The decoration inside the guild is very plain. Leila initially guessed that it was because the members were all doing things, and the guild's money was used to compensate for various situations that occurred during the mission, resulting in the guild having no money to renovate.

It's strange to say that there is a sea behind the guild, and it's endless. This is inland, but Makao and Wakaba said it's just a lake. This lake is too big, are you sure it's not connected to the ocean?

First of all, the lobby outside is a tavern. People in the city can come in to eat and drink. On the side facing the gate is the bar counter and the bartending room. The commission notice is on the other side of the counter. There is a medical room and some rooms behind the first floor.

On the second floor, Makao and Wakaba told Leila that only S-level wizards can go up there, because there is an S-level commission column there. The rest of us cannot go up there if we don't pass the S-level exam. If we go up there in violation of the rules, we will be punished. There are many punishments, but only that punishment, they have a dead-end expression on their faces, and they didn't reveal anything. So, what is that?

Leila asked where the library was, and Makao and Wakaba took Leila to the library on the underground floor. The books here recorded all kinds of magic and stories. Leila thought that it must be left by the first generation. The first generation read so many books, and they would not move the library on Tenrou Island here.

After transferring the guild, Makao and Wakaba introduced the members of the guild to Leila. There are quite a lot of members in the guild, but there are not many core members at present. They should be pouring into the guild from now on.

However, Leila did not see Laxus. She had seen him in the Magic Parade before. Participating in the Magic Parade also proved that Laxus should have been implanted with the Dragon Slayer Crystal. Otherwise, Makarov would not have let him join Fairy Tail. Leila then went to Makarov to ask a question.

"Old man, why is our guild called Fairy Tail?"Lila still wanted to hear it from old man Makarov himself.

"Do fairies have tails? And do fairies exist? Because of this, it is an eternal unknown and an eternal adventure. This is what the first generation said, and it is also the original intention of our guild."

"What about the first president?"

"The first president has passed away, and her tomb is currently resting in the holy land of our guild."

"Then old man, do you know the adventure story of the first generation?"

"I'm not sure about this, but you can go to the library and look for the adventure records there."

After hearing Makarov's answer, Leila thanked the old man and walked into the library. After a while, Makarov came to see Leila.

"Leila, did you find it?" Makarov's voice came before he even entered the library.

"Found it, old man."Lila was sitting at the table watching the first generation of adventure

"Old man, can I take this book home to read tonight?" Leila's eyes widened and she looked at Makarov pitifully.

"Um, sure, but remember to save it and come back after reading it."

"Great, thank you, old man."

Laila continued reading in the library. During this time, Makao came to ask Leila about some information about his mission, and then gave Leila some rewards. Later, Wakaba also came. Leila looked at their backs, her heart warmed, and her eyes were slightly moist.

Although Leila, Makao and Wakaba had said during the introduction that he was traveling with his grandfather, but his grandfather had something to deal with, so he sent me to this guild and gave me living expenses, they were still worried about Leila's situation.

At night, Leila walked out of the guild with the book. He went to a magic shop. There were props he wanted to buy in the shop. He had not spent all his money before, and with the rewards given by Makao and Wakaba, it was enough.

Leila put the props in the backpack and walked towards home. There was a river in the middle of Strawberry Street, and there were boats sailing in the river from time to time. Leila walked on the steps by the water and strolled towards home.

"I'm back!" Leila opened the door and shouted as she entered the room.

"Well, how is the guild going?" Augustus heard Leila's voice, opened the door and walked out, stroking his beard with a kind smile on his face.

"Very good, and I also brought this back." Leila said, holding up the book in her hand.

"This is?"

"This is the adventure story of the first generation of Fairy Tail. Today, the president told me the story of the first generation. Unfortunately, the first generation has passed away, but the tomb of the first generation is in the holy land of Fairy Tail.···"

Auguste was slightly stunned when he heard Leila's words, and then remained silent, as if thinking. He watched Leila constantly telling the story in the book. Auguste could not hear the content. A voice kept echoing in his mind: her grave

"The first generation started from Tenrou Island, saved Magnolia, and founded Fairy Tail here. After that, Tenrou Island became the holy land of the guild.···"

"Well, Leila, can I take a look at this book?"Ougast looked at Leila who was talking, and couldn't help but feel curious about the book and wanted to take a look.

"Grandpa, here you go."

August took the book in his hand, and with a little excitement and some helplessness, he flipped through the contents for a few seconds, and then returned the book to Leila.

"Hey, Grandpa, give me a copy."After Leila took the book, she asked Augustus a little embarrassedly.

"What else do you want? You already have it."Ougast pointed at the book in Leila's hand.

"I have to return it tomorrow, it's the guild's stuff."

Augustus stretched out his left hand, and a magic circle appeared. Augustus held a book in his left hand. Augustus handed it to Leila, and then went back to his room, but Leila's voice interrupted Augustus' steps.

"Grandpa, when will you go back?"

"I'll be back the day after tomorrow."

"Then grandpa, can you take me to Tianlang Island tomorrow?"

"What are you going there for? Besides, don't you know teleportation magic?"

"I want to see the tomb of the first generation, but it's too far away and I can't teleport there."

"OK." Then Augustus turned and walked into his room.

Leila stood in the living room with a book in her hand, watching old man Augustus walk into his room step by step.

She could clearly feel that the air had softened.

The old man must be in a restless mood.

Maybe he was reading in the room now.

Leila then walked into her room.

There was a bed in the room, located in the center of the room, close to a wall.

There were soft pillows on the head of the bed, and a soft table lamp beside the bed.

The bookshelf was placed next to the bed against the wall, and the bookshelf was empty.

The desk was on the side close to the window, with some books and pens on it.

The wardrobe was placed between the desk and the sofa, making the whole space tidier.

The sofa was placed in the corner of the room, close to the desk, and could be used as a place to rest and read.

In the corner of the room was a comfortable sofa, which could be used for rest or reading.

Leila put the book copied by Augustus on the bookshelf. , there is only one book on the bookshelf, but slowly, it will be filled up.

Walking to the desk and sitting down, Leila took out the magic prop she bought, which was a camera. Leila manifested Tom and asked Tom to help take a photo of herself. Leila in the photo was still a little immature, leaning sideways, revealing the Fairy Tail emblem, with a smile on her face.

After looking at the photo, Leila, who had dispersed from Tom, used magic to open the diary, clipped the photo on the first page of the diary, and recorded what happened in the guild today.

Then put the diary on the desk aside and continue reading the adventure of the first generation.

It was late at night, Leila prepared her things, washed up and went to bed.

At the same time, in another room, August looked out the window quietly.

Through the window, the faint moonlight sprinkled on his face, and the books on the desk had been closed.

However, his eyes gradually deepened, and the waves in his heart could not be calmed for a long time.

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