In a chat group.

Everyone was surprised and delighted.

[Matsumoto Ranju: Orihime seems to have struggled to beat anyone before... I thought her main role was to cheer up and provide mental support for Ichigo Kurosaki... Now it seems that she is the biggest thigh! 】

[Asanai Koji: Even if she reaches this Spirit King level battle, she can participate? She didn't follow Kurosaki Ichigo to the Spirit King Palace to cultivate or something, right!? 】

[Blue Ran Yusuke: Kurosaki Ichigo is really a strange creature that can become stronger with his companions...]

[Ryo Yusuke: Or this Inoue Orihime is also a strange creature, with Kurosaki Ichigo constantly getting stronger. 】

[Lan Ran Yusuke: So there is a providence in the underworld, I only arrested Inoue Orihime in the first place, and even had the intention to match the two of them?! ] 】

[Lan Ran Yusuke: One of my unintentional actions at the beginning contributed to Kurosaki's union with your wife..."

[Lan Ran Yusuke: So now, what kind of magic will the combination of these two top new-generation powerhouses shine? ] I'm looking forward to it! 】

[Zhibo Yixin: Okay, blue dyeing. What else do you feel at this time! It's boring. 】


In the picture.

After seeing Inoue "077" Orihime fighting hard for himself, Kurosaki Ichigo was very grateful for this.

Inoue Orihime also said gently:

"Kurosaki-san, you definitely haven't done your best now, and you haven't lost your mind, why did you do this..."

Inoue Orihime really had a little understanding with him at this time!

Kurosaki Ichigo smiled happily and nodded to it.

"Yes! Inject the spiritual pressure of the Exterminator into the Slashing Knife, and I will awaken a guy. Now it finally works!! "

It turned out that before, Kurosaki Ichigo was passively beaten, just to absorb part of the power of Yuhabach's exterminator!

He can't control it as he wants now, he can only use the infusion of the power of the Youhabach Exterminator to awaken a powerful force!

That is the strongest fight, the power of nothing!!

His blade began to slowly turn from black to white.


And after that, a spiritual pressure far beyond the past erupted again and swept the entire hall.

The entire hall was filled with golden spiritual pressure, and the fluctuations of spiritual pressure alone made the entire hall falter, as if it was about to collapse.

Youhabach's face at the moment was also very serious.

"So that's it, is that what you're for?"

After a puff of gunsmoke.

Kurosaki Ichigo's new form, the combination of black and white, the trinity form of the three forces of Void White, Death, and Exterminator, suddenly appeared!!

His whole body was almost white.

On the left side of the skull are white horns.

There are two very distinct black stripes on the left side of the face.

Black and white intermingle to create an indescribable mysterious charm!

And his hair is also the same as the blue dye, and he began to comb back, showing the mature posture of an adult!


After seeing Kurosaki Ichigo, a half-minotaur form, the audience was amazed.

[Tamarin Left Formation: Wow, Kurosaki Ichigo has turned on a new mode. He also has too many patterns! 】

[Jingle Chunshui: Is this a perfect fusion of its own Exterminator power, Great Void Power, and Death God power? 】

[Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekoku: Good! At this time, Kurosaki Ichigo was able to make perfect use of the Great Void power, but he would not be controlled by him, so he lost his mind. 】

[Hibanya Fuyushiro: Well, in this way, Kurosaki Ichigo will not need to ask for a substitute in the future, he himself is the most perfect combatant. 】

[Rukia Kurumi: Void and Uncle Satsuki were finally able to rest assured, and Ichigo really grew up completely. 】

[Madara Ichigo: Kurosaki Ichigo's posture at this time is too handsome, I believe he will definitely be able to solve the enemy. 】

[Kusaka Yachiryu: Wow, that's cool! ] If you think about it, there is a corner on the head, and the face and eyes are black and white... This can be said to be Ichigo's Madara Ichikaku form, right? 】

[Blue Dye Right Suke: Another new form! ] Kurosaki Ichigo, you always have all kinds of strange states, sure enough, it is worthy of the existence of a fusion of multiple forces, this experiment is simply perfect. 】

At this time, the blue dyeing can be described as hi above the throne!

Seeing his son shine so brightly, he was excited!

This is a state he had never imagined before.

Kurosaki Ichigo's ability has become stronger and stronger, constantly breaking through his cognition!

Can such a power surpass his former state of fusion collapse?

Compared to Kurosaki Ichigo's own moonless mode, which is stronger and weaker?

What can Ichigo Kurosaki learn from this new realm?

