At this moment, seeing this mysterious force that suddenly joined, the audience even remembered Lan Dye!

Wouldn't this be a masterpiece of indigo dyeing?

Otherwise, who else would be able to participate in such a battle?

Anyway, at this moment, the audience who did not want Youhabach to destroy the world was once again ignited a glimmer of hope!

Even if Lan Ran shot, the Grim Reaper was very happy to accept it!

And after learning of Youhabach's omniscience and omnipotence, everyone was also very much looking forward to his confrontation with Lan Ran's ability.

Can the so-called omniscient and all-powerful compete with the mirror flower water and moon?

Lan Dye has successfully used the mirror once against Youhabach before!

The next indigo dyeing, can it still be successfully targeted at Youhabach?



Yohabach is still trying to see the future with his omniscience and omnipotence.

Unfortunately, he still couldn't see what was going on.

He could only mumble.

"So that's the case, if you don't appear in my eyes, it means that you are the Spirit King himself."

"Why did the Spirit King's right hand come to hinder me?"

"Could it be that you have a nostalgia for the corpse soul realm that you have been guarding?"

As he spoke, Youhabach roared at the Spirit King:

"Answer me quickly, Spirit King!!"

Yuhabach's omniscience and omnipotence cannot be effective for the first time!


Seeing this, the entire audience was surprised.

[Uluchiorra: It seems that it was not our Lan Dye-sama's hand. 】

[Gerard: There are other strong people who can get involved in the battle between our Majesty and Ichigo Kurosaki? Can there be such a existence in the Grim Reaper or the Great Void? 】

[Hibanya Fuyushiro: Why didn't Yuhabach continue to see the future? 】

[Lan Ran Yusuke: If I'm not mistaken, things related to the Spirit King really can't be observed by his eyes. 】

[Lan Ran Yusuke: His so-called omniscience and omnipotence are only blown out in theory, and I don't think it can really be so invincible. 】

[Lan Ran Yusuke: He must also have an effective scope. 】

[Lan Ran Yusuke: As for this guy who meddled... Hmph, it can be regarded as one of the few who has done good things for the corpse soul world! 】

[Lan Ran Yusuke: Still haven't waited for my shot. 】

Lan Ran was naturally one of the few people who knew about the existence of the Spirit King.

Also know the deep relationship between Ukitake Shirou and the Spirit King.

He pondered:

Sure enough, this Takeshiro, who maintained the old order of the Corpse Soul Realm, finally had the time to use his full strength.

If nothing else, he stabilized the collapsed world!

It seems that his evaluation of him needs to be taken to a higher level!

I just don't know, how strong can this Ukitake Shiro's all-out shot be?

Can it really stop Yohabach?


After seeing this scene, the party Ukitake Shirou quickly understood what was going on.

"It seems that my power has appeared? Other than that, there are no other possibilities. "

Hearing this, the other gods of death were surprised.

Rukia's eyes widened.

"Ah, what are you talking about? Is this Captain you shot? "

Matsumoto Ranju also lost his voice:

"Yes, I have always known that Captain Ukitake is very strong, but I really can't see what kind of strength it has reached~."

Ukitake Shirou smiled bitterly.

"I don't know how to say it, it's a long story."

"It's about a very important secret..."

"It is estimated that the next picture may explain..."

"Anyway, I don't exaggerate to say that during the collapse of the Spirit King, I was the only existence who could prevent the collapse of this world."

In this regard, the other young gods of death could only marvel at it, and further feared the strength of this century-old captain.

This Ukitake Shirou has been following next to Kyoraku Harumizu.

It seems to be very powerful, but he has not had a clear record to let everyone know his strength.

Now it seems that he is also directly linked to the Spirit King.

This is indeed a very incredible power!


The picture continues to play.

Yohabach was not so quick to admit defeat.

He said viciously.

"I don't think you can come out and stop me yourself, I really can't figure it out!"

"This hand that has been torn apart, there should have been no will of the Spirit King in it for a long time, right?"

"Alright! Then I'll disappear this arm with you!" "

He is about to unleash the all-knowing and all-powerful power on this Spirit King's right hand!

But at this moment, Kurosaki Ichigo quickly rushed over to block Yuhabach.


Kurosaki Ichigo mobilized all his spiritual power and directly grabbed Yuhabach's hand with his hand!

Just this physical contact can make the surrounding air tremble and roar in the hum!

Yoruichi quickly seized the opportunity and wanted to piece together the bodies of the two Spirit Kings who had been cut off by one sword.

"Well done, Kurosaki Ichigo, this inexplicable black thing is what he called the arm of the Spirit King."

"This thing is closely connected to the corpse of the Spirit King and can stabilize the corpse soul realm."

"Then with such a gesture..."

"As the new Spirit King!"

As a nobleman of Shikaedein, Yoruichi, who has been following Kisuke Urahara and knows a lot of truths, naturally knows a lot of secrets.

At this moment, Yuhabach is still questioning Ichigo Kurosaki!

"Why are you stopping me?"

"Ichigo Kurosaki, the one who killed the Spirit King... But you! "

"You have the blood of the Exterminator in your body, and you absolutely do not allow the existence of the Spirit King."

"What reason do you have to stop me?"

