
35 Qin Mengxue was startled.

Because of her long-term martial arts training, her six senses are much sharper than ordinary people, but she didn't even notice the guards inspecting outside the sedan car.


It was the charm of this road that made her shy, and she had already lost her usual calm.

Thinking of this, I was afraid for a while.

If he spoke out just now, he would definitely attract the attention of the guards outside, and when the time came, not only would he not be able to kill Lin Feng's dog thief, but his party would also be exposed.


But the man actually stopped her from speaking in this way, which made her feel numb.


wave of aggression struck.

Qin Mengxue only felt dizzy in her head, and her whole person fell into a kind of drunkenness.

In the small space, the men take what they want, and outside, the government guards walk around the palanquin, and the footsteps can be heard clearly.

She just felt that she had never experienced such an exciting moment in her life.

I don't dare to move, I don't dare to say it.

However, the body's reaction, in this atmosphere, became more and more intense, she only felt weak all over, and almost collapsed in Lin Feng's arms.

Time, in this moment, seems extraordinarily long.

Even when to get up the sedan chair again and enter the mansion, Qin Mengxue suddenly didn't know.

It wasn't until I got off the sedan chair again that I woke up from that dizzy feeling.

Looking at the handsome face of the man in front of her, Qin Mengxue was annoyed and ashamed, but she didn't know how to speak.

In the end, he glared at Lin Feng resentfully and got off the sedan chair.

She is the saintess of the Moon Worship Palace, the future palace master of the Moon Worship Palace, she is destined to have no love affair with any man, whether she is angry or resentful, when she assassinates Lin Feng, the dog thief, today, everything will be let disappear!

Qin Mengxue's mind completely calmed down, and she once again regained the appearance of an iceberg beauty.

In the vast courtyard, it was quiet.

It's a little hair-grabbing quiet.

Only in the north room, through the window, could you see the flickering candlelight, and the silhouette of the human figure reflected by the candlelight.

Qin Mengxue and the people in the Moon Worship Palace, their eyes instantly turned cold.

This dog thief, do you think that you can be safe and sound if you have been hiding in the government office?

Today, I will take your dog's life!"


a low shout, the seven men drew their swords and rushed into the house.

At this time, Lin Feng also got off the sedan chair and looked at the figure who rushed into the north house, the expression on his face was obscure.


good!" "It's a plan!" "

Let's go!"


people rushed into the house, where could there be Lin Feng's figure inside, it was the humanoid silhouette reflected by the candlelight, which was also posed, and immediately realized that it was not good.

However, the people have not completely withdrawn, and the entire courtyard is surrounded by the fans of the East Factory.

A bow and crossbow with a cold glow on it, it looked so desperate.

And in the center of the courtyard, Lin Feng stood there, with Vermilion Bird and White Tiger guarding behind him.

Seeing the familiar figure behind Lin Feng, Qin Mengxue didn't know where she was ambushed, this was a game at all.

"You... You..."

Qin Mengxue pointed at Lin Feng, her white and flawless face was full of disbelief.

"Do it!" Lin Feng said lightly.

"Yes!" the

fans of Dongchang responded in unison, moving quickly and rushing over.

Under the threat of dozens of bows and crossbows, in the face of Dongchang Fanzi, who was several times his size, even if these people were extraordinary, they were still subdued.

Only Qin Mengxue is still struggling to persevere.

"Dog thief, I'm going to kill you!" Qin

Mengxue clenched the sword in her hand, finding an opportunity to break out of the encirclement and stab at Lin Feng.

Hearing this, the White Tiger and the Vermilion Bird moved and immediately blocked in front of Lin Feng.

Qin Mengxue's martial arts are not bad, but in the face of the two masters of Vermilion Bird and White Tiger, after dozens of moves, she gradually lost her defeat, was defeated, and was subdued by the two.

"You are not King Ning's person, who are you?" Qin Mengxue's face was like frost, and she stared at Lin Feng deadly.

Looking at the iceberg beauty in front of him, Lin Feng had already made up his mind, and he said with a smile: "It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that from today on, I will be your man." Hearing

Lin Feng's words, Qin Mengxue's face changed suddenly.

In her mind, she couldn't help but think of the charm in the sedan chair, as well as what this man did, and now it seems that he did it on purpose.

Thinking of this, Qin Mengyao's delicate body seemed to tremble with anger.

The ups and downs in front of him are spectacular.

"Dog thief, don't you think!"

However, before she could finish speaking, Suzaku tapped twice on her body and sealed her cultivation.

Lin Feng smiled indifferently, and he was not in a hurry, he looked around and ordered: "Escort all these thieves down and take care of them." "

Although it is a little regrettable that I didn't catch the Moon Worship Palace Master, no matter Qin Mengxue, the Holy Maiden of the Moon Worship Palace, and these masters of the Moon Worship Palace, they all have a lot of value.

In the North House.

Qin Zhong, Suzaku and the others all retreated, leaving only Lin Feng and Qin Mengxue.

"You are Lin Feng?"

"You have been lying to me, from the first time we met, you guessed my identity and deliberately lured me into the bait."

At this time, Qin Mengxue had already calmed down, looked at Lin Feng calmly and asked.


"You worship the Moon Palace and King Ning are in cahoots, and King Ning hates me to the bone, you should understand."

Looking at this beauty who had recovered her iceberg temperament, Lin Feng secretly praised that although they were sisters, their personalities were completely different.

Such a woman is obviously more difficult to conquer.

At this time, Qin Mengxue finally understood everything.

From the time Lin Feng was about to come to Yuzhou, they were making preparations, and in the end, they found that the person she had been trying to kill was by her side, and they were also playing with her.

Qin Mengxue felt that she was a fool!

Why did she believe Lin Feng's identity because of a token of King Ning, and why did he appear in Anyang City early, which made her misjudge, causing the masters of the Moon Worship Palace to fall into such a situation.

Her heart was full of remorse.

"You don't kill us, you want to blackmail the master, so as to achieve your goal. Qin Mengxue said as she slowly walked towards Lin Feng, and in the depths of her eyes, a faint cold light flashed.

"No, no, no, I said, from today onwards, I will be your man, and I will never use my own woman as a bargaining chip, as for the Moon Worship Palace, I have my own plans. Lin Feng's face was filled with a smile.

Qin Mengxue's calmness, he admired it in his heart, so he was even more determined to take this iceberg beauty for himself.

Such a pair of sisters with their own merits are left by their side, how many people

dream of it!

"Don't you think, the dog thief will die!" When

the distance between the two was still three steps, Qin Mengxue's face changed suddenly, and at some point, a short dagger appeared in his hand and stabbed straight towards Lin Feng.

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