Chapter 151

The Great Demon Fighting Arena.

At this moment, all 8 teams that have passed the qualifiers have appeared on the field.

The live commentator on the commentary seat said loudly: "There are many teams who come to participate in the Great Demon Fighting Exercise for the first time, so let's explain the rules of the game!"

"The tournament is scheduled for 5 days in total!"

"Except for the finals on the 5th day, the other 4 are all for a competitive match and a battle round!"

"Each team will send one person to participate in the tournament, and after the tournament, 8 teams will be ranked!"

Speaking of which, a huge virtual screen appeared in the sky above the arena.

I saw on the screen displaying:









"As shown on the screen, the team that ranks first gets 10 points, and the last ~ one is 0 points!"

"In the battle match, 8 teams fight in pairs, and within the specified time, the winning team gets 10 points, the losing team gets 0 points, and the two teams that draw get 5 points each!-"

Hearing this, Natsu slammed his fist and palm together, and said with a grinning expression: "Fight, I'm on fire!"

But soon, the words of the commentary seemed to pour a basin of cold water on Natsu's head.

"As for the two sides of the battle match, all of them are selected by the organizer!"

Natsu said dissatisfied, "Huh, what kind of rule is this?"

Elusa also said with some concern: "It's really an unpleasant rule, if the organizer lets our team fight Kildas and them, it will be quite disadvantageous for our guild!"

As Natsu and Elusa spoke, Nightfeather turned her gaze to the pumpkin man.

Although he couldn't see the pumpkin man's expression, his body exuded an aura of incomparably excitement.

Obviously, this rule was set by the pumpkin man, that is, the king.

However, the king does not simply target a guild, he just wants to see the excitement.

"The above are the rules of the Great Demon Fighting Competition, and the long-awaited opening match will be held next!"

"The name of the opening match is secret, please send one player from each of the 8 teams to participate in this game, as for the specific rules, we will announce it after the list of 8 teams is handed in!"

As soon as the commentary ended, Natsu and Gray and other players who had been impatient for a long time were eager to try.

"I'll take the lead!"

"No, it's still up to me!"


Just as Natsu and Gray were scrambling, Night Feather said loudly, "I'll come this time!"

Hearing Nightfeather's words, Natsu and Gray both stopped arguing and looked at Nightfeather together.

And the two daughters of Elusa and Miraj also looked at Night Feather.

After seven years of getting along, Elusa and Miraj also know each other quite well about Night Feather.

In their opinion, Night Feather should not be right with Nacai.

But right now, Night Feather took the initiative to ask to participate in this opening match.

Maybe Elusa and the others don't know the specifics of this opening match.

Nightfeather knew.

This opening match is not about whoever is strong, who will definitely win one.

The magic of Natsu and Gray is not suitable for this game.

Nightfeather's perceptual magic, on the other hand, can play a key role in the game.

Natsu and Gray saw that Nightfeather was going to participate in this opening event, so they naturally had no objections.

At the same time, the other 7 teams also selected their own players.

After the organizer received the list of participants, the commentator said loudly: "Please leave 8 contestants, and the other contestants will retreat to the waiting area of their respective guilds!"

"Night Feather, come on!"

Elusa, Miraj and the others greeted Nightfeather and then withdrew from the arena.

In the end, there were only 8 people left on the field.

Night Feather glanced at the other seven people on the field.

I saw Lufas of the Sword Biting Tiger, Ivan of the Cyan Pegasus, Leo of the Snake Queen's Scales, and Fillid of the Fairy Tail B Team Speculous.

When Night Feather looked at Fillid and the others, Fillid and the others also looked at Night Feather in unison.

After all, the team of Night Feather in the qualifiers won the first place.

"Fairy Tail, let me see your true strength!"

Lufas looked at Night Feather, the corners of his mouth curled.

At the same time, the big-headed man with the crow's tail stared at Night Feather with a playful gaze.

Night Feather saw all of this, but he didn't care.

As everyone looked at each other, there was a sudden change in the huge arena.

I saw that a large number of dense runes appeared in the air.

Soon, the runes coalesced together to form a huge town.

The town is lined with high-rise buildings and streets, as if it were a real town.

"Using magic to create towns?"

"That's an exaggeration, isn't it?"

Elusa and Natsu and the others, who had already arrived in the stands, were amazed when they saw the huge magical town above the stadium.

Soon, Leo, Filid, and others in the middle of the arena were teleported to the magical town.

······ Asking for flowers...

Buzz Buzz –

Immediately afterward, a large number of virtual screens appeared around the magic town.

And the picture shown on the screen is the situation of the eight players in the town.

7 to be exact.

Because of Night Feather, it's still outside the magic town.

He wasn't teleported to a magical town.

"What's going on?"

"Is the teleportation malfunctioning?"

Seeing that Night Feather was still outside the magic town, the commentator and the audience were stunned.

At this time, Wendy, Elusa and others in the stands all looked moved.

"Could it be because of Brother Nightfeather's magic?"

Maybe the others don't know, but Wendy and Elusa and the others know that all spatial magic is ineffective against Nightfeather.

And this teleportation magic is a type of space magic.

......... 0


As Wendy spoke, the pumpkin man ran up to Nightfeather.

Before the pumpkin man could finish speaking, Night Feather used spatial magic and disappeared in place.

The next second, when it reappeared, it was already in the middle of town.

"It was a small mistake!"

"You in the stands can see the real situation of the 8 players in the magic town through these screens!"

"But the players in the Magic Town don't know about the other players!"

"The rules of this game are very simple, the 8 players in the magic town, only need to find other players and attack, regardless of whether the attack causes damage or not, as long as they hit the opponent, they can get one point, on the contrary, the side that is hit will deduct one point!"

Hearing this, Natsu clasped his hands on his chest and said with a smile: "This is too simple!"

However, as soon as Natsu's words fell, a large number of figures appeared out of thin air on the streets of the magical town.

These figures that suddenly appeared turned out to be exactly the same as the 8 contestants.

"What's going on?"

"Suddenly there are a lot of Night Feathers and Filid!"

Seeing that there were a lot of Night Feathers and Fillid on the streets of the Enchanted Town, Natsu and Harpy hugged their heads and exclaimed as if they had seen a ghost.

"Now in the arena, there are a lot of replicants, these replicants have the same appearance as the 8 players, if the players attack these replicants, one point will be deducted!"

Hearing this, Elusa showed a clear expression: "I see, use these replicants to interfere with the game?

Feilu reminds you: there are three things to read - collection, recommendation, and points

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