He continued to use his mouth cannon to shake Ichigo Kurosaki's mind.

Kurosaki Ichigo is no longer the stunned blue at the moment.

He ignored Youhabach's mental attacks.

Look at Youhabach with resolute eyes!

"I'm here to stop you. I am here to protect the Corpse Soul Realm, the present world, the Void Circle... will come here. "

After hearing this, Youhabach shouted loudly.

"Want to protect everything? You are too arrogant. Can only you do it? (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Kurosaki Ichigo sneered at him.

"Even if there are other people besides me who can do it... Nor can it be an excuse for me to stand idly by. "

This is Ichigo Kurosaki!

At all times, I will fight to protect everything around me!

Even if the enemy is their own dads...

No matter how strong the enemy is...

He will also move forward steadfastly!

Kurosaki Ichigo no longer hesitated and launched a big move against the ancestor of this exterminator master.

Crescent Sky Chong !!

Powerful spiritual pressure gushes out!

In the roar that shook the earth.

The hall of the Spirit King Palace, centered on the collision point between the two, exploded!


With the blast wave of the explosion, the cracks spread in all directions in an instant.

Let the weak observers such as Inoue Orihime and Chado Taihu can't help but feel a sense of suffocation, and their hearts are blank.

Boom, boom!!

The mighty coercion of the aftermath even destroyed the walls and even the dome of the Spirit King Palace by a small half!

This is the official collision between Ichigo Kurosaki and Yuhabach!!


Feeling the mighty spiritual pressure impact in the picture, the projection of the three realms trembled faintly again!

The audience was also worried and trembled to look at the next picture.

Is this the battle between two world's top powerhouses?

Previously, Yuhabach had been avoiding Ichigo Kurosaki and did not officially fight him.

Now it seems that he really has a strong strength that can compete with Kurosaki Ichigo!


The audience was so intently that they didn't even blink.

After all......

This battle is a matter of life and death for their three realms!

No one can stay out of it!!


In a cloud of gunsmoke.

Kurosaki Ichigo said firmly to Yuhabach.

"You say I have your blood in my body, so what? I will not obey you because of this. "

Seeing such a rebellious son of himself, Youhabach also sneered.

"Hmph. It's ridiculous that it won't do my bidding? "

"Well, it's up to my eyes."

"Kurosaki Ichigo, I never thought about making you obey me."

"Do you understand? I don't have to do that at all. "

"Your will is all connected to mine!!"

Kurosaki Ichigo heard the conversation of these riddlers and began to look dazed again.

"You... Finally...... What are you talking about? "

Yohabach said solemnly.

"I mean, you're going to fight for me!!"

"After you became the Grim Reaper, everything you did was to make yourself stronger."

"Your enhanced power exists only to defeat Lan Ran!!"

"After you defeated Lan Ran, you regained your power precisely to ruin the life of the Spirit King in front of me."

Youhabach's words echoed around the Liang Curbing Cloud in the Spirit King Palace!

Everyone's scalp tingles when they hear it!


As soon as I heard this.

The audience looked strange.

Familiar conversations...

Is this Ichigo Kurosaki's enemy?

How is it all like this!

Love the mentality of Ichigo Kurosaki.

And Kurosaki Ichigo seems to be like a pawn, controlled at will by his father...

You're the Exterminator's version of Blue Dyeing, right?

[Ichigo Kurosaki: This guy... What the hell is it talking about... Will I fight for Friendly Habach? 】

[Hibanya Fuyushiro: Damn, is this guy telling the truth or is he bragging? It's impossible to think about it! 】

[Matsumoto Ranju: How is it so familiar... (Nord Zhao) This is even more excessive than what Lan Ran said! 】

[Ryo Yusuke: No one knows Ichigo Kurosaki better than me! ] I've only directed him all my life! 】

[Lan Ran Yusuke: He increased his strength in order to become a more perfect work! ] 】

[Ryo Yusuke: To help Yuhabach defeat me and become stronger? Let's not talk about whether Ichigo Kurosaki can do it... But that's not the only purpose of his life! 】

[Kurosaki Ichigo: Okay, Lan Ran, don't say that you know myself better than me! ] 】

[Ryo Yusuke: No, Ichigo Kurosaki, I do know yourself better than you! ] 】

【Ichigo Kurosaki:......】

[Lan Ran Yusuke: Anyway, don't listen to this friend Habach's foolishness. 】

[Gerard: Hehe, don't listen to our Majesty, just listen to your foolishness, right? 】

[Yuhabach: Kurosaki Ichigo, I don't need to explain more, just like the power of the Exterminator that you slowly awakened, you are also slowly understanding your instincts, you are fighting for me, in order to defeat Lan Ran, and then become stronger in order to kill the Spirit King! ] 】

[Lije Barrow: Hehe, the clown is actually a blue dye himself! ] 】

[Dongxian wants: What a shameless guy! ] This is an empty glove, our white wolf of the blue dyed adult, right? 】

[Grimjow: Speechless, is the director Lan Dye or Friend Habach?] Are you putting this actor on hold? 】

[Shibo Yixin: It's really annoying to rob my son here again! ] 】

At the moment Kay.

The audience was speechless and continued to look at poor Kurosaki Ichigo, who was beaten by his own "dads" A.

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