
Seeing Kurosaki Ichigo, who was stunned by the fool, Yoruichi Shikaede also shouted to Yuhabach:

"Ichigo, don't listen to his nonsense!"

Youhabach said even more furiously:

"What the hell? Ichigo! I don't have to do anything, just close my eyes and see you constantly acting for me. "

"No matter how you think it, your actions are objectively beneficial to me."

"Because, Ichigo! You have the same blood as me!! "

Kurosaki Ichigo still didn't want to listen to his nonsense, so he continued to fight.

He roared loudly, trying to drown out Youhabach's voice.

"All these things I did have nothing to do with the blood of the Exterminator. I decided by my will! I have to stop your actions!! "

Hearing this, Youhabach grinned.

He began to attack his mind again.

"Oh, why do you say stop me?"

"Am I not your enemy?"

"Facing the person who killed your mother, but still can't say kill, this is your weakness, Kurosaki Ichigo."

It's still as murderous as ever!

The state of mind that made Kurosaki Ichigo stabilize with great difficulty appeared a crack.

Damn it...

Is it true that he can't kill Youhabach as he said?

Even if he is his own mother-killer, he can't be ruthless?


Seeing this scene, everyone was embarrassed.

[Lan Ran Yusuke: Kurosaki Ichigo, in the face of your own enemies, you can't be ruthless? ] He is different from me before, he is your true mother-killer! 】

[Ichimaru Gin: Kurosaki Ichigo, don't forget, as long as you shake 870, it will become much weaker! ] 】

[Kurosaki Ichigo: Damn, I won't waver, in the face of the mother-killer, but also to hurt my companions, and even destroy the world, how can I let him go. ] 】

[Kenhachi Kangi: Yes, Ichigo Kurosaki, follow your instincts! ] Go kill those who get in your way! 】

[Yuhabach: Hmph, Kurosaki Ichigo's instinct now is to follow in the footsteps of me, the king of the destroyers! ] This is the instinct in his blood! 】

[Gerard: Indeed, it is absolutely impossible for Ichigo Kurosaki to be cruel to His Majesty. He couldn't control the killing intent of the Spirit King, which proved his instinct to destroy the master. 】

[Hasward: That's right! It is impossible for His Majesty's descendants to rebel against His Majesty. 】

[Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekoku: No kidding, Ichigo Kurosaki is also a descendant of our Shinigami! ] He will definitely not help the abuse! 】

Actually, after hearing the words of these exterminators.

The Grim Reaper is indeed anxious.

Because they had seen Kurosaki Ichigo attack the Spirit King before, they all recognized the control of the King of the Exterminator over the Exterminator.

What if Ichigo Kurosaki really can't resist Yuhabach?

Is it really because he has absolute certainty that he can always let Kurosaki Ichigo grow?

After all, Yohabach doesn't look like a benevolent guy.

It's not like Lan Ran, who really hurts Ichigo Kurosaki as his own son...

He must have always been silent because he was sure of dealing with Ichigo Kurosaki, or because he had some unknown purpose, right?


While the audience was worried about Kurosaki Ichigo.

At this moment, (CBEJ) another person suddenly appeared in the middle of the battlefield.

Attacks Yoruichi Yoruichi and Ichigo Kurosaki.

It's Ergozai, Ishida Yuryu!!


He controlled countless Lingzi bows and arrows and flew away!

Yoruichi, who was shot by the Ishida Rain Dragon, was slightly startled, unable to maintain the shield imposed on the Spirit King for a while.


Without Yoruichi's protection, the Spirit King is once again exposed to enemy threats!

Yoruichi of the Four Maple Courtyard also roared angrily, ready to rush at the enemy, and quickly sent out countless energy balls.

As long as these balls touch two, they will instantly melt the body.

It's like a modified version of Crush Bee's two-hit kill!

It's a pity that the left hand of the Spirit King, Penida, the guard of Youhabach, instantly appeared behind Yoruichi with a flying sickle foot!


Penida's weird ability directly twisted the arm of Yoruichi of the Four Maple Courtyard!

At the same time, Youhabach also released spiritual pressure with his hands.


Four Maple Courtyard Yoruichi was directly beaten out of the Spirit King Palace!

Youhabach also immediately rushed towards the Spirit King, ready to solve it completely.

And Kurosaki Ichigo quickly swung his knife and slashed at Yuhabach at a lightning speed!


At this critical time!

Ishida Yuryu shoots an arrow again and stops Ichigo Kurosaki!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Youhabach pulled the right hand of the Spirit King from the Spirit King Crystal!


The collision of the right hand of Youhabach and the Spirit King produced an incomparably powerful surge of power!

The entire Spirit King Hall shook violently!

