When the Grim Reaper, the Humans, and the Broken Face are excited...

Just as the Exterminator roared!

These three realm projections really seem to be just a joke with them...

After a short period of darkness, a new picture soon emerged.

A fierce-looking face with thick nose hair, and a murderous awe-inspiring face in his eyes reappeared.

Youhabach slowly opened his eyes and looked at the rising sun outside the palace.

Muttered a little scared:

"Oh, is it morning? It seems that this is a good dream... It's amazing like a nightmare!! "

It turns out that the scene just now does not seem to be a realistic scene!


After seeing this scene, the audience once again set off an uproar.

[Omaeda: Good guy, it turns out that the previous pictures are all fake? The abominable projection of the three realms really deceives our feelings! 】

[Rukia Kurumi: It's a joy in vain. Could it be that Ichigo and Orihime still couldn't arrive in time? 】

[Hasward: Sure enough, how can something so illogical happen?] 】

[Uluchiorra: But... Is this just a useless dream? 】

[Hibanya Fuyushiro: I think it still gives us a good omen of death! Yohabach will definitely have a nightmare come true! 】

[Lijebarro: I think it's just to give you a little hope, and then completely destroy it, so that you can feel what is called true despair! 】

[Baylorgon: Is it just the evil taste of the projection of the Three Realms? 】

Ichigo Kurosaki's supporters have all fallen from the top of hope to the bottom at this moment.

Don't mention how uncomfortable!

It was a big disappointment!

There are irascible old brothers, and they even want to smash the projection of the three realms!

Tell you to tease us!?

It's fun to see our ups and downs, isn't it?


Within the Invisible Empire, the masters also set off a storm.

The exterminators let out a relieved laugh.

"Hahaha! It was such a false alarm that almost made us think that Kurosaki Ichigo really succeeded. "

"Damn, I almost didn't protect Your Majesty! Almost made Kurosaki Ichigo really successful. "

"Hasward don't blame yourself, although it is a very unpleasant dream, it is not harmful."

"I believe that His Majesty will let their 807 know what is more terrible than a nightmare."


In the hearts of all forces, they simply think that this is just a small episode.


Long-thinking strategists such as Lan Ran and Kisuke Urahara are lost in thought.

Is the projection of the three realms just to give a meaningless picture?

Not necessarily, right?

There must be some important information in this that needs to be further explored, right?

Just like the information about the characters that appeared in Kurosaki Ichigo before, it should also have its meaning!

Kisuke Urahara and Lan Ran and others have put this nightmare to heart for the time being to see if they might be able to use it later.



The screen starts to switch to where Ichigo Kurosaki is!

Ichigo Kurosaki and Orihime Inoue finally managed to reach Yuhabach's palace.

It was really just a dream of Yohabach before.

After feeling the specific location of Yuhabach's spiritual pressure, Kurosaki Ichigo glanced out the window at the gloomy daylight.

It's a pity.

He didn't arrive before the end of the night, so the enemy he will face next is still Yuhabach in his heyday, right?

Kurosaki Ichigo shook his head, allowing himself to abandon his distractions as soon as possible and prepare for the next big battle.

Before breaking into Yuhabach's throne hall, Ichigo Kurosaki solemnly said to Inoue Orihime.

"Although it's two-to-one, I don't care about saying despicable or anything now, Inoue! My defense is left to you. "

Inoue Orihime looked at Kurosaki Ichigo with a look of joy, her eyes shining with tears.

She nodded firmly!

Being able to fight for her Kurosaki Ichigo can only make her heartfelt happy.

He finally didn't have to drag Ichigo Kurosaki's hind legs.

You must help protect Ichigo Kurosaki!

Can't let Ichigo Kurosaki get hurt because of himself again!

This is something that Inoue Orihime has been dreaming of for a long time!

She, like Ichigo Kurosaki, can also exert her strength for the sake of her companions!

And after that.

Kurosaki Ichigo and Inoue Orihime held hands, like a pair of bi people, walking together in the holy and immaculate staircase.

Ichigo Kurosaki wears a new King Key Death Boss outfit created by Team Zero, and Inoue Orihime also wears a beautiful dress elaborately made by Kisuke Urahara.

