Chapter 10

After Kana's measurement, this round of competition finally came to an end.

In the end, on the screen of the stadium, the rankings and points of the 8 teams were also displayed.

1, fine tail A, 10 points

2, biting the tiger, 8 points

3, Fine Tail Team B, 6 points

4. Ji no Scales, 4

5, Head Hound, 3 points

6, Se Tianma, 2 points

7, crow's tail, 1 point

8, fish heel, 0 points

Seeing the points ranking on the screen, there was a lot of discussion in the stands around him.

"It's really unpleasant that Kana's attacks have exceeded the evaluation limit of the magic crystal, and she only won the third place!"

Wakaba, who was smoking a pipe, looked at the points ranking on the screen and complained with a dissatisfied face.

Hearing Wakaba's words, Lebi explained aloud: "'Eighty-one-zero' is also a matter of no choice, after all, Natsu and the person who bites the tiger with the sword have killed all the monsters in the Demon Palace!"

"If you don't use the backup plan, Kana and the others will be dealt with according to 0 points, Natsu is the first, Kana is the third, which is already a very good result for our guild!"

Hearing Rebi's explanation, Wakaba was a little relieved.

While Rebi and Wakaba were talking, the live commentator on the commentary seat said loudly again: "Let's start our battle match today!"

"The two sides of the first battle match were..."

"Fairy Tail A's Feather vs Swordbite Tiger's Mineba!"


As soon as the voice of the live commentary fell, the entire arena instantly boiled.

"I've watched all the games in the past few years, no matter what kind of opponent this Mineba encounters, it's a second kill, and it's the strongest magician of the Sword Biting Tiger!"

"Fairy Tail's night feather is also very strong, the first day of the competition, but the entire town was frozen!"

"Night Feather vs. Mineba, I don't know which of the two of them will win!"

"Strong matchup, it seems that this game will be very exciting!"

While the audience was talking, Elusa, Miraj, Kagura, Mineba and others also set their eyes on Night Feather.

The two daughters, Elusa and Miraj, both know Nightfeather's current strength.

So they weren't worried about the battle between Night Feather and Mineba.

But Kagura was a little worried.

Kagura knew that Night Feather's strength was strong.

But Mineba is not weak either.

Seeing that Night Feather is going to fight Mineba, Kagura can't help but start worrying about Night Feather.

"Night Feather!"

Kagura looked at Ye Yu, who was holding his hand of resentment, and suddenly tightened.

"Don't worry, that guy from Night Feather froze the entire town on the first day, and with his current strength, there is no problem in dealing with that Mineba of the Sword Biting Tiger!"

Miliana seemed to see through Kagura's thoughts, and reassured.

While Miliana and Kagura were talking, Mineba, who was biting the tiger with the sword, also looked at Ye Yu, and the corners of her mouth hooked up and said, "The concubine still wants to fight with the fairy queen, but I didn't expect it to be this person!"

Hearing Mineba's words, Lufas, who was wearing a hat, reminded Mineba: "Miss, this Night Feather has fewer shots, and his specific strength is not very clear, but on the first day of the competition, he easily froze the entire magic town, don't underestimate him!"

"Freeze the whole magical town, it seems funny, then I'll go meet him for a while!"

Mineba's white fingers stroked the corners of her mouth, and she walked towards the arena.

"The man who changed the rules of the game on the first day of the competition, let me see your true strength now!"

Shiria, who was on the other side of the snake queen's scales, also looked at Night Feather with a curious expression.

"Brother Night Feather, come on!"

"Night Feather, come on!"

At this time, Night Feather was also cheering on by Wendy, Natsu and others, and walked towards the arena.

"Besska, what kind of magic is this Mineba using?"

Looking at Mineba, who was walking towards the center of the arena, Elusa asked Biska curiously.

In Elusa's opinion, Biska once participated in the Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts.

There may be some understanding of this strongest magician of the Sword Biting Tiger, Celestial Mineba.

Alusa didn't think Nightfeather would lose, though.

But she still cared a little about this Mineba.

"Mineba seems to be using space magic, right?!"

Before Biska could answer, Arzac on the side was the first to answer.

"Yes, it's a type of space magic!"

As soon as Arzac's words fell, Biska also said with a determined face.

Space magic.

After hearing the words of Besska and Arzac, Elusa, Wendy, Miraj, Lucy and the others suddenly showed a strange expression...

Then they all cast sympathetic expressions at Mineba.

Maybe others don't know.

But Elusa and Lucy and the others all knew.

All spatial magic is ineffective in front of Night Feather.

At this time, Elusa and Lucy and the others could roughly guess what was going to happen next.

Soon, under the gaze of everyone, Night Feather and Mineba had already walked to the center of the arena.

After confirming the status of Night Feather and Mineba, the live narrator announced loudly: "The game is on!"


With the sound of a gong, the first battle match on the third day of this great demon martial arts exercise began.

However, both Night Feather and Mineba on the field did not make a shot.

It has the same magical properties as Shellia's Sky Slayer.

Mineba's spatial magic attribute is also in Night Feather's plan.

There is something special about Mineba's spatial magic.

It is free to create a small space.

When Nightfeather obtained Urrutia's Arc of Time magic, he wondered if Urrutia's Arc of Time magic and Mineba's space magic could bring the dead back to life.

In the original play, Urrutia sacrificed her time in order to save the world, turning back the time of the entire world by one minute.

And Gray and the others, who were already dead, were resurrected after being turned back in time.

What Night Feather thought was that if he first used Mineba's Space Magic 4 method to create a small space to cover the people who had died, and then used Urrutia's Arc of Time magic to turn back the time of this small space.

So will this dead man be resurrected because of time regression?!

Moreover, the cost of setting back time in a small space is far less great than that of setting back the time of the entire world.

Moreover, Night Feather has gained the ability to completely dragonize, and his lifespan is also comparable to that of Akuno Lokia and Erin.

If it was just a small space rewinding time, the side effect would be almost negligible to Night Feather.

Of course, this is just a conjecture on the part of Night Feather.

Whether it can succeed or not, it still needs to be known after Night Feather obtains Mineba's spatial magic attributes, and only after an experiment.

If the experiment is successful.

Then Nightfeather will have the ability to resurrect the dead. _

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