The next morning, for some reason, Ultear felt that her sleep was particularly comfortable. The pillow was so soft, the quilt was so warm, and she felt a familiar embrace in her dream, as if everything had become beautiful today.

Her eyebrows trembled slightly, and she slowly opened her eyes, but the torment in her heart did not decrease at all. She didn't want to open her eyes and face the room. They said that the device could enhance magic power, but she was afraid. She was afraid of pain.

But today seemed different. Without the whispers of those people, the surroundings were so quiet that it made people feel at ease.

Ultear stared at the wooden house above her head. She realized that this was not a laboratory. This small wooden house was as familiar as a painting in her memory.

She gently stroked her face and pinched her arm hard:"It hurts, this is... real."

Tears slid down her cheeks like a flood. She struggled to get out of bed and carefully pushed open the door in her memory. The back of a woman came into her sight. She could no longer suppress:"Mom, Mom!"

She strode towards the figure she had been thinking about day and night. When Wulu heard the voice, her body trembled slightly, and then she turned around and her eyes met with Ultiya. Wulu squatted down and hugged Ultiya tightly in her arms. Her eyes gradually became moist, and she smiled and responded softly with a gentle tone:"Mom is"

"Mom, I'm sorry, please don't abandon Ultiya." Ultiya grabbed Ultiya's clothes tightly and cried in her arms.

"It's mom's fault. Mom will never leave Ultiya alone again."Ulu said distressedly while listening to Ultiya's words.

Such a touching scene was interrupted by an uninvited guest. It was Leo who came back from the town with a shopping bag.

This morning, Ulu told Leo about Ultiya's situation. He was a little shocked and felt deeply sympathetic for Ultiya's experience. After that, Ulu asked Leo to help buy some food in the town. She couldn't go with him because she didn't want Ultiya to find that she was not there when she woke up.

After their conversation was interrupted, Ulu talked to Ultiya about Leo and introduced Leo to her.

Leo smiled, He looked towards Ulu's daughter and said hello softly.

Ulutia stood behind Ulu, holding the corner of her clothes tightly, and responded to Leo timidly.

After a simple greeting, Ulu gently picked up Ulutia and placed her on a chair next to the dining table. He took the food from Leo's hand, and then asked Ulutia to wait for a moment, and went to the kitchen to get a bowl of steaming porridge and placed it in front of Ulutia.

At this time, the atmosphere at the table was very strange. Leo's brain was working fast, thinking about how to speak so as not to appear awkward and to take care of Ulutia's mood. Ulutia tried her best Although she was a little concerned about the boy in front of her, the bowl of hot porridge that Ulu served her was more attractive to her.

At this moment, her stomach began to growl, so she picked up the spoon and tasted it carefully, one mouthful after another, feeling the familiar taste. However, tears fell from her eyes involuntarily.

Leo found that Ulutia was crying, and he was at a loss for what to do. He was about to call Ulu out, but was interrupted by Ulutia's words"I'm fine".

Then, he saw that Ulutia continued to drink the porridge, so he sat aside silently and watched her quietly.

After that, Ulu called Leo to serve the meal, Leo immediately stood up and walked quickly to the kitchen. Ultiya also stood up and helped to serve the meal.

Ulu and Ultiya expressed their gratitude gently, and the three of them sat at the table and enjoyed breakfast together. Then, Ulu asked Leo to go outside to exercise. Leo understood and went out quickly.

Only Ulu and Ultiya were left in the house. Ulu explained to her that she did not mean to abandon her. She told Ultiya about what had happened over the years, and Ultiya finally understood the truth.

Ultiya wiped away the tears on Ulu's face and said softly,"Mom, Ultiya is back.""

"Well, mom swears that she will never leave you alone again."Ulu hugged Ultia tightly in her arms and stroked her head gently. Wulu was a little worried. She was afraid that Ultia's experience in the Development Bureau would cause psychological trauma to her, but seeing that Ultia was in good condition now, she felt relieved.

When she realized that Ultia was still wearing laboratory clothes, Wulu searched for Ultia's previous clothes, but the results were not satisfactory. Wulu couldn't help but sighed:"Ultia has grown up, and the clothes that mom left for you are no longer suitable."

Then Wulu took Ultia to the town to buy new clothes for her, and Leo was left at home. His clothes were also borrowed for Ultia to wear first and returned to him when he came back.

"I feel so redundant. It would be nice if I had someone to accompany me." Leo said goodbye to Wulu and sighed as he returned to the house.

In the town, Wulu was trying on clothes for Ultia. Every time Ultia tried on a piece of clothing, she would stand in front of Wulu and turn around. Wulu would also reply with praise:"Ultia is so beautiful."

The two of them tried on clothes in the store happily and finally bought several pieces of clothing for Ultia. If it weren't for the fact that they couldn't take any more, Wulu would have wanted to continue. The two of them walked home talking and laughing.

However, a figure saw Wulu from a distance and shouted loudly.

Wulu turned around and found that it was the owner of the hotel in the town. After answering, she asked:"What's the matter?"

The owner replied:"A guest in the store asked me to give you this letter."

Wulu took the letter handed over by the owner with full of doubts. Now the only person who can write to her is that person. She asked the owner of the hotel:"What does that person look like?

The boss shook his head and said,"I don't know. He was wearing clothes and I couldn't see his face. Besides, the letter was given to me last night. The customer said he must give it to you today.""

"Well, thank you."Ulu thanked the innkeeper and turned back.

After returning home, Ulu carefully opened the letter, which read:"Ulu, although I don't have the heart to disturb your reunion, please come to this town in two days. The disciple I asked you to accept is here. His name is Gray Fulpasta. In addition, I have a suggestion for you. At present, Ulutia's body is fine, but just in case, I suggest you go to Magnolia, where there is a healing magician with superb medical skills."

""Mom, what's in the letter?" Ultiya, who was standing by, changed into new clothes and put the extra clothes into the closet. She couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Well, nothing, mom has some things to deal with, does Ultiya want to go with mom?"After reading the letter, Wulu stroked the well-behaved Ultiya, her heart full of love.

""Yes, I want to go with my mother!" Ultear nodded firmly.

On the other side, Sun and Gildarts had already got off the train. They both decided to take a day off to recuperate and continue their journey tomorrow.

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