After Qin Mengxue left, Lin Feng did not continue to stay in Baiyun Restaurant and returned to the mansion.

With the master of Vermilion Bird by his side, Lin Feng didn't have to worry about being followed, besides, judging from Qin Mengxue's expression, he didn't seem to have any doubts about his identity, which made him very relieved.

Back at the mansion, Lin Feng immediately summoned Qin Zhong, Bai Hu and the others over.

"In the evening, this guild will bring the assassins of the Moon Worship Palace, and when the time comes, you will arrange for the thieves to come and kill them all.

Lin Feng said lightly.

When Qin Zhong and White Tiger heard this, they were both stunned.

In the past two days, they have been vigilant against the assassins of the Moon Worship Palace all the time, but they didn't expect Lin Feng to come directly to invite you into the urn.

Hearing Suzaku's explanation, they suddenly realized, and their eyes were full of admiration when they looked at Lin Feng.

Boldness of execution stems from superb skill.

This is a person like the Overseer!

" The Overseer can rest assured that his subordinates will make proper arrangements, and as long as they dare to come, they will definitely not return. Qin Zhong said very firmly.


Lin Feng was not worried about the abilities of these people, now it was up to him to catch a few big fish.

In the evening.

Everything had already been prepared in the mansion, and Lin Feng had been looking forward to it for a long time and was ready.

This time, he didn't bring Suzaku, but came to Baiyun Restaurant in a sedan chair, and the sedan chair driver was dressed up by eight fans of Dongchang.

As soon as I went upstairs, I saw Qin Mengxue.

A white dress was gone, replaced by a black suit, although she had done a lot of restraints, but the delicate and graceful curves could not be concealed, and they were uneven.

Some people want to stand up, but they can't stand up, some people want to press, but they can't press back, and I don't know who has more troubles.

Behind Qin Mengxue, there were six men, just meeting for the first time, it gave people a different feeling, just standing there, faintly with a master's demeanor.

In the depths of Lin Feng's eyes, a hidden disappointment flashed.

I learned from Qin Mengyao that the palace master of the Moon Worship Palace was a woman, and it was obvious that this Moon Worship Palace Lord did not appear.

The arrow is on the string and has to be sent.

Lin Feng no longer hesitated, even if the Moon Worship Palace Lord did not appear, as long as he took down these Moon Worship Palace masters, it would be enough to make them break their muscles and bones, which was also the capital in his hands.

"Lin Gongzi is here, have things been arranged?" Seeing Lin Feng coming up, Qin Mengxue got up and greeted him.

"The government has already said hello, and we can take a sedan chair straight into the government to avoid clashes with the guards at the door. Lin Feng said casually.

Qin Mengxue glanced at Lin Feng gratefully, and said, "Hard work, I have successfully entered the mansion, and I will take the life of Lin Feng's dog thief." "

Hard work is not hard, Miss Qin can still sacrifice her life for righteousness, even if she can't kill Lin Feng's dog thief, it's a big deal to accompany the girl to death together!" Qin

Mengxue's elegant and refined face was slightly peachy, bright and moving.

That day, when Lin Feng broke silver for the little girl on the long street, and when he gave the little girl a head, he made an excellent impression on her and attracted her to help.

Hearing Lin Feng's words suddenly pop up today, the simple girl's heart seemed to be gently teased by an invisible big hand.

There was a strange feeling in it.

"Let's go, I'm ready for the sedan chair, just below the restaurant. Lin Feng didn't continue to tease this iceberg beauty, and said slowly.

Qin Mengxue calmed down, looked at Lin Feng who was going downstairs, put these troubled thoughts behind, and led the six people downstairs.

"Miss Qin, please!"


Looking at Lin Feng's gesture, Qin Mengxue was stunned for a moment.

"The girl won't think that just like you, you can hide from the guards at the gate of the mansion, so you can only bother the girl to ride in the same sedan chair with me, and then mix in the mansion first. Lin Feng looked at Qin Mengxue and said with a smile.

Sensing Lin Feng's gaze staring at her, Qin Mengxue's cheeks suddenly flushed, and she was a little annoyed in her heart.

But when he looked down, his anger gradually dissipated.

What can she do?

She doesn't want to be so big, but she doesn't control it at all!

Putting back the shyness in her heart, she looked at the sedan chair that Lin Feng was sitting on, and her face turned red again in an instant.

How can this sedan chair fit two people?

The key is to sit with a man.

Lin Feng laughed secretly and said slowly: "Girl, forgive me, the conditions are limited, if it is too public, I am afraid of accidents." "

It is said that the people of the rivers and lakes are not informal, and for the sake of the righteousness of the world, they can only grieve the girl and the general. Qin Mengxue's

heart was a little confused.

For more than ten years, he has been obsessed with martial arts and palace affairs, and he has had little contact with men, let alone the two of them in such a closed and narrow sedan chair.

For a while, the shyness of her daughter's family and the righteousness in her heart surged back and forth.

Seeing this, Lin Feng added another fire, and said: "Maybe I've thought too little, if the girl can't do it, forget it today, and I'll think of a way later, and it's not too late to do it again." "

Childe smiled, it was a dream. "It's rare to have the opportunity provided by Lin Feng, where can Qin Mengxue miss it.

Qin Mengxue said, opened the curtain, and got in.

"Get up!" Lin

Feng's faint voice sounded.

Eight fans of Dongchang lifted the sedan chair and headed towards the mansion, followed by six masters of the Moon Worship Palace.

In the sedan chair, there was not much space, and there were barely enough people to sit down, Lin Feng and Qin Mengxue sat down, and their bodies were basically tightly pressed together.

Coupled with the isolation of all sides, the distance between the two is infinitely shortened in this small space.

Qin Mengxue could even feel the rough breath exhaled by Lin Feng, blowing on her crystal earlobe, there was a feeling that she had never felt before, which made her face blush, and her body trembled faintly.

A smile appeared at the corner of Lin Feng's mouth: "Miss Qin, what's wrong?"

The oncoming heat and strong masculine aura made Qin Mengxue's head dizzy, and her body was about to freeze.

"I... I'm fine!" Looking

at the cramped appearance of this iceberg beauty, Lin Feng was satisfied.

This woman, he asked for it, and Jesus could not stop it.

Swaying all the way, feeling the soft touch, Lin Feng can be said to be too addicted, and a big hand unconsciously climbed up to the tempting slender waist.

Qin Mengxue was shocked, and her body trembled.

If it was usual, if someone was so close to her like this, she would have found out a long time ago, but this swaying road made her flustered, and she didn't notice Lin Feng's movements at all.


Qin Mengxue turned her head.

Lin Feng looked at the woman's budding red lips close at hand, and kissed her without saying anything.


Qin Mengxue's beautiful eyes widened, she didn't expect Lin Feng to be so bold.

Just as he was about to start, he saw Lin Feng stretching out his hand and pointing out of the sedan car.

I don't know when, the sedan chair has arrived at the door of the government office, and the guards guarding the door are doing a routine inspection.

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