ichigo's heart could completely overshadow the instinct in his bloodline and his sense of identification with the Exterminator race.

This exterminator is an evil organization that destroys the world!

There is no need to hesitate.


No, it's to kill this ~ Friend Habach!!

Regardless of whether he is his own father or not!

This is the only way to protect Ishida Yuryu, Inoue Orihime, Kurumi Rukia and other companions to protect this world!

Don't have any other ideas!

I hope that the self in the picture will simply use the instinct of revenge to govern - my own actions!



Yuhabach's indifference to life and extreme cruelty made Kurosaki Ichigo even more sad and indignant.

He couldn't tolerate the fact that such a guy who killed his mother and destroyed the world continued to live.

Yuhabach seemed to want to deliberately provoke him at the moment before he said these words, so that Kurosaki Ichigo could use his full strength.

Otherwise, Ichigo Kurosaki, who has always been gentle, basically will not kill the enemy.

He pulled out the long knife behind him, condensed the golden spiritual pressure, and attached it to the slashing moon!

The majestic sword intent was unleashed wantonly!

The ground could not withstand this sword intent, and countless cracks appeared.

Condensing Kurosaki Ichigo's anger and spiritual pressure, it was the strongest "Crescent Sky Rush" ever!!


Yuhabach used the power of the Spirit King behind him to rush and block Kurosaki Ichigo's crescent moon rush.

Two very different forces collided in horror!

The shattered spirit pressure splashed around!

The wind is blowing!

Spiritual pressure is fierce!

The projection of the three realms also appeared again, and the familiar spiritual pressure overflowed!



Wave after wave of spiritual pressure pushed the earth across the earth, as if it could crush and destroy the audience.

Although after the weakening of the projection of the three realms, this explosive shock wave is not as shocking as the scene, but it is not something that ordinary audiences can bear!

The audience could only be shocked, and all mobilized the spiritual pressure of the whole body, trying hard to compete with the spiritual pressure shockwave.

If such a spiritual pressure collision appeared in the real world, it would definitely cut countless bottomless terrifying ravines on the ground!!

This is indeed the pinnacle showdown of the world's top powerhouses!



After blocking this move, Yuhabach continued to control the power of the Spirit King and burst towards Kurosaki Ichigo!

At this moment, Inoue Orihime's shield was thrown in time to protect Kurosaki Ichigo.

However, her shield can only block one direction, while Yuhabach continues to attack Ichigo Kurosaki from all sides.

Faced with such a huge range of spiritual power attacks, Kurosaki Ichigo pulled out another slashing moon from his waist.

At the same time, use the teleportation to dodge in front of Yohabach and deliver a fatal blow to him!


However, Kurosaki Ichigo's speed was still one step slower!

Yuhabach's dark rush appears in time to stop Ichigo Kurosaki at a close distance!

Kurosaki Ichigo is only one position away from Yuhabach!

They can already feel the breath of Youhabach.

I saw Yuhabach's eyes that had long been completely surrounded by darkness.

To Kurosaki Ichigo in front of him, Yuhabach just said:

"Ichigo! Your mother died well! Is there anything happier in the world? "


As soon as the words fell, Yuhabach manipulated the power to fight Kurosaki Ichigo.

And Huo Ran got up from the throne and said excitedly:

"Happy gossip is over! Come and fight! Ichigo! "

I saw that on Youhabach's body, two huge Spirit King eyes floated on the black rush, as if the incarnation of the Spirit King, staring at Kurosaki Ichigo.

His already terrifying terrifying spiritual pressure continued to climb again!

Because of Yuhabach's insult to his mother, Kurosaki Ichigo was extremely angry and rushed over again without hesitation.

Inoue Orihime also wants Kurosaki Ichigo to calm down and think about how to fight side by side against Yuhabach.

"Wait a minute, Kurosaki-san..."

However, Kurosaki Ichigo turned a deaf ear and continued to compete with the power of the Spirit King of Yuhabach!

Fighting side by side with Inoue Orihime before, has long been thrown out of the nine heavenly clouds.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!!

In the face of the endless rush of the Spirit King who had no power to attack the dead end, Kurosaki Ichigo was completely powerless.

It's like exhaustion!

Dodged the left, could not dodge the right.

It's stretched.


In the chat group!

The crowd is also trying to analyze the battle between the two sides.

