Ichigo Kurosaki at the moment.

The mentality has gradually collapsed!

He couldn't understand what Yohabach was saying and doing...

Yuhabach further explained to Ichigo Kurosaki.

"My holy word is (A) omniscient and all-powerful!"

"Able to penetrate everything in the future!"

"And seize all the power, and give all the power at the same time!!"

Upon hearing this, the audience was shocked again!

Are you kidding?

Is it true that, as Yohabach said, he possesses all-knowing and all-powerful powers?

Isn't this really like a Creator?

How can they deal with such an enemy?

Seeing Kurosaki Ichigo's incredulous expression, Yuhabach continued to say to him:

"Ichigo! I am able to give you the spiritual pressure that resides on my sword. "

"And infused into your strength, echoing with your blood."

"These blood will make you absolutely not allow the existence of the Spirit King, as long as you still have the blood of the Exterminator on your body..."

"You must kill the Spirit King!!

Speaking of this, Yuhabach had already shown an extremely rampant and smug smile, explaining all this to Ichigo Kurosaki with a hideous face.


After hearing this, the audience can be regarded as knowing what the truth is.

Nor did he generate much accusations against Ichigo Kurosaki...

After all, all this is the work of the evil friend Habach, and Kurosaki Ichigo can only be regarded as being used!

[Two Pieces of House King Yue: I really didn't expect it. Kurosaki Ichigo is still in the calculation of Yuhabach in the end. Damn it...... This friend Habach...] 21

[Lan Ran Yusuke: Sure enough, everything Kurosaki Ichigo did was in his plan! ] Kurosaki Ichigo cut off the blade and was forced to go to the Spirit Palace to cast the slashing knife..."

[Lan Ran Yusuke: After that, Kurosaki Ichigo appeared in the Corpse Soul Realm! ] Give Youhabach a chance to break through the 72-layer barrier of the Spirit King Palace. 】

[Lan Ran Yusuke: Even until Kurosaki Ichigo killed the Spirit King in the end, it was all in his calculations. 】

In the past, he had been planning everything and arranged the blue dyeing of Kurosaki Ichigo's life, and he was very unhappy at the moment.

Kurosaki Ichigo is his own person!

Can this friend Habach be allowed to deal with it like this?

[Ichimaru Silver: This old man, obviously he has the opportunity to directly kill the Spirit King, but he still wants to let Kurosaki Ichigo do it himself, it will really torture people. 】

[Hibanya Fuyushiro: Okay, don't say cool things here, doesn't Lan Ran himself often torture Kurosaki Ichigo's mentality? ] 】

[Jingle Chunshui: But we also have to think about the good, this is all a matter of the future, we can at least know the relevant information of this friend Habach, and we will not give him another chance in the future. 】

[Kiryu Tsuki: Yes! ] We will not give him the gap to break into the Spirit King Palace in the future, nor will we be used by him casually. 】

[Soldier Master Ichibei: At that time, even if he claims to be omniscient and all-powerful, he will no longer be able to enter the Spirit King Palace! ] 】

[Kirin Temple Tenshiro: Besides, who can be all-knowing and all-powerful? Then how did you get beaten by Yamamoto Shigekoku and run away in the first place? 】

[Rukia Kurumi: If you really know and can do everything, then you can directly solve Ichigo, right? Do you still need to use all kinds of intrigues? 】

[Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekoku: Hmph, just like the so-called invincible blue dye, it's just bragging! ] 】

The Grim Reaper quickly emerged from decadence!

The future can change!

They must not let Yohabach succeed!

Besides, they couldn't and didn't want to believe that this friend Habach really knew and could do everything!

[Youhabach: You better give up! Don't think that knowing the future can change, I know and all-powerful, I have more abilities than you think!! Whatever you do, I can change. 】

[Gerard: This is your sad fate, yes, our majesty is invincible. 】

[Lijebarro: Just like a child, no matter how much information he knows, he can't beat an adult. 】

[Bazby: By the way, I don't know who is following His Majesty to fight this Spirit King Palace? Why is there no one around His Majesty? 】

The audience is now attentive and continues to stare at the scene in the picture!


When everyone was talking and arguing fiercely.


The sad and indignant Kurosaki Ichigo swept over, pulled out his slashing moon, and rushed towards Yuhabach.

Then swing the knife and slash hard!


The huge spiritual pressure burst out, as if the heavens and the earth had collapsed, and the terrifying wind pressure was violent, making it difficult for the surrounding Inoue Orihime and the others to breathe.

Hoo hoo!

Kurosaki Ichigo and Yuhabach produced a powerful spiritual pressure collision.


Youhabach still had a faint smile on his face.

It seems that Kurosaki Ichigo can't pose much threat to him at all!

He also calmly explained to Kurosaki Ichigo:

"Kurosaki Ichigo, is there any reason to fight between you and me?" “

"The Corpse Soul Realm is disappearing from this world..."

Looking at Kurosaki Ichigo's increasingly gloomy face.

