Qin Mengxue's eyes were filled with a cold smile.

Even if she dies here today, she will complete her mission and kill Lin Feng, a dog thief.

This sudden change made even Lin Feng startled.

Unexpectedly, this woman's sword has been taken away by Suzaku, and there is still a dagger hidden on her body.

The distance of three steps, if you change to the former Qin Mengxue, you can reach it in the blink of an eye, and it is too late for people to react, but at this time, her cultivation is sealed, and she does not have that speed after all.

And this gave Lin Feng time to react.

Although this body did not cultivate martial arts, but in his previous life, he had rich experience, and his body instinctively moved half a step sideways, avoiding the fatal point, and the dagger grazed his left arm, and the sleeve robe was torn, leaving a bloody mark.

Then he quickly turned around, slapped his right hand on Qin Mengxue's arm, and slapped the dagger in his hand away.

One blow missed, and a touch of sadness appeared on Qin Mengxue's white and flawless cheeks.

This is already her last hole card, but she didn't expect it to fall short.

As soon as she raised her head, she saw Lin Feng stepping forward and approaching her, her eyes were a little terrifying, which made her a little frightened.

"You... What are you going to do?"

Before Qin Mengxue's words fell, Lin Feng's body was already approaching, stretching out his arm, and the concave and delicate body was brought close to him, clinging to his body.

"Are you trying to murder your husband?" Lin Feng said viciously as he wrapped around Qin Mengxue's willow waist.

"Phew... You dog thief, let me go. Qin Mengxue's face turned red, she took a sip, and her body struggled, trying to break free.

Lin Feng laughed evilly.

He understands that it is basically impossible for an iceberg beauty like this to impress her by being reasonable or tender, and sometimes he should be more active and domineering when dealing with this kind of woman.

Qin Mengxue was still struggling, but the more she struggled, the more frequent the contact between the two bodies became.

Especially the proud place, which constantly stimulated Lin Feng's desire.

Sniffing the faint body fragrance between his snorts, looking at the seductive red lips, Lin Feng's eyes were hot, his breathing gradually intensified, and he didn't care about the scar on his left arm, he lowered his head sharply and printed it.


Qin Mengxue's body froze suddenly.

Although in the sedan chair, Lin Feng had already made such an action, but at that time, she had always felt that Lin Feng was unintentional.

It's different now.

Looking at the man's fiery gaze, her heart was full of panic.

Since she was a child, she has lived in the Moon Worship Palace, and has been carefully cultivated by the palace master, and others are also respectful to her, and no man has ever dared to treat her like this.

She wanted to push the man in front of her away, but her body stiffened and she didn't listen to the call at all.


Lin Feng cleaned up neatly, looking at the delicate and weak woman in front of him, even he was amazed after the proud capital was removed from the restraints.

"Do you need my help?"

Seeing the evil smile on Lin Feng's face, Qin Mengxue trembled, ignoring the pain in her body, and shook her head again and again.

The whole process made Lin Feng feast his eyes again.

"You come with me!"

When everything settled, Lin Feng thought about it and decided to place Qin Mengxue in the mansion.

He wouldn't use his own woman as a bargaining chip, but it didn't prevent the Moon Worship Palace Lord from throwing a rat trap and thinking about it himself.

West Courtyard.

As soon as Lin Feng stepped into the courtyard, Qin Mengyao ran out of the house.

"You're back!"

"I just heard movement outside..."Qin

Mengyao saw Lin Feng, a thick smile appeared on her delicate little face, and halfway through her words, when she saw Qin Mengxue coming in with Lin Feng, her eyes suddenly widened and filled with disbelief.

She couldn't have imagined that she would see her sister here.

Qin Mengyao was shocked, and Qin Mengxue was also shocked.

"Sister.. Sister!"

"Sister, why are you together?"

Qin Mengyao asked, but shifted her gaze to Lin Feng, and then was startled, and said, "Why are you injured, it doesn't matter if you want to, why don't you bandage it."

When he spoke, his fair face was undisguised with worry.

Qin Mengxue looked at her sister who was thinking about it day and night, she knew that her sister was arrested by Lin Feng, but she didn't expect that Lin Feng would actually bring her sister to Yuzhou.

The most important thing is that seeing her sister being well-behaved in front of Lin Feng, and the two of them are intimate, Qin Mengxue only feels that her world is about to collapse, is this still the naughty and playful sister!

How can this be?

Lin Feng touched Qin Mengyao's pitiful little face and smiled: "A little injury, it's okay..".

"As for your sister, she met the Assassin, and I happened to see him, so I rescued him.

Lin Feng didn't mention the assassination, and casually lied.

The most important thing is that Qin Mengyao believed it without the slightest doubt.

It simply confirms that sentence, women in love have negative IQs, and the current Qin Mengyao will not have any doubts about Lin Feng's words.

She walked up quickly, looked at Qin Mengxue with concern and asked, "Sister, where are you hurt?"

"It's okay!" Qin Mengxue shook her head.

With her heart, she naturally couldn't tell her sister that the reason why she was unwell was because Lin Feng had done that kind of thing to her.

"Tonight, you sisters rest here, I still have some things to take care of. Lin Feng scratched Qin Mengyao's little qiong's nose and said gently.

There are some things that come out of his mouth, Qin Mengxue may not believe it.

And Qin Mengyao is different, which is also the reason why Lin Feng thought about it and brought Qin Mengxue here.

Qin Mengyao was naturally very happy to see each other, but when she saw the injury on Lin Feng's left arm, she left a sentence of "you wait a minute" and ran back to the house quickly.

Soon, Qin Mengyao ran out with the medicine box.

Looking at her sister seriously bandaging Lin Feng, Qin Mengxue's face was full of disbelief.


? Why did my good sister go to Jingshi and completely change as a person?

The night was speechless.

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Feng listened to the report of Dongchang Fanzi, but still did not find any trace of the Moon Worship Palace.

Waiting for the enemy to come to the door, this is not Lin Feng's style, grasp the initiative and take the initiative, this is what Lin Feng wants.

At this time....

Yao Jun, the head of the government team, came in a hurry.

After he entered the house, he knelt down on one knee and bowed to Lin Feng, and hurriedly said something.

"My lord, it's not good, someone at the disaster relief site took the lead in making trouble, and Lord Zhao is comforting the victims, but the situation is getting worse and worse, and there is a tendency to be overwhelmed. Hearing

this, Lin Feng sneered.

I just thought about it, and I couldn't help it so soon.

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