The next day, Gildarts took Cana's hand and came to the guild. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Makarov who had been waiting for a long time, and Ulu was sitting next to him.

Leila and Ulutia were sitting at a table in the tavern, as if they were discussing something. Laxus sat aside, with his arms folded across his chest, listening to their conversation carefully.

As soon as Ulutia saw Cana's figure, she couldn't wait to stand up and call her name, waving her to come over. Gildarts let go of Cana's hand, whispered a word, and Cana ran over.

Gildarts then walked towards Makarov and asked what was going on. Makarov just asked him to follow, and then entered a room, followed by Ulu.

Leila saw Cana coming, smiled and asked her if she had seen the method of making cards and how she felt.

Cana told her feelings truthfully. After she went back yesterday, she bought some materials for making cards and some basic decks on the way according to the knowledge in her memory.

She went home and tried to make some, but the success rate was not high. Later, due to insufficient magic power, she had to give up the idea of continuing to make.

After Kana finished speaking, she took out several cards made last night from the bag on her waist. The patterns on these cards were exactly what Leila used yesterday. Moreover, Kana added magic power during the production process, which enhanced the power of the cards.

"Well, OK, Kana, I have an idea." Leila nodded with satisfaction.

"What?" Kana asked curiously.

"As we all know, card wizards need to buy a lot of cards to supplement their decks. However, most card wizards do not know how to make cards, and the magic power of card makers is very limited. This is also the reason why card magic is comprehensive but not powerful enough. After all, if magic power is strong, who would choose this profession?"Lila explained seriously.

"But, Kana, you are different. You can make your own cards, and as the daughter of Gildarts, you have considerable magic power. Therefore, you can make some powerful cards."Lila's eyes were full of expectation.

Kana heard Leila's explanation, and her eyes flickered, as if she had seen the powerful cards she made. Leila did not stop, and continued to talk.

"Next, it's the card types. First of all, your card types are not comprehensive enough. Now you only have some simple magic cards, basically elemental magic, and special effect cards are only paralysis and sleep."

"The purchased cards are basically these, so you need to make them yourself. The cards you make can be roughly divided into three categories: summon cards, magic cards, and trap cards."

"Summoning card, you can summon some creatures or items, for example, you can summon a dragon, or you can summon various tools in life"

"Magic cards are the mainstream elemental magic of most card wizards nowadays. They are mainly comprehensive magic that can deal with different enemies."

"Trap cards are cards with special effects, such as cards that can speed up magic recovery, make cards invisible, poison enemies, and other troublesome cards."

"However, in this case, your magic power consumption will be very large. You are still growing and your magic power has not been fully developed, so you must train well. When your magic power increases, you will become a unique card wizard."

""Hmm!" Kana was fascinated by what Leila said. Every time Leila said something, she imagined a picture in her mind.

Leila stopped, picked up the teacup on the table, put it to her mouth and paused for a moment. She was secretly proud of herself: I must look so handsome in this way. She could already feel Kana's admiring gaze, and then she took a sip of tea.

"Leila, why do you have so many strange ideas?"Ultia sat opposite, her eyes widened, shocked by Leila's wonderful ideas.

"This is talent, right?" Leila replied calmly and nonchalantly. He was secretly proud of himself: Humph, I didn't play the card game for nothing.

"Ultimately, you still have to improve your magic power." Laxus said

"Laxus, if you want to improve your strength quickly, I can also give you some advice!"Lila looked at Laxus with a sly smile, her eyes revealing a hint of cunning.

"Humph, I don't need it. I'm going to practice." Laxus said disdainfully.

He stood up and prepared to leave, but was stopped by Leila:"Wait a minute, follow me, let's go together."

After Leila finished speaking, she brought Ultear and Kana to the intelligence room. Laxus folded his arms and leaned against the door frame, already looking arrogant.

Leila walked in, drew a magic circle on the ground, and then quickly hid under the wooden board.

When he stepped on the magic circle, the magic circle appeared again, but there was no sign of magic being activated.

"What kind of magic circle is this?" Kana and Ultia asked curiously. Their eyes were attracted and they stared at the magic circle closely.

"Hey, watch out."Leila picked up a magic crystal from the bookshelf in the room and carefully placed it in the center of the magic circle.

Suddenly, words flashed like lightning, and then another magic circle appeared on the floor. A dazzling white light lit up within a meter of the center of the magic circle.

""Kana, Ultia, go in and take a look." Leila said.

Curious, Kana and Ultia carefully stepped over the magic circle and walked into the white light. Suddenly, the white light dissipated and the two disappeared.

"Let's go, Laxus, stop trying to show off." Leila glanced back at Laxus, then reached out and pulled him to the side of the magic circle.

"I'm not trying to be cool, and are you teleporting?"


"you···"Laxus wanted to ask more, but Leila pushed him hard without mercy, and he stumbled and fell into the white light.

"Okay, then just talk to Gildarts and Ulu."After seeing Laxus being teleported away, Leila prepared to go see if they had discussed the matter, and then explain the matters concerning the teleportation array.

Leila opened the door and bumped into Gildarts and Ulu. She bumped directly into Gildarts, who touched his head and muttered,"Uncle, slow down."

"Leila, where is Kana?"Gildarts ignored Leila's complaint and looked into the intelligence room, but found that Kana was not there.

""Where's Ultiya?" Ulu asked from behind.

"Oh, you ask that, look!" Leila swaggered into the room with a smug look on her face.

""What?" Gildarts said calmly, but he sensed a hint of magic in the air.

"Take one more step forward and you will know."Lila directed Gildarts to walk into the magic circle.

Gildarts took a step forward doubtfully. When his foot landed, the magic circle emerged, and a cylindrical white light appeared in the middle.

"Oh? Teleportation magic?"Kil'darts realized that the attribute of this magic was a kind of space magic, and it was very similar to teleportation.

"Leila, is this the magic circle you drew?" Wulu was also a little surprised.

"That's right, let's go, I'll explain it to you when we get there." Leila pushed the two of them into the white light and teleported away.

After Leila left, Makarov walked in:"Huh? Where's the person? I saw him walk in just now." He touched his bald head, shook his head and walked out. It must be Leila who used teleportation to teleport the person away. Let's talk about it later.

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