The next day, Leila took her backpack and teleported directly to the guild gate. Leila's sudden appearance scared Makarov who was standing at the guild gate. Makarov hit Leila hard with a club and said,"You scared me to death. Don't show up so suddenly in the future.""

""I'm sorry, old man, please put this book back for me. I have to go out for a while today." Leila touched her head. Makarov's beating didn't hurt. Leila asked old man Makarov to help her return the book.

"Oh, go away, don't do this again next time, it will scare people." Makarov took the book and waved his hand to let Leila go.

"Goodbye, old man."Laila said this and teleported back.

"Should we set up a special teleportation location? No, why did this kid learn teleportation magic again?" Makarov saw Leila teleported away again, holding the book and walked into the guild. After thinking about it, he suddenly realized

"Grandpa, let's go!"

Leila and Augustus came to Sirius Island, a small island off the coast of Fiore. The shape of the island is peculiar, like two islands, with a giant Sirius tree standing in the middle. There are many strange creatures living on the island. It is said that there used to be a guild here.

Leila stood on the island and felt the surrounding magic power flowing into her body continuously. [It was because of the Sirius tree. This is really a good place to practice.] Then Leila followed Augustus into the forest.

Leila and Augustus saw a lot of squirrels on the way. It is said that they are rare squirrels that only live on Sirius Island, Tianluo bird squirrels. No biological scientist in the world can compare with them. There are also a group of strange creatures that have been seen by the ancients.

Continuing to go deeper, passing a city ruin, Leila noticed a large house with a lizard logo on it, and then looked at the sign on the ground at the door, which was engraved with a red lizard.

Leila and Auguste continued to move forward, and after passing a cave, they arrived at the tomb of the first generation of Mavis. After coming out, what caught their eyes was the tomb of the first generation, and there were several bouquets of chrysanthemums on the tomb.

At this time, next to the tomb, stood a very cute girl with a pair of emerald green eyes, a pair of small wings on her head, and long golden hair swaying in the wind. She floated in the air barefoot, wearing a white and pink dress

"Are you here to see me?" Mavis's voice reached Leila's ears.

"First generation! Are you still alive?" When Leila saw the first generation Mavis, she was very surprised. Of course, her excitement was not fake. [It's the living first generation, alive! The first generation is really cute!】

"Are you Leila?"

"First generation, how do you know my name?" Leila was a little shocked

"I told him." Auguste suddenly said something confusing behind Leila.

"Did grandpa tell the first generation?"Lila felt that her brain capacity was not enough. August meant that he had met and communicated with the first generation, and even told the first generation about Leila.

"That's right, little Leila." Mavis saw Leila's expression, touched Leila's head and comforted her.

"Wait, my mind is a bit confused."Lila reached out his hand, wanting to pause time and give his mind some space to think. At this moment, Leila's mind was like the Big Bang of the universe, bombarding him with all kinds of questions. [Why did Auguste tell Mavis, why did he know Mavis, and why did he tell Mavis about me?】

"Actually, I was here last night."

"Grandpa, you came here last night? What did you come for?"

"Well, buy a bunch of flowers to commemorate my mother"

"Mother?!" Leila looked at the chrysanthemums on Mavis's grave and Mavis standing beside her.


Hearing Auguste's admission, Leila couldn't hold it anymore. What was going on? Her eyes flashed back and forth between Auguste and Mavis. The script was a little different. Shouldn't they have recognized each other today?

Auguste explained the origin of all this. Auguste returned to the room last night. After reading the book, Auguste couldn't calm down. After thinking about it, he decided to go to Sirius Island to take a look. He went to the flower shop to buy flowers on the way.

When Auguste arrived at Sirius Island, he sensed a breath and then teleported to the grave of Mavis. At this time, the grave was glowing. With Auguste's powerful magic, he could directly sense that there was a person in front of him.

Auguste activated the magic of the divine eye and saw Mavis standing there. She was exactly the same as the Mavis that Auguste had seen when he was a child. Auguste couldn't help but shed tears.

Mavis looked at the familiar stranger in front of her, and then saw Auguste shed tears. She felt a little heartache in her heart. She looked at the flowers in Auguste's hand again, and then asked Auguste about the relationship between her and Mavis. In the end, Auguste and Mavis confessed everything.

"Wait? What about the details? What about the details after the confession?"Lila looked at Auguste, who suddenly ended the conversation perfunctorily at the critical point, and was a little furious. Of course, Leila knew the confession, but what about the hug after the confession?

"Well, that's the thing."Ougast coughed awkwardly and tried to end the topic.

"No, why don't you say it? It's gone now?"As soon as Leila's complaint came out, she was stopped by Auguste's eyes. That kind of eyes Auguste really could kill people.

"That's it, little Leila." Mavis said, pinching her waist.

"Well, that's great." Leila looked at Mavis and Auguste standing together. She had wanted to see this harmonious picture for a long time. The ending would no longer be Auguste leaving sadly and alone.

"Oh, first generation, I brought a camera, let's take a picture together as a souvenir." Leila took out the camera from her backpack and suggested to Mavis.

"I'm just a ghost, this camera can't capture me."Mavis looked at the camera in Leila's hand and said with some regret

"Perhaps, there is a way."Ougast proposed an idea and looked at Leila. Leila felt a little puzzled, then Leila understood what Augustas meant, but Leila thought that after all, what was manifested was not a physical body, what would Augustas do?

Just as Leila was thinking, Augustas cast a magic to manifest a body of Mavis, but without consciousness. When Leila saw it, a resentful expression appeared on her face. [It was copied immediately, the instant copy magic is really cheating!】

"What is this? The Arc of Manifestation?"Mavis looked at her body in front of her. The Arc of Manifestation did not have a magic circle, but could be manifested directly through imagination. Mavis could tell what kind of magic it was at a glance.

"When I was a child, I saw my mother's body and appearance. It is not difficult to manifest it, and my magic power can support this body for a long time."

"Grandpa, the problem is how to make the first generation merge into this body."

Ougast stretched out his hand, and the magic circle wrapped around Mavis, and then turned into a beam of light and merged into the body.

"This is?"

"Advanced additional magic, it is the magic of a friend of mine."

When Leila heard this, she thought of the woman with crimson hair.

August stopped the magic, but Mavis was still sleeping, her soul and body were fused, and they needed to be reconciled. Moreover, Mavis had been in the state of a ghost for so long, and it would take time for her to adapt.

"Grandpa, thank you"

"What are you thanking me for?"

"Thank you for taking me in"

"No, thank you too."


Leila was still thinking in her heart. She put Auguste's matter aside first, but she was still a little worried about Mavis's current state, because everything happened too fast, and he still had a lot of things to figure out. Leila wanted to speak but didn't know how to say it. Something must have happened last night, and Auguste didn't tell Leila about it.

During this time, Leila and Auguste silently observed Mavis's state, and no one spoke again. Mavis' ghost figure gradually dissipated and merged into his body.

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