[Orochimaru: Is this the final showdown between Ichigo Kurosaki and Yuhabach? The spiritual pressure of both of them is completely like the level of the spirit king..."

[Crushed Bee: Yes! I feel that the slightest mistake will be a complete failure. 】

[Genmu Jianba: When these guys fight, can't they fight in peace? ] What do you do with so much talking? 】

[Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekoku: Hmph, this friend Habach is attacking the mind. Deliberately put Ichigo Kurosaki in a state of anger. 】

[Shiraya Kurumi: Although anger and fighting intent are important, Ichigo Kurosaki you can't lose your cool head. 】

[Uluquiora: Is it? In fact, for Kurosaki Ichigo, losing his mind is really not necessarily a bad thing...

[Gerard: Is this Ichigo Kurosaki's all-out? It's really inferior! 】

[Rukia Kurumi: How is that possible?] Ichigo must not have moved the real thing, and was still slowly accumulating strength..."

[Kusaka Yachiryu: It may be like a small sword, you won't play without blood. ] 】

[Grimcho: Is it blood again to open the hanging?] In that case, it's not interesting. 】

The gods of death are indeed a little worried.

Worried that Ichigo Kurosaki, who has always been gentle and does not easily kill him, will lose the final battle because of the weakness of his character!

I'm even more worried that Ichigo Kurosaki is not as good as Yuhabach in terms of hard power!



In the face of Yuhabach's offensive one after another, Kurosaki Ichigo still did not stop, trying to think hard about how to deal with the enemy.

Youhabach still reads:

"Ichigo, a raid without a plan..."

"What the hell did you bring that woman here for? Isn't it better to let her help you? "

"Has hatred already made you lose your mind?"

"Don't be in such a hurry."

"You're going to be devoured by me sooner or later!!"

At this moment, you Habach seems to have something to say.

His battle with Ichigo Kurosaki is not simply what he calls "father-son communication"...

"It would be too boring to fail so quickly."

"Do you know how much time and miracles it took me to create you?"

"You must never take your own life lightly."

"Your body, your strength, does not belong to you alone."

"Spit out all your strength!"

"Completely exhaust your energy and die! Ichigo! "

Youhabach's hideous face is becoming more and more undoubtedly revealed!

I have to say that the enemies that Kurosaki Ichigo faces will always be particularly mouthful.

...... (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In the chat group, everyone also wanted to complain a little.

[Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekoku: This friend Habach is really verbose, thinking that if he has the advantage, he can fight slowly? 】

[Ukitake Juro: The previous one said that he created Kurosaki Ichigo, and it is already cold! ] 】

[Kyoraku Harumizu: The last one who claimed to be Kurosaki Ichigo's father is also cold. 】

[Uluchiorra: Is it really addictive to robbing our son with our blue dye-sama? 】

[Hibanya Fuyushiro: I don't know why, I think that this friend Habach's words, replaced by blue dyeing, are not contrary to peace...]

[Gerard: Hmph, it seems that our Majesty is still sparring with his own son, and he has not really moved at all! ] 】

[Hasward: The gap between Ichigo Kurosaki and His Majesty is still too big, and it is not at all that his double moon can make up! ] 】

[Kyoraku Harushui: Don't be so quick to get proud, I don't think Ichigo Kurosaki should have used to use the real thing, it's just a warm-up before the battle. ] 】

[Lijebaro: Our Majesty's omniscience and omnipotence have not appeared, this is the real release of water! ] 】

Both sides are arguing with each other!

The side that emphasizes its support has not yet used its full strength.

Coupled with the ambiguous relationship between the two sides in this battle, it is difficult for the audience to see the direction of the battle.



In the imaginary circle.

In addition to analyzing the comparison of the strength of the two sides, Lan Ran also analyzed the huge amount of information in the dialogue between Youhabach.

Did he really take Ichigo Kurosaki as a son?

However, he obviously does not have a father's pattern!

And what he said about devouring Kurosaki Ichigo, is it a simple mouth hi, or is it what he really thinks in his heart?

The more Lan Ran thought about it, the more solemn his expression became.


The endless killing aura exploded from him, making the members of the Void Night Palace fearful and terrified!

They could all see that Lan Ran was looking at Youhabach at this time, which could be described as murderous!

