Two days later, Sun and Gildarts finally arrived at their destination.

"Gildarts, are you ready? Sun looked at Gildarts with a serious expression.

"It's been prepared for a long time. Let's go and let Master Gildarts meet it." Gildarts chuckled twice, clenched his fists, and was eager to try.

When the two men first walked into the cave, they did not notice anything unusual. As they continued to walk inside, there was an extremely subtle breath in the air, which was the disgusting breath of the devil.

But when the two men went deeper inside, the breath gradually dissipated. The two were startled, looked at each other, and secretly said that it was not good. They quickly ran towards the depths of the cave, but found that there was no sign of Deliora at all.

Sun hurriedly said,"Let's go and check out the town next door."

Kil'darts nodded fiercely, without saying anything more, no longer hiding his strength, and rushed towards the town next door.

Because they had been on the road for the past two days, and took the path to go straight here, they did not pass through the town.

And the direction of the town was opposite to the direction they came from, so if Deliora arrived in that town, they would not hear any movement.

Originally, they planned to get rid of Deliora in this uninhabited place to avoid destroying other things. But now, the development of things has exceeded their expectations.

At this time in the town, Deliora is still wantonly destroying the town. However, it is gratifying that there are not too many casualties. Only a woman stood in front of Deliora, that is Wulu.

After receiving the letter written by Leila to her, Wulu quickly packed her luggage and prepared to leave. Therefore, she arrived in advance Wulu went to this town and found Gray.

Wulu's heart was full of doubts. That person always concealed his identity, but asked her to accept Gray as her apprentice. What is the relationship between him and Gray?

She did not immediately go up to ask the townspeople about Gray's information, but found a hotel in this small town and opened two rooms, one for her and her daughter, and one for Leo.

Wulu is well-known in this area. After all, her strength is very strong. She can be called"Holy Ten", and she has rescued many people, so many people know her.

Under her indirect questioning, a group of children told her about Gray's situation. Now Gray lives with his parents.

Wulu thought:"Gray's family is very good. How could he go to Magnolia with me? It is not easy to accept him as an apprentice. Why did that person insist on me accepting him?"

Ulu had already decided to go to Magnolia after fulfilling her promise and ask the magical healing magician to check on Ultiya's condition.

However, she was in trouble at the moment. She didn't know how to accept an apprentice. She had no choice but to go to Gray's house.

After entering, she was entertained by Gray's parents. At the same time, she also saw Gray's potential and Gray's character. She explained her purpose to Gray's parents, but Gray's parents seemed a little embarrassed. After all, they had to leave here. They finally promised to think about it carefully, and Gray, who was standing in the house, didn't know what he was thinking.

After that, she returned to the hotel, but she suddenly felt something strange. Looking far outside the town, she saw a huge figure approaching the town. She couldn't help but be startled in her heart:"Deliora!"

Ulu immediately took Leo and Ultiya to the mayor's house, shouting on the way for the people around to flee quickly, Deliora was coming. After Ulu arrived at the mayor's house, she urged him to sound the alarm in the town.

Suddenly, Deliora shot a powerful magic bullet from his mouth and flew straight in the direction of the town.

"ICE MAKE Rose Garden."

When Wulu saw Deliora gathering power, she quickly gathered her magic power with both hands, gathered it at her left waist, and then launched a powerful magic on the ground.

Circles of giant roses made of ice surrounded Deliora's body, trying to block Deliora's attack. However, the explosion caused by the magic bullet instantly shattered Wulu's ice wall.

In the chaotic crowd, there was a figure that swiftly shuttled back and forth in the explosion.

"Oh my god, luckily I am smart."It turned out to be Leila. On the way here with Gildarts, he took advantage of the toilet time to materialize Wukong, and then came to the town alone to see if Ulu had come to the town.

After all, why fight alone when you can fight in a group. Who knew that he would encounter such a thing as soon as he arrived here? Leila could only teleport in a race against time. However, his teleportation ability was limited, and he could not take away all the people affected by the explosion safely.

After feeling the overwhelming aura of Deliora, Ulu, who was standing aside, made a prompt decision and quickly let Ultia and Leo follow the residents of the town to leave this dangerous place.

"Leo, take good care of her."Ulu turned around, looked at the two of them firmly, and solemnly instructed them, then ran towards Deliora without hesitation.

Ulutia looked at Ulu's back as she walked away, feeling reluctant and trying to catch up, but was held tightly by Leo.

"Ultiya, let's go first. We will only be a burden to Ultiya here." Leo pulled Ultiya to explain.

""Mom!" Ultia stretched out her hands, trying to grab Ulu, but she was held back by Leo and couldn't take a step forward.

"ICE MAKE Shotgun Impatiens!"

Beside Wulu, crystal Impatiens flowers bloomed, and ice bullets shot out from the stamens, shooting at Deliora. After a puff of smoke, it did not cause any effect, just some insignificant scratches.

"I didn't expect my body to be so strong."Ulu whispered softly.

Deliora spit out another powerful magic bullet from his mouth, whistling towards Ulu.

However, Ulu remained calm and continued to cast magic calmly."ICE MAKE Shield!"A dazzling white magic circle appeared in response, and shields were stacked in front of Wulu. Finally, after breaking more than a dozen ice shields, Deliora's attack was blocked.

"ICE MAKE Infinite blades! ICE MAKE"Return, big lily!"

Wulu ran towards Deliora quickly and cast several magic spells.

A large number of sharp ice blades like leaves emerged from her back and hit Deliora's arm in unison.

At the same time, a huge lily was created around her body, spinning rapidly around Wulu.

Wulu continuously released magic and engaged in a thrilling battle with Deliora.

Sometimes she released icy ice blades, and sometimes she released colorful impatiens, which hit Deliora's right arm like a storm. Under her continuous attack, there was an obvious wound there.

However, Wulu's high-intensity use of magic really made people worry about how long she could last.

"ICE MAKE"White Rose Garden!" Wulu touched the ground with both hands, and in an instant, the ground around him froze. Ice roses continuously emerged from the ground, tightly surrounding Deliora with spiral attacks, launching fierce attacks.

Deliora screamed, and his whole body was attacked. It was obvious that he had been hurt. One of the roses pierced his right arm like a sword, and Wulu on the other side also consumed a huge amount of energy.

"Wulu is so strong. This magic is not only powerful, but also so beautiful. Why hasn't the uncle arrived yet? Why is he so slow? If not, I'll speed him up."

After teleporting the suffering residents one by one to the hillside far away from the town, Leila disappeared from the spot and stood far away to watch the battle. This time, the experience of fighting against the strong was very rare for him.

More importantly, Leila liked Wulu's magic so much. The town was full of flowers made of ice. Leila held the broken ice petals, and even the lines on them were clearly visible.

Leila was also a little anxious. With his current strength, he would only become a burden to Wulu if he rushed forward. But under the current circumstances, Wulu didn't know how long he could hold on.

Deliora kept releasing magic bullets, and Wulu could only try his best to resist. Wulu was still trying his best to ensure that he would block the attack without hurting others, but blindly defending would always have omissions.

An attack was instantly launched towards the town again, and Wulu was overwhelmed. At the moment when the attack came into contact with the ground and was about to explode, it was suddenly shattered into cubes and lost its effect.

" Uncle, you are so slow" Leila suddenly turned her head to look at Gildarts who had arrived late from the other side of the town.

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