These questions, thinking about it, makes Lan Ran fall into excited contemplation!

Seeing Lan Ran's appearance of explosion, Uruchiora and Dongxian were also strange.



Seeing Kurosaki Ichigo's new form, Inoue Orihime was also blinded.

Is this Ichigo Kurosaki?


It's different from Ichigo Kurosaki in the past.

At this time, Kurosaki Ichigo still had a gentle and touching smile on his face.

"Don't worry, Inoue, I'm still me!!"

At this moment, Kurosaki Ichigo already has the ability to control the power in his body.

Let the virtual power in the body be used for yourself without reservation.

He uses only strength, which does not affect his thinking and character.

No longer use virtual power as in the past, you will lose your rationality.

Inoue Orihime was also very relieved, and tears almost burst out of her eyes. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

That's great!

Kurosaki-san can finally control his power!

He will definitely not become a mad minotaur again!

Seeing this, Youhabach said lightly.

"It looks like a void, is this the virtual posture after your power fusion?"

Yuhabach could not see the depth of Kurosaki Ichigo's strength at this time.

Kurosaki Ichigo said firmly to Yuhabach.

"That's right, I inherited my own Exterminator power from my mother, this is Uncle Chopper!"

"From my father, I inherited the void in my body formed by the fusion of the power of the God of Death."

"When opposed, these two beings can also maintain balance!"

"After that, it was remade into these two knives as a chopping moon."

"If you keep it balanced, then you will be fine."

"If the equilibrium is broken, one of them will run out!"

The more Kurosaki Ichigo spoke, the more he sighed.

He was grateful to think of the help that Void had always helped him!

This is indeed the most reliable substitute!

Bai Ye is really Bai Ye!

"When I devour a large amount of the power of the God of Death and the power of the Void, this guy of Void White will emerge..."

"Actually, since my power can be fused, I have been able to transform freely..."

"But because it can't fully function yet, I borrowed the power of your Exterminator Master!"


After hearing this, the audience also understood the origin of this form better.

[Rukia Kurumi: Sure enough, Ichigo finally managed to fuse the power of various races! And without losing your mind! 】

[Uluchiorra: How can it reach this level... It really hurts me... But this half of the minotaur still made me feel the trembling in my soul! 】

[Zhibo Yixin: It's really good, son, if your mother sees it in the sky, she will definitely be very gratified! ] 】

[Kisuke Urahara: It seems that the technology I developed at the beginning has finally got the best destination! It's incredible that the forces of the void, the human being, the Grim Reaper, and the Annihilator are able to achieve fusion in the end! 】

[Gerard: Hmph, is it not with the help of our Majesty's power? 】

[Lan Ran Yusuke: Of course, don't forget that I am the ultimate promoter of everything! ] 】

[Youhabach: Good, everything is in my plan, let's get stronger! ] Ichigo! In this way, you are qualified to fight me. 】

[Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekoku: Friend Habach, don't look like a winner, everything you do will only push you into the abyss! ] 】


The Shinigami cheered up again and confident in Ichigo Kurosaki's battle!

Kurosaki Ichigo opened and hung again and again, and now he has entered this unprecedented powerful form!

It can definitely drive Yohabach into a corner!

At the very least, you Habach can't let water to fight, right?



Just after explaining his new form, Kurosaki Ichigo quickly used Hibiki.


4.0 He was like a space fold, passed through Inoue Orihime's shield, and instantly appeared in front of Inoue Orihime.

And Inoue Orihime didn't notice anything, and could only stare at her big watery eyes, which was very incredible.

He said confidently to Inoue Orihime.

"Inoue. Expand your shield range! My next power has a very large sphere of influence! Block my spiritual pressure with six flowers, and then evacuate here immediately. "

At this moment, Kurosaki Ichigo already has a firm self-confidence, believing that he does not need Inoue Orihime's strength to be able to defeat Yuhabach.

And Inoue Orihime couldn't help but be hopeful for Kurosaki Ichigo and read his confident eyes.

That's right!

At this time, she only needs to trust Kurosaki-san!

Kurosaki-san can definitely solve Yuhabach's!

Subsequently, Inoue Orihime withdrew from Kurosaki Ichigo's sphere of influence.

Kurosaki Ichigo finally burst out with all his strength without reservation.



The golden spiritual pressure instantly rushed straight into the sky, shattering the sky cover above the True World City.

Ichigo Kurosaki, who can be called the ceiling of panel strength, finally appeared.

At this moment, the Yuhabach light theory panel is estimated to be not necessarily comparable to Kurosaki Ichigo!。

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