Youhabach kept laughing wildly.

"In the beginning, the corpse soul realm was to keep a large number of souls in and out of order to maintain stability, so the existence of the spirit king was created."

"Now after losing the Spirit King, the Corpse Soul Realm itself, as well as the severed realm and virtual circle connected to the Corpse Soul Realm, will completely collapse and disappear in this world."

"Kurosaki Ichigo, it's all you who can have such a result!!"

"It's all caused by you!!"

Yuhabach is accustomed to the mentality of Ichigo Kurosaki.


Ichigo Kurosaki and the audience off the screen are all miserable!

Is everything irretrievable?

Can this friendly habach really destroy the world?

Without the Spirit King, is this world really helpless?

As he spoke, around the Youhabach in the picture, countless high-concentration spiritual threads suddenly appeared.


Yoruichi of the Four Maple Courtyard also shouted coldly:

"Your words, what a lot!"

"That's why it's full of mistakes."

"Don't move, you will be completely torn apart when you move."

Yoruichi looked at Inoue Orihime next to him.

"Hurry up and use your power to restore the Spirit King to his original state." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Inoue Orihime hurriedly moved to restore the Spirit King who had been cut in two.

However, her idea did not come to fruition.

After all, the power of her Perfection Technique was only the power of the Spirit King Fragment!

How is it possible to heal the Spirit King!?

Youhabach also mocked coldly!

"Human, are you also embarrassed to resurrect the Spirit King? It is no longer possible for the Spirit King to be resurrected. "




The spiritual fluctuations coming from the corpse soul realm below seemed to condense into substance, turning into a towering giant peak inserted into the clouds and breaking the sky!

The Spirit King Palace began to tremble violently!


Seeing this, the audience in front of the screen also felt the terrifying aura to the extreme.

Even the current corpse soul realm is not truly destroyed as in the picture.

But the fluctuations coming from the screen also made the entire corpse soul world tremble.

Even the virtual circle trembled.

The broken face frowned, looking panicked.

"What's going on? Just one scene in the picture makes us all shake so violently here. "

"The scene in the picture won't really work, right?"

"That's terrifying!!"

Above the throne.

Lan Ran's eyes flashed with domineering light.

Face the apocalyptic scenario brought about by this collapse of the world.

He also changed color slightly.

"Pathetic Spirit King..."

"Is that what you do?"

"Keep this filthy Three Realms stable?"

"So how will the next plot develop?"

"This should not be something that can be solved by defeating Youhabach?"

"I... When exactly will it appear? "

"Can all this only be left to Ichigo Kurosaki?"


In the corpse soul world.

The Grim Reaper audience didn't even have time to look at the screen, just watched the changes around them in panic.

Captain Yamamoto's solemn tone of all the captain-level people quickly moved.

It is to be used to stabilize the house of the team.

Although on the surface, it seemed that this was just a shock caused by the projection of the Three Realms, they did not dare to be careless!

They were all engrossed, watching the projection of the Three Realms while paying attention to their surroundings.

As long as something goes wrong, they will inevitably use all their strength to stop this terrible change.


In the Invisible Empire!

The Exterminators also saw the heavens and earth shattered by the entire empire. 957 The air hummed and the earth trembled.

The Exterminator was also amazed.

Is this what His Majesty in the future did?

"Just the special effects of these three realms projection at this time make me very scared, if it is realized, then how terrifying this world should be."

"It was indeed a desperate end, and no one could stop all this from happening."

"Haha, we are ahead, there is absolutely no opponent, I believe that our Majesty will definitely lead us to create a new world, and these gods of death will definitely be completely destroyed by us."

"Even Kurosaki Ichigo is in the calculation of our Majesty, it seems that we will be invincible in the future."

They are even more in awe and adoration of Friend Habach!

Youhabach also grinned at this moment, showing a very confident and smug smile.

Is this the vision of heaven and earth that the future self can trigger?

What a look forward to it!

Let's hope that such a scene can really appear!

The goal of killing the Spirit King himself must be truly achieved.

It was also a great shame for him to let the Spirit King be treated like this by the gods of death!

But the very troublesome thing is...

With the exposure of these future intelligence.

A similar strategy will definitely not work!

It seems that only one way to do it is to do it differently!

However, the problem should not be big, as long as there is Kurosaki Ichigo and his own omniscience, I believe that no one can stop him in the future.

So let yourself and the audience around the world enjoy this apocalyptic scene now!


At this moment, when countless viewers in the corpse soul world and the virtual circle were pessimistic, there was another change in the picture.

A big black hand suddenly appeared in front of the Spirit King!


The powerful spiritual pressure made the audience breathe!

This mysterious hand with the breath of the Spirit King was trying to help the Spirit King who had been cut in half to return to its original position.

This scene surprised Ichigo Kurosaki and the people of Yuhabach.

What's going on?

Could it be that another mysterious force is coming to strike!?

Besides top powerhouses such as Ichigo Kurosaki and Yuhabach, who else can join this peak showdown?。

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