Chapter 169 Obtain the Fairy Radiance Attribute

Natsu, who eats the flames and has skyrocketed in strength, is not very difficult to deal with two A monsters.

After a fierce battle, the two A-rank monsters were finally defeated by Natsu.

Since the previous S-class demon had been inadvertently killed by Natsu.

After Natsu killed the last fire-breathing monster, the voice of the live commentary sounded in the Demon Temple: "Natsu successfully challenged and won 7 points!"

As soon as the live commentary came out, the entire venue of the Great Demon Fighting Exercise instantly boiled.

"It's so strong!"

"I actually managed to challenge 70 monsters!"

"Is this the strength of Fairy ~ Tail?"

While the audience cheered, the crowd at Fairy Tail was also extremely excited.

Romeo excitedly said, "It's Nazgo!"

Kildas also said with a look of relief: "Natsu, it's a lot stronger!"

Gajiru snorted and said, "It's the result of training with Night Feather, but it's still a lot worse than me!" Although Gajiru said this, he was also sincerely happy for Natsu in his heart.

He hadn't experienced this euphoria when he was a ghost before.

And now, Gajiru Hao Ran has fully integrated into the big family of Fairy Tail.

While everyone was cheering for Natsu, Natsu, who was in the Demon Palace, was dissatisfied: "Huh? This is the end?!"

"Where's the S monster, where is the S-class monster?

Everyone outside the Demon Palace, through the virtual screen, saw that Natsu was shouting loudly to fight the S-class monster, and everyone couldn't cry or laugh for a while.

Gray clasped his hands to his chest and scolded with a smile: "Natsu doesn't know that he has killed the S-class monster!"

Night Feather also shook his head and said with a smile: "Maybe this is Natsu!"

While Night Feather and Gray were talking, the Pumpkin Host said to Natsu in the Demon Temple, "That... The S-class monster has been killed by you!"

"Eh, when did you kill me?"


Since all 100 monsters in the Demon Temple were killed.

The organizers also had to use a backup plan.

This backup solution is the magic test.

Of course, Miliana, Luphas, and Natsu, who have already challenged the Demon Temple, do not need to be tested.

As determined by the organizer:

Team A of Fairy Tail, represented by Natsu, 10 points

The Tiger of the Sword Bite represented by Lufas, 8 points

The mermaid's heel represented by Miliana, 0 points

The remaining 5 teams will be ranked by Mana Crystals.

After the staff carried a magic test crystal to the center of the arena, the pumpkin host announced loudly: "First of all, please test the 4 that was drawn before, Banoli!"

With the host's order, the four-headed hound Barnoli walked in front of the magic crystal.

"Banoli, you just need to use the strongest magic to attack the magic crystal!"

Hearing the host's words, Nabanoli's fists clenched.

In the next second, a magical beam of light slammed towards the magic crystal.

When the magic beam hit the magic crystal, a faint light bloomed on the magic crystal.

After the light dissipated, a number appeared above the magic crystal: 98!

"Yo do, Nobali scored 98 points!"

Seeing the numbers above the magic crystal, the live narrator habitually shouted in an impassioned tone.

Hearing the live explanation, Nabanoli also clenched his fists and roared twice with a smug face.

"That's... Whether a score of 98 is high or low, we don't have a reference!"

"To be honest, 98 points is considered an average level among our Senate troops!"

Banoli, who was extremely proud a second ago, was like a deflated ball after hearing the live commentary and the conversation of special guest Rahal.

Night Feather was not surprised by this result.

After all, Night Feather knew that even Miliana could score more than 300 points.

And Kana, who uses the brilliance of the fairy, has a score of 9999+.

Thinking of the elf's brilliance, Night Feather set her eyes on Kana's body.

Fang Cai Yeyu used [History of the Corpse] to investigate Kana's memory.

As Nightfeather expected, the first generation had already lent Kana the brilliance of the fairy.

Now all you need to do is wait for Kana to play, so that Nightfeather can obtain the glorious attribute of this fairy.

In Nightfeather's thoughts, Ivan of the cyan Pegasi and Obra of the crowtail passed the test of the magic crystal one after another.

But Ivan is not an attack type mage at all, his magic is ancient book magic.

And Obra deliberately hides his strength.

Therefore, Ivan and Obra's score is even lower than Banoli's 98 points.

"Now please try No. 7, Shiria of Snake Scales!"

As soon as the pumpkin host said this, the little Lori with a red double ponytail walked out.

"Shiria, come on!"

Shirley and Leo in the stands, and the members of One Scale, all shouted in support when they saw Shirley appear.

"I'll do my best!"

Shirya's fists were clenched, and a serious expression appeared on her little face.

In the next second, a powerful magic power erupted from Shiria's body.


When Elusa noticed the magic on Shellia's body, a look of surprise appeared on her pretty face.

Of course, it's not that Shellia's magic is so vast that Elusa is surprised.

It's just that at such a young age, Shiria's magic power is not inferior to that of an adult magician, which makes Elusa a little surprised.

"The gods... The roar!"

Shiria took a sharp breath, then spit out.

A pitch-black spiral-like hurricane slammed straight towards the magic crystal.

"This is..."

"Magic in the sky!"

