Chapter 150

The Flau Dome, this is the name of the Great Demon Arena.

Seen from the sky, the circular arena is surrounded by four huge statues standing opposite each other.

Zooming in to the arena, it looks like the Colosseum in ancient Rome.

Around the circular arena are rows of terraced stands.

At this moment, the stands were already full of spectators.

Although the official match has not yet begun, the emotions of the audience have been aroused.

In the huge arena, the cheers were wave after wave, and it was very lively.

"Sa, it's finally the annual carnival celebration of the Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts again, I'm Lola in charge of the live report!"

"The person sitting next to me is Mr. Yamaji, a former commentator, and he is also the person in charge of today's commentary!"

"In addition, we have a special guest, Jenny Lialet!"

Looking at the commentary seat, the fair-skinned blonde beauty with delicate faces, and the audience on the field were all excited.

"It's Jenny!"


The already lively venue was even more boiling at this time.

"Mira, it is said that this Jenny is the most popular beauty in Magic Weekly after you!"

Elusa looked through the window at Jenny in the commentary seat, and she spoke out to Miraj.

Miraj just smiled and didn't say much.

Night Feather, on the other hand, withdrew her gaze from Jenny and looked at Miraj in front of her.

As Elusa spoke25, Lola in the commentary seat announced aloud, "Okay, let's invite the protagonists of this Great Demon Fighting Exercise to appear!"

"First to enter, the team that finished eighth in the qualifiers!"

"They're the Hellhound Legion, the four-headed hounds!"

Roar –

As soon as the words of the live report fell, the five men entered the arena at the entrance of the arena.

With a wild roar from the five men, bursts of cheers suddenly erupted on the field.

"Alright, let's go down too!"

Seeing that the major teams were ready to enter, Night Feather greeted Elusa and Miraj and their group, and everyone left the room.

By the time Nightfeather and Elusa arrived at the entrance of the arena below, there were already five teams of four hounds, a cyan Pegasus, a snake queen's scale, a crow's tail, and a mermaid's heel.

Looking at the five teams on the field, the spectators in the stands, there was a lot of discussion.

"Last year's third-place snake scales only finished fifth in the qualifiers?"

"This year's competition is too fierce, right?"

"I don't know which guilds the top three teams are!"

"I don't think so, the first place is the tiger that bites the sword!"

While the audience was talking, the live commentary announced loudly: "Next is the team that finished third in the qualifiers!"

"Fairy Tail!"

As soon as the live commentary ended, the members of Fairy Tail Team B, led by Kildas, walked into the venue.

"Fairy Tail actually won third place?"

"Are you kidding?"

"Didn't they all come last before?"

Although Night Feather and Natsu and the other magicians returned, it had spread throughout the continent of Ishgar as early as three months ago.

But, the ones who really know about it, some magicians.

For the general audience who don't know magic, I don't know.

Seeing Fairy Tail finish third in the qualifiers now, those spectators were incredible.

However, some mage guilds, such as the cyan Pegasus, the scale of the snake queen, and the mermaid's heel, took it for granted that Fairy Tail had achieved the third place.

After all, they have some strength for Fairy Tail.

"Next up is the second-place team!"

"Sword Biting Tiger!"


As soon as the live commentary came out, the originally extremely lively venue instantly quieted down.

"Second Sword Biting Tiger?"

"Won't it?"

"Hasn't the Sword Biting Tiger always been number one?"

"Is there something wrong?"

For seven consecutive years, the Sword Biting Tiger has been occupying the position of the champion of the Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts.

And this also makes the Sword Biting Tiger the strongest guild of Fiore deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Many spectators in the stands are fans of the Tiger of the Sword.

Now that they learned that the strongest Sword Biting Tiger was only in second place, they didn't believe their ears and thought they had heard it wrong.

Soon, under the gaze of everyone, five members of the Sword Biting Tiger, including Stink and Rogge, walked into the venue.

Although the audience had some difficulty accepting this.

But when they saw the sword-biting tiger come out, they also knew that this thing was probably true.

"The strongest Sword Biting Tiger is the second, so which guild is the first?"

"It shouldn't be the guild of our Fiore Kingdom, after all, the Sword Biting Tiger is the strongest guild of Fiore!"

While everyone was talking, the live commentary announced again: "Finally, there is the team that won the first place in this qualifier, Fairy Tail A!"

"Fairy Tail?"

"Didn't there be a fairy tail just now, why did another fairy tail come out?"

"It's a foul, the same guild, there are two teams participating in the game. "

"Fairy Tail actually has two teams in the top three, and one of them has surpassed the Sword Biting Tiger, no matter how you look at it, this matter is problematic!"

As if hearing the audience's complaints, Amaji in the commentary box explained, "According to the rules of the competition, one or two teams are allowed to participate in the same guild!"

"In addition, there are a total of 113 teams participating in the qualifiers in this Great Demon Fighting Exercise, but only 8 teams can enter the official round, and Fairy Tail can have two teams to enter the official round, which can be said to be quite powerful!"

Hearing Yamaji's words, the audience was a little relieved.

113 into 8, this is indeed very difficult.

It's rare for a guild to have a team in the top 8.

Now a guild has two top 8, which can only be said to be very strong in this guild.

However, the audience is still suspicious of the two teams of Fairy Tail.

Soon, under the watchful eyes of the audience, Night Feather, Elusa, Miraj, Natsu, and Gray walked out.

At the same time, the other 7 teams on the field also looked at Ye Yu and Elusa and their party.

"I see, both Night Feather and Elusa participated in this competition, no wonder they won the first place!"

Gula had also participated in the extermination of the Six Demon Generals before.

For Ye Yu's strength, he deeply recognizes.

Seeing Night Feather in the team, he showed a look of understanding.

"Night Feather, is that person the genius magician mentioned by Gu Lasan before?"

Beside Gula, a red-haired little Lori with a double ponytail looked at Night Feather and said.

When Gula and Shiria looked at Yeyu and his party, Yeyu and Elusa also noticed Gula's group.

"Even the dove of the Holy Ten is 810 to participate in this game, foul, right?"

Gray looked at the doll and said with a look of astonishment.

"Don't worry, we have Night Feather here, and we won't lose to the Holy Ten!"

Elusa put her hand on Night Feather's shoulder and said with a confident expression.

"Yo, long time no see, gentlemen!"

Not long after Elusa's words fell, a creepy voice suddenly sounded in her ears.

It's not that the sound is ugly.

On the contrary, the sound is magnetic.

Just thinking of the owner of this voice, Night Feather and Elusa and the others were a little uncomfortable.

Sure enough, I saw the cyan Pegasus Night and Hibiki and the others, all coming over.

"Kagura, let's go say hello to Yafeather and them, shall we?"

Miliana on the mermaid's heel saw the cyan Pegasus greeting Nightfeather and Elusa, and she suggested to Kagura.

Kagura looked at Yaba and shook her head and said, "No!"

At this moment, Night Feather seemed to notice Kagura's gaze and immediately beckoned to her.

Kagura's face blushed slightly, and she responded a little shyly.

"Hey, did Nazgo surpass us?"

Stink, who was biting the tiger with a sword, looked at Night Feather and Natsu and the party, his face full of war.

"That's just a qualifier, I guess they have some special magic to take advantage of, and the next official match is the real competition!"

Lufas said with a smile on his face.

"Fairy Tail, if you want to be in the limelight, just take advantage of now, the game will start in a while, but there will be no chance!"

Ivan, who was hiding under the mask, looked at Ye Yu and Elusa and the group, and the corners of his mouth suddenly hooked up a sinister arc. _

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