In the following days, everyone spent their time like this, except for Gildarts, who was a little nervous.

"Gildarts, what's wrong with you?"Lila noticed his abnormality and looked up at him.

"Um, nothing much." Gildarts answered absentmindedly.

"If you have nothing to do, just sit at the table over there. You smacking your lips and sighing here and there bothers me." Leila frowned and pointed to the table on the other side with her pen.

""Yes." Gildarts responded, but did not stand up. Instead, he looked at Leila hesitantly.

"Tsk, just say whatever's on your mind, don't be so fussy." Seeing him like this, Leila reluctantly put down her pen and urged him.

"Leila, I want to ask you something. Gildarts glanced at Kana who was fighting, then hunched over and spoke to Leila in a low voice.

"You tell me." Leila replied

"Come closer." Gildarts looked back again, then pulled Leila closer.

"Go ahead, I'm listening." Leila had no choice but to cooperate with him.

"Leila, how should I tell Kana that I'm going out to do a commission?" Gildarts finally expressed his distress carefully.

"So this is what you've been doing all this time?" Leila didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and sat up straight.

"This matter is very important to me!" Gildarts looked at Leila seriously.

"I think you should just tell her about this matter directly."Leila said nonchalantly

"How can that be possible?" Gildarts looked grim.

"Gildarts, you just think too much. Kana is more mature than you think, she will understand you."Leila ignored Gildarts and continued to concentrate on his improvement plan.

""Am I really overthinking it?" Gildarts muttered to himself, still feeling a little unsure.

His eyes continued to focus on the battle between Cana and Laxus. On the other side, Ultear's training was also on track. She could only rely on her own efforts. Ulu also began to train Leo and Gray.

The three of them were in the room. Ulu was patiently explaining the key points of ice shaping magic to them, while Leo and Gray took off their clothes and soaked in a bathtub full of ice cubes.

"To control the cold air, you must become one with it. This is the primary task."

"Hey, Wulu, when are you going to teach me magic?" Gray sat in the bathtub, shivering with cold, but still pretending to be calm.

"Gray, don't panic, these are just the basics. Once your foundation is solid, I will teach you magic."

"That's right, I've been training with you from the basics." Leo sat next to Gray, holding his head with his hands. He had already completed the basic training, so he was not afraid of the cold. Gray was still holding on, but unfortunately he didn't hold on for long before curling up.

Wulu looked at Leo and Gray and sighed secretly in his heart. It was only August and the weather was still a little hot. They could only do a simple training here. The rest could only wait until winter to train these two people properly.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Wulu asked the two to get up, wipe off the water droplets on their bodies, change clothes and go outdoors, and then began to demonstrate the release technique of modeling magic to Gray.

She first showed Gray the movements. It was crucial to release magic with both hands. Then Wulu solemnly warned Gray not to use one-handed modeling like Leo. One-handed modeling had poor balance and often could not be used at critical moments.

""Ultear, how are you learning magic?" Leila walked behind Ultear with her notebook and asked.

Leila didn't want to disturb Ultear, but Gildarts was too annoying. He kept nagging about Kana and kept talking about Kana.

""What? What's going on?" Ultia was concentrating on the crystal ball, and she didn't notice Leila approaching. She was startled when she heard Leila's voice, and she covered the crystal ball in a panic.

""What are you doing, Ultia? Why are you blocking the crystal ball?" Leila looked at her with confusion.

Ultia's heart was pounding, and she explained in a panic:"I... I'm fine, it's just that the magic failed." She quickly changed the subject

"Then I'm leaving." After hearing her explanation, Leila turned around and left without thinking any more.

""Huh!" Ultia watched Leila leave, patted her chest with relief, and breathed a sigh of relief. Her eyes then fell on the crystal ball again.

"Oh? Isn't this Wulu teaching Leo and Gray magic?"

"Ah! Leila!"Ultia was startled by the sudden appearance of Leila.

"It's okay, you can watch it if you want."Leila said with a smile

"I just want to know how to learn my mother's magic."Ultear lowered her head in embarrassment.

"It's okay. Of course you can learn. I think Ulu will be happy to teach you whenever you want. But I think you can wait until those two have finished learning before asking for advice. By then, there won't be those two big lights."

Leila's words touched Ultiya's heart. She looked at Ulu who was teaching the two people magic, with a bright light in her eyes.

Ulu taught Gray step by step, carefully explaining the key points of the movements, allowing Gray to feel the magic in his body, to feel the flow of magic power, to gather the magic power in his hands and release the magic.

Gray did as he was told, but nothing happened. Ulu gently told Gray not to worry and to calm down. Then, she showed Gray how to make a shield with ice, which was the most basic shape.

Gray watched carefully, then closed his eyes, followed the method Ulu said, and calmed down, and finally succeeded in releasing it.���It was a small shield, although it was still a little inadequate, but it was already pretty good.

Afterwards, Ulu began to explain the key points of the shaping magic to Gray, and asked Leo to demonstrate it in front of Gray. Leo easily created a gorilla with ice, but he was soon punched because of the one-handed shaping, and a big bump appeared on his head.

"Modeling magic is a free magic, and the magic shapes that can be created are different. Practice hard, and then find your own shape."

Gray nodded, not quite understanding, and then continued to train, and at the same time began to think about what kind of shape he wanted to create.

Ultiya no longer paid attention, and focused all her attention on the water cup in front of her. This time, her magic was performed very smoothly, and the water instantly turned into ice. Her face was filled with a bright smile.

Leila looked at Ultiya's progress, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart:"It's worthy of Sister Lei, she is so talented."

Leila looked around and looked at the people around her. Everything was on track. The next plan should also be put on the agenda. I don't know how many years it will take. Now I can only wait for his news.

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