Seeing that Shirlia actually cast the magic of the sky, Elusa and Miraj and the others all looked at Wendy beside them.

After all, Wendy also uses the magic of the sky.

However, Wendy is a Sky Dragon Slayer magician.

And Shiria is the Sky God Destroying Magic.

Buzz –

While Elusa and Miraj were talking, the dark whirlwind above the arena had already bombarded the magic crystal.

Buzz –

At this moment, the magic crystal emitted a dazzling light.

When the light dissipated, a number appeared above the magic crystal: 2871


Seeing this number, the spectators in the surrounding stands were shocked.

After all, Banoli, Ivan, and Obra were all in double digits.

But now, suddenly a data of almost 3000 has appeared.

And this data is still typed by a little girl who looks very young.

The contrast was stark, and the audience was naturally very surprised.

It's not just the audience.

Even some magicians such as Rahal were a little moved.

"This data has never been seen in our councilor's army!"

Elusa also praised loudly: "Very powerful little girl, Wendy, I think she is very similar to you before!"

"Huh, huh?"

Wendy said with some surprise.

When everyone was surprised by Shellia's results, Nightfeather collected the magic attribute that Shella dropped when she attacked the magic crystal.

Originally, Night Feather was still looking forward to it.

He expects the system to drop Shellia's Sky Exterminator magic attribute.

Although Shellia's Sky Slayer magic attribute is somewhat similar to Wendy's Sky Slayer magic attribute.

However, Wendy's Sky Dragon Slayer magic does not have the ability to heal itself.

And Shirya's Sky God Destroying Magic has the ability to heal itself.

······ Flowers··

Right now, with the terrifying magic power of Night Feather, if you have the self-healing ability of the Sky God Destroying Magic, as long as it is not a fatal injury, you can recover in an instant.

As early as seven years ago, when Night Feather met Wendy, he wanted to obtain the magical attribute of the God Destroyer of the Sky.

And before participating in this Great Demon Fighting Exercise, Ye Yu also included the magic attribute of the Sky God Destroying in the plan.

However, when Shirlia used magic just now, the system was only a magic attribute, and it did not drop the magic attribute of the God of Extermination of the Sky.

For this result, Ye Yu only sighed in his heart, and was not too disappointed.

After all, the system only has a 1 in 5 chance of dropping a magic attribute.

It is also very normal that there is no drop of Shellia's Sky Exterminator magic attribute.

But Ye Yu is not in a hurry.

In the rest of the game, as long as Shirlia plays.

It was only a matter of time before the system dropped the Sky God Destroying Magic attribute.

When Night Feather looked at Na Shiria and thought to herself, the pumpkin host on the field said to Kana: "Please take the test on the last No. 8, card player!"

Hearing the pumpkin host's words, Night Feather immediately retracted her mind and set her eyes on Kana.

"Is it finally my turn?"

Kana also walked in front of the magic crystal with a look of impatience.

When Kana rolled up her sleeves to reveal an intricate tattoo on her arm, Makarov's old face suddenly changed.

......... 0


"Fairy brilliance!"

"What exactly is this?"

Makarov asked with a look of astonishment as he looked at Mebis, who was dangling his little feet in front of him.

Obviously, Makarov also knew that the brilliance of this goblin must have been given to Kana by Mebis.

"It's all about victory!"

Mebis said to Makarov with a smile on his face.


Hearing Mebis's words, Makarov couldn't refute either.

As Mebis and Makarov spoke, Kana, who was on the field, raised her arms.

At this moment, the tattoo on her arm instantly bloomed with an incomparably dazzling golden light.

"Fairy brilliance!"

With a loud shout, a huge pillar of golden light slammed into the final magic crystal from the sky.

At the same time, the magic crystal also bloomed with a very dazzling light.

This light even overshadowed the sunlight in the sky, drowning everything around it.

After a few breaths, the dazzling light dissipated, and I saw a number appear on the magic crystal in the center of the arena: 9999!

"It's too exaggerated to have surpassed the boundaries of the magic crystal and reached the point where it can't be evaluated!"

The live commentary looked at the 9999 on the magic crystal, and he said with a shocked face.

At this time, the huge venue was also boiling in an instant.

The spectators in the surrounding stands were all amazed.

At this moment, Night Feather's mind also sounded the mechanical prompt sound of the system as scheduled.

"Does the host collect the Fairy's radiance attribute?"


With Night Feather's order, the Fairy Radiance Attribute beside Kana on the field, along with another magic attribute, all converged towards Night Feather's side.

When those two attributes were submerged into Ye Yu's body, on the magic attribute bar of the virtual screen in front of Ye Yu, Hao Ran also had an extra radiance attribute.

"It's finally here!"

Night Feather looked at the fairy brilliance attribute on the virtual screen, and he looked satisfied.

The brilliance of the elves, like the laws of the elves, is a continuous magic.

Spells over time have a delay effect when activated.

The system drops this type of magic attribute, which is 100% drop.

So Night Feather didn't worry about it from the beginning, the system wouldn't drop the Fairy's Radiance attribute.

(3800 words are sent, thank you for your monthly ticket rewards and other support!!)

(Tomorrow will explode more!thousand)_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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