Ask for flowers

At this moment, Lan Ran has a deeper understanding of the power of Youhabach, the king of the destroyers.

Youhabach can give the Exterminator power, and he is also known as the ancestor of the Exterminator Division, and his blood flows in the body of all the Exterminators.

His power can be said to be a god-like existence for the exterminator, right?

Maybe it can really devour Ichigo Kurosaki's power?

And Kurosaki Ichigo's power is definitely much stronger than other exterminators!

Explain that what you Habach did was deliberate?

Is it so that he can absorb the power of Ichigo Kurosaki in the future?

Thinking of this, Lan Ran also fell into deep thought.


In the picture.

Inoue Orihime saw Kurosaki Ichigo so reckless, so she grabbed the corner of his clothes with concern and said gently:

"Kurosaki-san, calm down... Wait..."

Kurosaki Ichigo turned his head and gave Inoue Orihime a look.

Inoue Orihime, who was originally worried about Kurosaki Ichigo, seemed to see Kurosaki Ichigo's thoughts and let go of the corners of his clothes.

This is the tacit understanding that belongs to the two of them!

It's all in place!

Afterwards, Kurosaki Ichigo rushed forward again and engaged in a fierce battle with Yuhabach.

Yohabach kept talking while hitting.

"I really don't understand! Why are you in a hurry to send to death and reluctant to show me your full strength? "

"Are you still worried that showing me these strengths will be directly taken away by me?"

Yuhabach seemed to constantly guess Kurosaki Ichigo's mind.

"But if it goes on like this, it will only be a dead end!"

"If you die like this, the present world and the corpse soul realm will end, and I will completely end all this."

"Look, your companions are also telling you that you can't fight so recklessly."

"It seems to be saying, wait until I help you heal your wounds, and then fight as much as you want!"

The screen switches to Inoue Orihime's concerned face.

She has been working hard to find opportunities to help Ichigo Kurosaki with his treatment.

Just because of the fierce fighting, she could only work on the sidelines.

The more Yohabach spoke, the more impassioned he became!

I don't know, I really thought he was Kurosaki Ichigo's companion.

I'm trying to cheer for Ichigo Kurosaki...

"Respond to them! Ichigo! Respond to the voices of those who are powerless. "

"They are weak, without you, even breathing will become unfree."

This Yuhabach began to chatter, and he had been hitting Kurosaki Ichigo's mentality, and he didn't look like he wanted to stop at all!

It can even be said that it is a buff for Kurosaki Ichigo!

It's like sparring with Ichigo Kurosaki.

Its intention is even more obvious than the original indigo dyeing.

I'm afraid that Kurosaki Ichigo won't be able to beat his appearance...

The audience was left speechless.

This friend Habach's words are more frustrated and he cares about Kurosaki Ichigo than Lan Ran!

The Grim Reaper didn't even know how to complain.

At this juncture, let Kurosaki Ichigo quickly burst the seed and defeat Yuhabach, who released water?

It's a bit humiliating to say such words!

In the end, Yuhabach has no reservations and protects the killer of Kurosaki Ichigo, who has been passively beaten!

"Ichigo! Don't let me down! Resist and fight hard! And then die!! "


The powerful black spirit pressure rushed, wrapped in monstrous dust, swept the entire battlefield and surrounded Kurosaki Ichigo!

It's like a huge wave!

Destroy everything in the world!

In the face of this powerful blow, Kurosaki Ichigo barely blocked part of it, and could only shout loudly:


Inoue Orihime had long been ready to go, and only needed Kurosaki Ichigo to give an order, and he cooperated with him very tacitly.


Shield in three days!!

Inoue Orihime's powerful power actually blocked Yuhabach's extremely powerful attack.

The Spirit King rushed from both sides of the shield, but the people inside were unharmed!

Ichigo Kurosaki and the audience were very surprised.

[Stark: Good guy, this Inoue Orihime really can't ignore it! It was able to block this blow from Youhabach. There are not many in this corpse soul world, right? 】

[Dongxian Want: I estimate that Captain Yamamoto at this time will definitely not be able to do it. 】

[Hibanya Fuyushiro: No wonder Kurosaki Ichigo wanted to bring this Inoue Orihime up, I originally thought it was a child's play, it seems that he really has a reason! ] 】

Everyone once again recognized the terrifying soil of Inoue Orihime! .

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