"Leila, you are so slow." Kana was about to ask why Leila took so long to teleport here, but when she looked closely, she found that the person in front of her was not Leila.

""Dad! Why are you here?" Kana was so shocked that she stood there in a daze. It took her a while to come back to her senses and ask

""Mom!" When Ultiya saw Ulu following closely behind Gildarts, a happy smile immediately broke out on her face, and she ran over and hugged Ulu tightly.

Leila followed and walked out of the magic circle. After the white light dissipated, the magic circle also quietly disappeared. He glanced at everyone, but didn't care. He squatted down and carefully felt the magic power content in the magic crystal in the magic circle.

After some exploration, Leila found that the magic power of the magic crystal had been consumed by about half, and six people were teleported. In this way, this ordinary magic crystal can only support a single person to teleport twelve times.

It seems that the efficiency of the use of magic power in the magic crystal needs to be improved, and part of the magic power has been input into the ritual.

This is just an ordinary magic crystal. If it is a more advanced magic crystal, it may be able to last longer, but the price is not cheap, and it is still a money-burning thing.

""Lila, your teleportation magic circle is quite convenient. How did you do it?" Laxus approached and looked down to see that Laila had opened her eyes and removed her hand from the magic circle.

Laxus' question also aroused the curiosity of the four people behind him. After all, this teleportation magic circle could be used by other people, which would surely bring great convenience. They also held their breath and waited for Laila's explanation.

"The magic we usually use is based on our own magic power, which is then transformed into a magic circle. Each specific magic circle corresponds to a specific magic."

"My teleportation magic circle uses magic crystal as the source of magic power, which provides a continuous supply of magic power for the magic circle. I drew the magic circle in these two locations."

"When the magic circle is activated, it will draw magic power from the magic crystal to activate the teleportation magic. This can be regarded as a unique holding system teleportation item."

"Unfortunately, there is still a shortcoming. The utilization rate of magic crystals is not high. If you want to use them, you need to consume a lot of magic crystals."Lila took out another magic crystal and put it into the magic circle. The magic crystal immediately disappeared.

"Where is the magic crystal?" Ultear asked curiously, and Kana nodded repeatedly, obviously she was also curious about this question.

"I added a spell and set rules for the magic circle: only when someone with the guild emblem steps into the magic circle will the magic circle be activated; if no one is noticed or is not a member of the guild, the magic circle will not be activated, thus hiding the magic crystal and the magic circle."

"In addition, due to the limitation of teleportation, I fixed the teleportation distance, and then realized the fixed-point teleportation through the connection between the two magic arrays."

"I have been studying this for a long time, and it was not until recently that I finally perfected it. Now it seems that further improvement is needed."

Laila recalled the hardships along the way. For this research, many small animals paid the price of their lives. In the end, with the belief of serving the people and the unremitting determination, he succeeded in bringing it to the world.

"It sounds amazing." Kana was confused, but her admiration for Leila did not diminish. After all, Leila had given her some advice on cards before.

""Yeah." Ultear also echoed, she knew a little about the principle, this idea was indeed very avant-garde

"Hahaha, oh, by the way, Gildarts, you have to pay." Leila heard Kana and Ultear's praise and laughed proudly twice, then suddenly turned to Gildarts who was standing aside in amazement and asked for money.

"Why?"Gildarts was secretly amazed at Leila's ingenious ideas, but was suddenly asked for money, and was stunned.

"Without J, how can we spread the cost of technology development? It's not easy for me to do research! Besides, I also provided the magic crystals, and you have to prepare them by yourselves. Do you still expect me to do charity?"Lila said righteously

"What about them? I didn't come here alone. Gildarts couldn't accept it and pointed at Ulu and Laxus, while Kana and Ultear were not mentioned specifically.

"Ulu is a woman, the first time is free. Laxus has no money, so he is exempted this time. You are different, uncle, you have money!"Lila's words deeply hurt Gildarts' heart.

Ulu, Kana and Ultia watched the confrontation between Leila and Gildarts, covering their mouths and laughing. Laxus turned his head to look at the ground, pursed his lips, trying not to laugh.

"I don't have any money."Gildarts finally compromised, but he did not have any money.

"It's okay, I'll keep the account for you." Leila took out an account book from behind her back, picked up a pen and wrote on it: Gildarts teleports twice, price to be determined

"Wait, why twice? Gildarts glanced at Leila's account book.

"Aren't you going back later?" Leila looked at him with a puzzled look.

"I will walk back by myself later instead of taking the teleporter." Gildarts said angrily.

"Okay, don't be angry, I'll give it to you for free later." Leila said nonchalantly, and then changed it in the account book.

「Oh, it feels so good to have control over others!」

"That's more like it."Gildarts said reluctantly.

Then the six people walked out of the house, and Kana also prepared to practice with Laxus. However, this time, Laxus became extremely cautious, because after listening to Leila's various insidious tricks, Kana gradually put pressure on Laxus.

Gildarts went fishing. He is indeed a real fisherman and is addicted to fishing.

Leila called him to sit here and rest for a while, but Gildarts couldn't even hold on for a minute. He couldn't wait to walk to the river after saying something to Leila.

Ultiya was on the other side and began to practice magic with full concentration. She took out the crystal ball that Ulu bought for her yesterday, and placed the arc magic book of time next to it.

Ultiya compared it with the magic book, raised the crystal ball, closed her eyes, and placed a glass of water in front of her. The water in the glass was constantly surging, but there was no obvious change.

Ultiya was not discouraged. She tried again and again, carefully studying every detail in the magic book. Section. Ulu watched Ultia's training quietly and gave her support silently.

Leila sat at the table, concentrating on writing the modification plan for the teleportation magic circle. He had thought before whether he could transfer his own magic power into it and store it.

But other people's magic power might not work. Only his own magic power can play a role. Perhaps it will only be useful if people who can use teleportation magic input magic power. This point needs to be modified later. Add a magic converter in the middle to convert other people's magic power into the attributeless magic power in the magic crystal, which should be able to achieve universal use.

For now, it can only be like this temporarily. The details of the magic circle need to be re-carved and some details need to be added. The spell also needs to add more conditional settings. It's so annoying. In this way, the magic power required has increased again.

Leila tilted his head in distress, his left hand clenched into a fist to support his chin, looking up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, his right hand unconsciously turning the pen, shaking his head and sighing from time to time.

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