Coupled with this magnificent hall like an auditorium, the holy light unique to the invisible imperial architecture...

People can't help but have this illusion.

This Inoue Orihime and Kurosaki Ichigo seem to be a couple who are about to enter the marriage hall!

And the setting is like Kurosaki Ichigo's father's friend Habach, as if he is the Holy Father who wants to witness their wedding...

And the audience in front of the projection of the three realms is also an important member of the wedding process...

If you accept such a setting, it seems that there really is not much sense of discord!

This handful of dog food can also be regarded as a heart-warming appetizer before this tragic war...

At this thought, everyone was worried and looking forward to the next battle.

Such a pair of sympathetic Bi people must not be separated by Evil Exterminators such as Youhabach!

Friendly Habach is not dead, heaven is unbearable!


In the imaginary circle.

Seeing Inoue Orihime and Kurosaki Ichigo fighting side by side, Lan Ran was also emotional.

"Is this friend Habach really similar to my thoughts?"

"They all saw the importance of this Inoue Orihime, so they made efforts to match her and Kurosaki Ichigo and make her a daughter-in-law..."

"Otherwise, how did this Inoue Orihime, a weak woman with no offensive power, get to where she is now?"

Urucchiora also looked at the screen with a complicated face.

"yes, just like when Inoue Orihime saw Kurosaki Ichigo in the Void Night Palace..."

"This scene really seems to be the reincarnation of history..."

"If nothing else, Inoue Orihime will also play an extremely important role in this battle!"

Looking at the warm scene of the two of them, Ichimaru Silver also felt ripples in his heart.

He is very affectionate, and he also wishes Kurosaki Ichigo and Inoue Orihime from the bottom of his heart!

Hopefully, they will join forces and come back alive!

This is not only the sincere wish for their pair of lovers, but also the hope of the whole world to defeat the evil boss!


At the same time, chat groups.

Everyone was engaged in heated discussion.

[Gerard: Are you really ready to appear in front of Your Majesty? Good, this is already the last moment of your life! 】

[Lijebaro: As long as Your Majesty does not release water, you will surely die! ] This woman still dares to appear, and she doesn't know the height of the sky! 】

[Youhabach: I'm really looking forward to it. My son of darkness! Come, let me see your full power! Now there are finally no other enemies to stop you. 】

[Kurosaki Ichigo: I... Has it finally come to this moment? I will definitely not relent! 】

[Lan Ran Yusuke: A thousand words are in my heart, I don't know what to say, come on! ] Ichigo Kurosaki! My most perfect work! No...... is my best son!! 】

[Rukia Kurumi: It's a pity that there is no way to fight side by side with Ichigo... But I believe that all of us Shinigami, all our companions, will cheer for Ichigo you!! 】

All forces began to frantically carry out pre-war general mobilization to cheer for their side! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Then, in the picture.

Inoue Orihime and Kurosaki Ichigo finally officially face to face with Yuhabach.

This is not the previous (CBCF) dream!

Seeing Kurosaki Ichigo entering the main hall, Yuhabach just raised his head and said with great majesty.

"Finally met! I'm getting impatient. "

And after that.


Although Kurosaki Ichigo had not yet drawn his sword, his spiritual pressure had been able to take on a state visible to the naked eye, forming an airtight and solid barrier around him.

Youhabach is very satisfied with this!

"You're getting stronger, Ichigo..."

"No, or should I say, this is the power that originally belonged to you!!"

"Then come on! I am very much looking forward to your performance. "

"Are you going to attack from the left or from the right?"

Kurosaki Ichigo also had a very complicated mood when he faced this friend Habach, who considered himself a father.

"Aren't you able to see through the future? Should know which direction I'm attacking from, right? "

However, Yohabach is to wave, is to play!

He looked at Kurosaki Ichigo playfully.

"I will not use the power of omniscience and omnipotence, I will enjoy this long-lost father-son dialogue!!"

Ichigo Kurosaki: "..."

Inoue Orihime: "..."

Although Kurosaki Ichigo was still a little unhappy in his heart, he was already able to calmly refute Yuhabach:

"My father, it's not you!!"

