"Kana, how do you feel?" Leila looked at Kana with a proud face.

""Lila, you are amazing! You can fight Laxus to this extent with just these card magics." Kana looked at Leila with admiration in her eyes.

"Humph." Laxus looked disdainful.

"Laxus is so strong, he was fine throughout the whole battle." Kana looked at Laxus and was full of praise.

""Well, it's just so-so." Laxus accepted Kana's praise with pleasure and responded modestly.

After witnessing Leila's actual combat teaching, Kana seemed to have been enlightened, and eagerly asked Leila about many details of the operations in the battle and the overall layout.

Seeing Kana in this state, Gildarts thought to himself: Although this can greatly improve Kana's combat ability and actual combat experience, will she learn too much from Leila? Leila is playing too dirty, and Laxus is almost furious.

While thinking, Gildarts cast his eyes on Leila who was sharing all kinds of disgusting routines with Kana.

"Kana, next time you make a move, don't report the move at the end, or deliberately report it wrong, so that the opponent will mistake it for other magic and make a wrong judgment. Although this is a small detail, in a battle, a small mistake is enough to turn the tide."

"Think about it, next time you fight Laxus, you say you're going to use 'Fate of Thunder Summoning', but you actually release a fireball. Do you think Laxus will open his mouth to eat the fireball?"

Lila was like a devil, frantically inputting all kinds of insidious moves into Kana's mind. Kana stood aside and nodded frequently, memorizing these moves in her heart, and her eyes would light up from time to time.

Laxus heard the two people conspiring loudly on the side, and black lines appeared on his forehead. He cursed in his heart: Can't these two people discuss in a low voice? And they are talking so loudly in front of me!

"Leila, let's have a battle, you use the cards."Kil'darts couldn't help interrupting Leila when he heard her words becoming more and more outrageous.

"No, no, uncle, I won't bother you anymore. If you take action, how can I have a chance to play the card?" When Leila heard Gildarts' voice, her body instantly stiffened and she was sweating profusely.

"Kana, you must keep improving your magic power. Magic power is like a spring, it is inexhaustible. The deeper your magic power is, the sharper your magic attack will be like a sword, and it will be indestructible. This is the most important thing."Kildarts said earnestly.

"Well, I understand, Dad. Kana nodded heavily.

"Well, Kana, if you want to learn how to make cards, I can impart the knowledge directly to you."Lila also said to Kana

""Okay." Kana replied with great interest.

Leila immediately cast the ancient script magic to transmit the card making method to Kana. The progress bar above Kana's head grew rapidly and the transmission was completed in a short time.

Kana had already stored this knowledge in her mind. Next, she needed to slowly learn and integrate it by herself.

"Leila's fighting talent is indeed amazing."Ulu took Ultiya to Leila's side.

Before that, Ulu saw that Ultiya had gradually mastered other simple time magic, so he took her to the cabin, wanting Ultiya to try to learn the arc of time.

Also because the battle scene was too noisy, Leila suggested to Ulu that she take Ultiya to the cabin, where there was a magic barrier he set up, which not only blocked the noisy sounds from the outside world, but also the environment inside the house was quite good.

In the cabin, Ulu silently watched Ultiya constantly flipping through the magic book of the arc of time. Ultiya gradually immersed herself in it, and seemed to forget everything around her.

There was only this magic book in her eyes, and the contents of the book were also deeply imprinted in Ultiya's mind. In the sea. Ultia suddenly turned to the next few pages and found that these pages did not record the learning method of the arc of time.

Instead, it wrote a magic called the End of Time. Ulu found this scene and warned Ultia seriously that she must not learn this magic.

Ultia was puzzled and asked Ulu the reason. Ulu conveyed Leila's explanation at the time to her, and repeatedly reminded Ultia. Ulutia understood the danger, agreed, and stopped watching.

Afterwards, Ulu took Ultia out of the cabin, and at the same time saw Leila use Kana's card magic to perfection, and was not inferior to Laxus in the fight.

Then, seeing Leila transmitting some knowledge to Kana, he waited for a while before approaching Leila and talking to him.

"No, it's just a little bit." Leila waved her hand and said modestly, but the smug look on her face was revealed.

"Then we have something to do so we will leave first. I need to buy something for Ultiya."Ultiya said

"Okay, bye!"

"By the way, Gildarts, tomorrow morning, the president wants to discuss something with you. After walking for a while, Wulu suddenly turned back and said to Gildarts:

""Okay." Gildarts was stunned for a moment and responded.

"It's getting late, we should go back." Gildarts looked at Laxus and Laila and said

"Bye, Laila, Laxus." Kana held Gildarts with one hand and waved to the two with the other.

"" Okay, see you tomorrow, uncle." Leila and Laxus replied.

The two looked at the people going away, and Leila sat down immediately, slumping in the chair like a deflated ball.

Seeing this, Laxus sat opposite Leila and said,"Everyone has left, it's time for you to say something."

"What did you say?"Laila asked back listlessly,

"You are still pretending. I don't remember you having so little magic power. Where did your thought body go?"Laxus laughed angrily.

"Oh, I told you not to do it, but now you've exposed yourself! I used Kana's magic to try to hide my magic power, but you still managed to detect it."

"No, it's mainly because you seem to be avoiding me. I was just testing you. Magic can be hidden, but your reaction is exposed."

"So, what about your thought body?"

"I let him do other things."

"Is it dangerous? You should know that if the thought body dies, your magic power will never come back."

"I know what's going on. Don't worry. I can ensure safety."

"It's better to do so. You should take less actions recently, so as not to be exposed."Laxus said, and then turned and left.

Leila looked at Laxus's figure getting farther and farther away, and muttered,"What a tsundere."

Then she slowly packed up her things and put them in the wooden house, while thinking whether she should expand this wooden house, after all, Gray and Leo might come here to exercise later.

Speaking of these two brothers, they have been fully arranged by Ulu's exercise plan these days.

Because Ulutia's body is still learning time magic, Ulu can't take care of the two of them, so Ulu made a plan to let Leo take Gray to exercise.

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