Chapter 149

After a night of competition, out of 113 participating teams, 8 teams finally stood out from the competition, successfully passed the qualifiers and entered the official round.

These 8 teams are:

Fairy Tail A

The Tiger of the Sword Bites

Fairy Tail Team B

Mermaid's heel

The tail of the crow

Serpent's Scales

Cyan Pegasus

Four hounds

Of course, the organizers did not officially announce the promoted teams and rankings, but only notified the 8 guilds that passed the qualifiers.

The inn where the Fairy Tail Guild is located.

Although it was late at night at this time, the people at Fairy Tail were still cheering.

"It's great that both teams from our guild have passed the qualifiers!"

"Isn't that a matter of course? With Nightfeather and Kildas in them, it's not easy to pass the qualifiers or something?"

"Who was worried about it before?"

"I'm that..."

Macao and Wakaba, a pair of brothers and sisters, argued excitedly.

At this time, Naz and Gajiru are also competing against each other.

"Aha, our team is the first, your team is the third, it seems that our team is stronger, and it must be our team that wins the championship!"

Natsu said excitedly to Gajiru.

Hearing Naz's words, although Gajiru was very unwilling in his heart, he still retorted: "It's just that I won the first place in the qualifiers, and I don't count the points, what is arrogant, and the next thing is the real game!"

"The first place in the qualifiers, that is also the first, and in the next official round, we will always be first!"

"The first must be our team!"

"It's our team!"

"Do you want to fight?"

"Come, I'm afraid you won't make it!"

As he spoke, Natsu and Gajiru were engaged in a fierce battle

Gray, who was drinking, suddenly punched someone's fist.

"You guys..."


Soon, Gray and Elfman also joined the battle, and there was great chaos in the hall for a while.

However, this scene had often been seen in the guild before, and everyone just smiled and didn't pay much attention to it.

"These guys, if you don't pay attention, you become like this!"

Elusa looked at the scuffle over there, and she said helplessly.

"Everybody's happy, let them go!"

Night Feather glanced at it and said casually.

"Here, celebrate the two of our teams' qualification, cheers!"

Afterwards, everyone raised their glasses in celebration.

But at this moment, a strange and familiar crisp female voice sounded in the hall: "Cheers!"

Hearing this voice, Makarov and the others were taken aback.

"Could it be that..."

Soon, Makarov saw that the first president with long blond hair and bare feet was mixing in the crowd with excitement.

"At the beginning... The first president?!"

Previously, on Sirius Island, everyone had also seen Mebis.

Know that Mebis is a ghost.

Seeing Mebis appear in this place now, everyone's faces changed drastically.

"Hatsudai, why are you here?"

"It's too boring to stay alone on Sirius Island, so I'm here to cheer you on!"

Seeing Natsu and Gray and his party fighting over there, Mebis smiled and said, "Everyone is very happy!"

"The first generation, give!"

At this time, Miraj handed Mebis a glass of wine...

"Can ghosts drink too?"

Seeing that Mebis actually took the wine glass, Lucy complained in shock.


Mebisli replied without being straightforward.

Compared to the jubilation of the fairy tail, the crow's tail is a little gloomy.

"It's confirmed, Fairy Tail's side has also passed the qualifiers!"

"A few of you, if you meet a member of Fairy Tail in the arena, give me a good reward for them!"

President Ivan commanded the four crow-tail members in front of him.

Listening to Ivan's order, the four members of the crow's tail all showed a cat-and-mouse expression.

"Don't worry, I'll definitely greet the 4.2 Fairy Tail members well, hehehe!"

The man with the hair and the double chin said in a gloomy voice.

"Fairy tails, it must be fun to torture them!"

A woman with long braids tilted her head and a permeating smile on her face.

"Makarov, wait and see!"

Ivan grinned.

At this time, the scene of the members of Fairy Tail being severely suppressed by their Big Crow Tail seemed to appear in his mind.

(End of chapter!)

(Daily ask for flowers, monthly passes, and other kinds of support Wow, thank you guys!)_

Feilu reminds you: there are three things to read - collection, recommendation, and points

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