Chapter 168

In the Demon Palace, Natsu, who was wrapped in crimson flames, kept attacking back and forth among the monsters.

Bang bang bang –

Boom Boom Boom –

With a loud bang, the monsters around Natsu were also decreasing one by one.

At this moment, on a virtual screen outside the Demon Palace, the number of monsters in the Demon Hall is also accurately displayed.






In just a few minutes, Natsu killed all the D-class monsters in the Demon Palace.

"It's amazing, the monsters in the Demon Hall are constantly decreasing, all the D-level monsters have been killed, and the C-level monsters have also been killed a lot, 70 monsters, and now there are less than half left!"

"However, the monsters in the back will get stronger and stronger, will Natsu be able to challenge successfully?"

Just as the audience watched intently at the wonderful battle presented on the screen, the live commentary in the commentary seat also shouted in an impassioned voice.

Bang –

Just as Natsu was attacking a monster, the monster that had been huge appeared behind Natsu out of thin air and bombarded Natsu's body with a punch.

Natsu, who was hit hard, flew straight upside down like a cannonball.

"Yo 810, Natsu's player has been attacked by a B-rank monster!"

"It seems that the previous battle is also quite a big drain for Natsu players, and Natsu players' magic power is gradually unable to keep up!"

Seeing Natsu being knocked away, the live narrator spoke out again.

However, just as Natsu's figure was about to smash against the wall, Natsu's body turned, his legs kicked on the wall, and his body was like an arrow from the string, and he rushed towards the B-class monster that attacked him.

"The horn of the fire dragon!"

In an instant, Natsu's head slammed into the B-class monster's body.

Bang –

The monster that was hit hard collapsed and finally disappeared.

At this time, the virtual screen outside the Demon Palace, which displayed the number of monsters, also jumped.






"D-class and C-class monsters have all been killed, and one B-class monster has also been killed, and now only the last 14 monsters remain!"

"However, the strength of these last 14 monsters is very strong, and Natsu's magic power is about to run out.

The live narrator looked at the screen, and the panting Natsu shouted.

And at this moment, the huge arena is also a loud shout.

"Come on, Fairy Tail's Magus!"

"It's almost successful, come on!"

At first, the audience didn't think much of Natsu.

After all, it is too reluctant to challenge 70 monsters by one person.

But right now, after seeing Natsu kill most of the monsters.

Those viewers also entered Naz's rhythm and cheered Natsu.

"Oh no, Nazgo's magic is running out!"

Wendy clenched her fists and looked nervous.

After all, Naz has already done this.

It would be a pity if it was knocked down at this time.

Roar –

At that moment, five crimson monsters suddenly jumped out and launched a fire magic attack on Natsu.

"Yo Duo, five B-rank monsters surrounded Natsu and launched a fire attack on Natsu, can Natsu block this wave of attacks?"

Seeing this critical scene, the live narrator immediately shouted.

And the people of Fairy Tail, when they saw this scene, the worried look on their faces disappeared instantly, but their eyes lit up instead.

In the next second, I saw that in the Demon Palace, the violent flames were submerging Natsu's figure.

But soon, the flames were shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Eventually, all the flames were eaten by Natsu.

"It's amazing, Natsu has eaten all of the monster's flame attacks?!"

"Actually ate the flames?"

"What the hell is going on?"

The audience, including the live commentary, all looked incredible.

But Stink said with a smile on his face: "Natsu is a fire slayer dragon magician, of course he can eat fire, but at this critical juncture, he actually sent flames to Natsu, this luck is a little good!"

As Stink spoke, Natsu, whose magic power was about to run out, not only recovered but also increased in strength after eating those flames.

"Thank you for your hospitality!"

Natsu wiped the corners of his mouth, grinned at the fire-breathing monsters, and rushed straight towards the monsters.

"Dragon Slayer Mystery Red Lotus Flame Blade!"

Natsu's arms slammed into a wave of flames, like ribbons, around his body.

After Natsu rushed in front of those fire-breathing monsters, the flame ribbon around Natsu's body was like a blade, killing the four fire-breathing monsters in an instant.

In the end, Natsu deliberately left one.

Judging by its stance, it seems that it intends to wait for the magic power to run out, and then use this fire-breathing monster to replenish its magic power.

After killing the four fire-breathing monsters, Natsu roared with a fire dragon and killed the other four B-class monsters in front of him.

In the end, in front of Natsu, there was only a huge monster with a blue body and a dragon-like body, and a giant monster with a red body and a ghost mask.


Just as Natsu was about to launch an attack on the two imposing monsters, a small monster like a bat suddenly passed under Natsu.

Natsu didn't care what the monster was, he trampled it to death.

At this time, on the screen outside the Demon Palace, which showed the number of monsters.

S-class monsters, it turned from 1 to 0.

"The S-class monster was actually defeated?"

"Could it be that the little monster that was trampled to death by Natsu just now is the S-level monster that is comparable to the Ten Saint Wizards?"

After the live commentary saw that the number of S-class monsters had become 0, he said with a look of disbelief.

Hearing the live commentary, the audience was puzzled one by one.

Only the pumpkin host on the field had a big sweat on his forehead.

"This needs to be explained to everyone, S-class monsters, there is a setting!"

"If the last remaining monster is an S-class monster, then the power of this S-class monster will be fully stimulated!"

"In other words, when S-class monsters coexist with other monsters, his strength is not very strong!"

"Natsu just now, it is estimated that he killed the S-class monster that did not stimulate his strength by mistake!"


Hearing the pumpkin host's words, the audience in the surrounding stands sighed.

And Ye Yu also smiled and shook his head: This old king always likes to play some bells and whistles, now it's overturned!_

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