Youhabach sneered.

"Are you trying to say Kurosaki Isshin? He's only a temporary father, and you should have heard about the root of your own strength, right? "

Kurosaki Ichigo still said with a firm face.

"I did hear that. But...... So what? You are not my father, but the one who killed my mother. "

At this moment, Kurosaki Ichigo no longer hesitated and brazenly drew his sword.

Sonorous !!

The loud sound of drawing the knife continued to echo in the hall, surrounding the beams and curbing the clouds!

Dragon groaning!

The clarion call for the final battle has begun!


Seeing this, the audience is desperately complaining.

[Hibanya Fuyushiro: Good guys, it's all at this time, Yuhabach this bastard... I still miss my father's identity! 】

[Shibo Kazushin: What is a temporary father? Rumors, huh? Personal attacks, huh? 】

[Kisuke Urahara: Ichigo this kid, how many fathers do you have...]

[Ryo Yusuke: Yes, Kurosaki Ichigo, you also know that Yuhabach is not your father, but you are still remembering me, right? 】

[Ichimaru Silver: Hehe, I want to rob my son with Captain Lan Dye, this friend Habach is dead! ] 】

[Zhibo Yixin: Hey, blue dye, can you stop being narcissistic. Think of me as air? 】

[Rukia Kurumi: Ahem... Lan Ran is just a father role, and you Habach is good, and every sentence has to say that he is a father. 】

[Crushed Bee: But his operation is the same as Lan Ran, and he continues to release water frantically, and he doesn't even use his own ability. ] 】

For a while, everyone complained frantically in the chat group.

They always felt that the scene in front of them was similar to the previous Kurosaki Ichigo vs. Lan Ran.

Will history repeat itself again?

[Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekoku: Yuhabach must have used his strongest state omniscient and all-powerful before to defeat the main soldier Ichibei and others, right? Does he think Ichigo Kurosaki is not as good as Team Zero? 】

[Grimjow: Does he want to look at his enemies again... Did his own son grow up? 】

[Youhabach: Hmph, finally it's the turn of the two of us, I'm looking forward to you very much, I hope my son of darkness, you don't let me down! ] 】

[Heribel: Hey, why do you seem to have robbed us of the lines of Lord Lan Dye? 】

[Tosento: Kurosaki Ichigo is extraordinary now, and he definitely has a chance to defeat Yuhabach. 】

[Gerard: Our Majesty has absorbed the power of the Spirit King, how can Ichigo Kurosaki have a chance to defeat him just at this time? 】

Everyone is looking forward to the extreme at this moment!

This long-awaited ultimate battle can finally begin!

In the battle between Ichigo Kurosaki and the King of the Annihilation Division, who will win the final victory?

The exterminators are full of confidence.

And humans, death, and broken faces are more or less worried.

After all, Youhabach is powerful, and they all know it!



Seeing such a sad and indignant Kurosaki Ichigo, Yuhabach just said lightly.

"Still talking about your mother? Ichigo, you're such a sissy! "

"What's so sad."

"She exists to give birth to you and become my food at the same time, why should she be upset about this?"

It was as if he was telling a very mundane thing.

Behind it lies an unspeakable darkness and blood!


As soon as they heard this, the audience was even more angry.

[Shiba Isshin: Hmph, Youhabach, you really are a big bastard! ] In a frenzy! I really want to have the opportunity to kill you with Ichigo and avenge Shinsaki. 】

[Gerard: Hmph, come if you have the ability! ] I'm afraid I don't even have the qualifications to watch the battle. 】

[Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekoku: Sure enough, he is a cruel guy, he has completely torn off the fig leaf, Kurosaki Ichigo, don't hesitate, use your anger to burn him completely! ] 】

[Lan Ran Yusuke: Yes, he did this to your mother, compared with me, it is simply a world apart! ] Find out who your real father is, Ichigo Kurosaki! 】

[Ishida Yuryu: Abominable... Explain that he has a similar opinion of my mother? 】

[Ichigo Kurosaki: Yuhabach! You're! I must destroy you completely!" 】

Ichigo Kurosaki in the present world is also a rare person who is occupied by anger!。

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