After the magic parade, the Fairy Tail Guild was holding a celebration banquet for the magic parade.

Many members gathered together, sitting around the table in the tavern, tasting delicious food, drinking fine wine, and some people were still wearing the costumes for the parade. Some were still playing guitars, beating drums, and singing on the stage. The rhythm of the music, combined with people's laughter, pushed the joyful atmosphere to a climax. Everyone found a sense of belonging and warmth here, and wrote their own beautiful stories together.

The next day, Makarov organized everyone to help repair the city. This is done every year after the harvest festival ends. After all, in order to celebrate the harvest festival, people from the entire city participated and played too much.

Similarly, because Fairy Tail was still helping to restore the city at this time, Leila and Auguste waited one more day. Leila and Auguste came to the door of the guild. Leila looked at the guild that was very clear in her memory but could not be touched, and her heart was speechless. Auguste knocked on the door. It was early in the morning, and it could be seen that there were not many people in the guild.

Leila went in and took a look. She didn't recognize most of them. After all, it was this period. Then she saw the old man Makarov sitting at the counter. At this time, Makarov's eyes were looking at August.

"Who are you?" Makarov jumped off the counter, looking a little solemn. He didn't notice Auguste's arrival at all. He only felt the power of his magic the moment he saw him. It was very likely that Auguste deliberately released his aura to make him notice it.

"My name is Auguste, you are President Makarov, right?"

"Yes, that's right."When Makarov heard this name, he was a little confused. The Kingdom of Fiore had never heard of such a person. His magic power was not as deep as that of Serena, the god of the four kings of Ishgar.

At this time, Leila was thinking, why did Makarov become shorter when he got older? Although he was a little shorter when he was young, it was not so exaggerated. I don't understand why all the comics in Xiaoshi are like this.

"I am from the Western Continent. I met this child during my travels. I have to go back because of some things, but I don't want this child to leave his hometown, nor do I want him to go to the Western Continent. The current situation in the Western Continent is not very good. So I would like you to accept this child." August seemed to see what Makarov was thinking, and explained.

"Oh? This child?"Makarov looked at Leila beside him. Although he didn't know much about the Western Continent, he heard that there were frequent wars there. It would be hard for such a young child to go there.

"Hello, President, I want to join Fairy Tail!"After entering, Leila kept looking around. After all, this is a real environment. If she hadn't joined yet, Leila would have wanted to go around every place. At this time, she heard August and Makarov talking about herself, so she greeted Makarov.

"Well, that's fine. Makarov lowered his head to think, then agreed to it and accepted Leila.

"Leila, I'm going back first. Listen to the guild leader and don't mess around."Ougast smiled when he heard Makarov's affirmative answer, and then repeatedly reminded Leila

"Grandpa, don't worry, I won't do anything rash."Lila also gave Augustus a bright smile.

Augustus saw Leila like this, and felt helpless. I'm worried about you like this, and then said goodbye to Makarov.

"You are Leila, right? What's your full name? Makarov breathed a sigh of relief as August walked out of the door, then looked at Leila beside him.

"My name is Leila Sloan and I am 7 years old"

"Well, what is your magic? Makarov nodded, and continued to ask,

"My magic is the Arc of Manifestation, and of course I can also use the Ancient Scriptures"

"Arc of Manifestation? Super Ancient Scripture?"Makarov was amazed at Leila's talent. Two ancient magics, Lost Magic is also a kind of ancient magic. Then he thought about it, even he couldn't see through Augustus's magic attainments, and his strength far exceeded his own. Leila's magic should be the same.

"Old man, there's no need to be so exaggerated, it's just two ordinary magics." Leila heard Makarov's exclamation and looked nonchalant, saying it was nothing.

"Okay, Leila, where do you want your emblem to be placed? Makarov saw through Leila's trick and chose to ignore it.

"Well, let's put the black one on the right arm."After thinking about it, Leila put the emblem on the right arm.

""Okay, over there is the commission notice board. You can look at some of the commissions you can do. Of course, you can also cooperate with the members of the guild. Your ancient script magic should be very useful. Maybe it can become our intelligence station." Makarov told Leila something, and at this time Wakaba and Makao also came.

"Oh, Makao, Wakaba, come quickly, our guild has new members, Leila"

"Hi, Leila, my name is Makao Kongbo, and I use Purple Flame Magic."

"My name is Wakaba Mine, and I use smoke magic"

"My name is Laila Sloane, I use the Arc of Manifestation and the Super Ancient Script Magic, please give me your guidance, seniors."

"Senior? Haha, you are a good kid. If you have any problems in the future, we two will protect you."Macao and Wakaba looked at Leila with a gratified expression.

"By the way, what are these two magics you use?"

"In ancient magic, the Arc of Manifestation can materialize things that are imagined, and the Super Ancient Script is a magic that can search for all knowledge and compress information. It is said that the Speaker of the Council is this magic."As Leila explained, she used magic to materialize Makao and Wakaba, and also demonstrated the intelligence gathering function of the Super Ancient Script magic.

"Leila, how strong are the two of us you have manifested? Makao and Wakaba carefully observed the two people Leila summoned.

"There are some limitations. First of all, it's a matter of magic power. The stronger the person, the harder it is to materialize, because my magic power is not enough to support it. For example, Mr. Makarov, but I can also materialize a weakened version of him. The second is the problem of imagination. Because I don't know much about you, your strength may be greatly reduced when you materialize. Therefore, I don't know how strong they are at the moment."

"You mean when you know us well enough and your magic power is strong enough, you can manifest us!" Makao and Wakaba were stunned when they heard Leila's answer.

"Of course you can, but the manifestation is fake after all, and it is very stressful for me mentally to manifest it all the time."

"Okay, Leila just came to our guild, you two take Leila to know our guild, and introduce her to our members." Makarov saw that if he didn't stop them, they wouldn't stop, so he decisively assigned them a task.

""Okay, President. Leila, come this way. I'll show you around our guild." Makao and Wakaba patted Leila on the shoulders and then led her on a tour.

At this time, Makarov was thinking to himself that he must write to them to see that there was another amazing little guy in the guild and show off in front of them.

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