"Two rooms." Sun took out the money and asked the innkeeper for two rooms.

The owner took two room keys and led them to the room. After the two put their luggage in the room, they went out to eat together.

When they arrived at the tavern, Gildarts's true nature was completely exposed. There was no way, this uncle was like this, even with Kana, it was difficult to change. Fortunately, Sun did not touch Gildarts's luggage, otherwise this uncle would really be angry.

After the meal, Gildarts said:"After that, it will be free time." Then he left Sun with a chic back.

Sun returned to the hotel and prepared to rest. Thinking back to the journey, it was really hard.

First, in the town of Fos, the western entrance to the border of Fiore, the two planned to cross the river to the national border in the east.

Gildarts received a commission in the town to defeat the aquatic monsters that hindered the operation of ships.——"Unicol", the reward is as high as 30wJ, thinking that it is just right to make some money by the way, Gildarts is still full of energy.

On the boat, Gildarts only used one punch to deal with the monster, but the boat was also destroyed. After falling into the water, the two could only swim to the other side. Fortunately, the distance was not far. After crossing the river, they arrived at the border city of Monei.

The two first found an inn to rest for a while. Gildarts went out for a while, saying that he was going to ask for the reward, but there was no news for a long time.

When Gildarts came back, Sun saw that he was a little embarrassed and asked what happened. Gildarts didn't say much, just Urging him to hurry up, he picked up his luggage and ran away. Sun walked out of the inn and saw a large number of troops coming to the town.

On the way, Gildarts told him in detail what happened. It turned out that he robbed a woman bought by the lord. The woman and her sister were bought by the lord to pay off a debt. Seeing that their lives were not going well, Gildarts accepted their commission. Later, he sent the woman and her sister on a ship heading west and let them cross the river to leave.

In the end, Gildarts successfully sent them out of the town, but Unicol's commission to conquer the city also ended in failure because it was the lord's Gildarts was sent a task, and this move of Gildarts undoubtedly ruined the good fortune of the Cappuccino Lord. However, the army arrived and arrested the lord who tried to occupy Monei as his own territory.

As soon as Gildarts saw the army, he fled in panic, thinking that they were here to arrest him. He is indeed one of the most destructive members of Fairy Tail, and he is particularly afraid of the army.

When he arrived at the next town, on a street, Gildarts met a sad lady again. She cried"Master Wizard" and asked Gildarts to help her get revenge.

So, Gildarts found the"Five Bridges One" and

Sun was very puzzled as to why Gildarts always met women outside and always encountered various accidents. He really deserved to be the protagonist!

But Sun was not in a hurry. After all, everything was still in plan. Sun, who was lying on the bed to rest, was thinking that he could reach the town in two more days. The time was just right. Suddenly

, a hurried knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. Gildarts was knocking hard on the door outside, shouting his name.

Sun got up from the bed helplessly, walked to the door, opened the door, and asked,"What's the matter?"

"Something happened. Do you want to go with me?" Gildarts's expression was serious.

"What's the matter? Tell me."Sun sighed silently in his heart. He was used to this kind of situation and asked calmly.

"A family in this town asked me for help to rescue her child."It turned out that when Gildarts was drinking in the tavern, he said that he was the strongest wizard. As a result, on his way back after drinking, he was caught up by the family and asked him to rescue their child.

""Okay." Sun agreed without hesitation, then closed the door and followed Gildarts out.

Then, Sun and Gildarts walked on the road covered by heavy snow, and their footprints seemed to be submerged in this white ocean.

"What are the details?" Sun asked Gildarts.

"The wizard guild called"Noisy Seconds" kidnapped the child of that family. I don't know what their purpose is, but the child can use a kind of magic - speeding up the passage of time in the egg." Gildarts told the information he knew.

"This magic is very useful."When Sun heard the effect of this magic, he immediately thought of the use scenario of this magic. If this magic is used to raise animals, it will be very convenient.

"I think so too, so what does the guild want to use this magic to hatch?"Gildarts and Sun have the same idea.

"Let's go and have a look."As they spoke, the two saw a building that looked like a fortress on the snow, with many cannons on it.

Sun was thinking about some plans, but Gildarts walked over with a swagger. Seeing this, Sun followed closely. The two entered through the pipe at the entrance of the guild and suddenly sensed a strange breath.

"Sun, do you feel it?" Gildarts looked at Sun seriously and asked

"Hmm, a very strange smell."Sun also had a serious expression. He had never felt such a smell before.

"It's familiar, but I can't remember what it is. Let's take a closer look."Gildarts held his chin with his hand, stroked his beard, and tried to search for the source of this breath in his mind. Finally, he decided to go directly to find out.

""Okay." Sun agreed. To be honest, for some reason, the hall in the guild was empty. They should all be where the smell was.

Sun used sleep magic to make everyone he met on the road fall asleep. After that, the two followed the smell all the way. After passing through several rooms, they finally found the room with the strange smell.

When they walked in, they saw a group of people standing inside, including a dwarf on stilts, who was particularly eye-catching.

In the center of the room was a huge egg, surrounded by various strange devices, and a little girl was standing next to it.

""Who are you? How dare you break into my guild without permission! Where are the others? Why didn't you report it?" The dwarf on stilts saw Sun and Gildarts quietly enter the room and immediately asked angrily.

Gildarts ignored him and cast his eyes on the little girl standing next to the egg. Comparing it with the client's description, he confirmed that she was Nano.

"Are you Nano?" he asked softly

""Uncle, who are you?" Nano stopped what she was doing and looked at Gildarts in confusion.

"I am the wizard your parents hired to take you home." After confirming that it was Nano, Gildarts smiled and said

"Do you think I'm air?"Nez was furious that the two dared to enter his guild so casually. He immediately launched a spherical object towards Gildarts, with a small pointer on it.

"I'm talking to the little girl, can you be quiet?" Gildarts didn't move. The ball flew in front of him and shattered instantly.

"What? My magic is broken? Who are you?"Nez was horrified. He looked at Gildarts in disbelief, as if he saw a monster.

"Oh, I remember, that's the devil's egg, right? You want to hatch it, right? I can't show mercy." Gildarts touched his head and suddenly became serious.

Because he remembered the smell of the egg, which was exactly the same as the smell of the devil in the previous commission to subdue the devil, and both exuded a disgusting feeling.

"Devil's egg? Is this the breath of the devil? These people really deserve to die!"Sun heard what Gildarts said and muttered to himself.

""Destroy evil and reveal good!" With a roar, Gildarts threw a punch with all his strength, and Nez flew backwards like a kite with a broken string.

At the same time, the entire guild and the devil's egg were shattered under the powerful force of the crushing magic.

Sun hugged Nano tightly and fled from here quickly, while Gildarts slowly walked out of the ruins.

"You've gone too far. Aren't you afraid of being recognized and reported to the Council?" Sun looked at Gildarts calmly, without any emotion in his eyes.

"It's okay. No one knows my identity anyway. Besides, the Council will never tolerate the existence of the Devil's Egg."Gil'darts smiled slightly, but then he looked at the ruins behind him expressionlessly.

They sent Nano to the town. When Nano knocked on the door, her parents hugged her and cried with joy. Gil'darts and Sun had already left and were ready to continue their journey.

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