Countless cracks spread from the top floor to the bottom, seemingly ready to collapse!


Seeing this, the audience exclaimed and lost their voices again.

[Yoruichi Shikaedein: Wouldn't it? Even the Spirit King Palace is about to collapse..."

[Broken Bee: Ah, Night One, you've all been sent flying...] (Read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

[Kisuke Urahara: Don't worry, I believe Yoruichi won't go offline so soon.] It seems that the next battle is really troublesome. Yoruichi, Mr. Kurosaki needs to come on! 】

[Soldier Master Ichibei: It's really unforgivable to destroy the Spirit King Palace like this! ] 】

[Kurosaki Ichigo: Damn, Ishida, are you really going to do something to me?] 】

[Hasward: Very good, it seems that this Ishida Yulong is still very loyal to our Exterminator and His Majesty. 】

[Lijebaro: Indeed, we all saw the members of our Guards appear, as well as the regiment commander Hasward, and this Ishida Yulong... It seems that his status is really not simple. 】

[Hibanya Fuyushiro: Damn, I think it's because your sinister friend Habach wants to calculate Kurosaki Ichigo, otherwise, such an attack alone will not be enough to cause much trouble to Kurosaki Ichigo! ] 】

[Shiba Kazushin: Ishida Yuryu, there are some things I don't want to say, even if this friend Habach initiates a holy farewell and asks your mother to leave him, do you still want to help you Habach? 】

【Ishida Yuryu:......】

【Ishida Ryūji: ......】



After staging various heart-wrenching battles such as father-son cannibalism, grandfather and grandson cannibalism, and cannibalism between friends, the audience continued to watch with a worried face.

I don't know if Ichigo Kurosaki can cope with such a dilemma in the future?

Seeing his friend trying to stop him, Kurosaki Ichigo angrily questioned him.

"Ishida! What the hell are you doing? "

Ishida Yulong just said lightly.

"All of them couldn't move. Just move and I'll shoot. "

When Kurosaki Ichigo still wanted to move, Ishida Yuryu really attacked him mercilessly.

"I know you're here to stop Your Majesty, so I won't let you get your wish."

Kurosaki Ichigo asked him loudly!

"Don't you know that as long as you let him succeed, then whether it is the Corpse Soul Realm, the current world, or the Void Circle, it will disappear?"

Ishida Yulong still told him in a calm tone!

"I... Know everything! "

Hearing this, Kurosaki Ichigo was even more sad and indignant!

He trembled his voice and questioned Ishida Yuryu loudly.

"Then why? ...... Obviously, you know, can you ignore the world and stand here to stop me? "

Ishida Yulong said softly:

"Because... I'm the Exterminator, that's why I'm here to fight you!! "

Word by word, like a heavy hammer, smashed into Kurosaki Ichigo's heart.

And at this time, the guards of its annihilated division also appeared at this moment.

Gerard smiled contemptuously:

"Hehe, I thought who came to stop Your Majesty, and it turned out to be just a group of miscellaneous soldiers."

Ishida Yuryu stopped their shot.

"Don't do it, just me."


Ishida Yuryu aimed at the floor of Kurosaki Ichigo and the others, and directly shattered it with one arrow!

The ground where Kurosaki Ichigo and Inoue Orihime and the others were located exploded and fell directly from the Spirit King Palace.

He was as cold as ice and said to the frightened Kurosaki Ichigo:

"If you fall from here, it's all over, Kurosaki!"

Kurosaki Ichigo, Inoue Orihime and others, their lives hang in the balance!

And at the moment.

Just letting Kurosaki Ichigo's people fall can't reassure the exterminator!

Everything passes through X Lijebaro, and is also ready to continue to attack Ichigo Kurosaki.

As long as he hits Ichigo Kurosaki, then he will definitely die!

However, in the process, Ishida Yuryu took the lead in launching Reiko's bow and arrow, which hit Ichigo Kurosaki.


Looking at Kurosaki Ichigo's fallen body, he also explained this lightly!

"I knew that falling from such a high place, he definitely had no way to live... But just in case, let him be ended before he falls! "

Another Guards member, Gerard, laughed!

"Yes, I recognize you, newcomer."

It seems that they all think that Ishida Yuryu is fiercely attacking Kurosaki Ichigo, so that Kurosaki Ichigo has no power to resist.


Seeing this scene, the audience was also surprised.

[Matsumoto Ranju: Oh my God, Kurosaki Ichigo won't really hit this trick, will he die? ] 】

[Ichigo Kurosaki: What's going on?] I absolutely don't believe that you would do such a thing to me! Ishida, don't forget the feud between Yuhabach and your mother-killer!! 】

At this time, Kurosaki Ichigo's heart ached! .

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