After a long day of traveling, Leila finally arrived at the town where Wulu was. He took a short rest and found a hotel in the town and settled down.

Next, he had to wait. When the time was right, Leila went out to Wulu's cabin outside the town. It was daytime, Wulu was still teaching Leo, and Leila stood in the distance and watched quietly.

As night fell, Leo had fallen asleep in the house, so Leila gently knocked on the window of Wulu's room.

Wulu was awakened by the sudden sound. She immediately got up and looked around, then noticed the figure outside the window and showed a state of alert.

Leila opened the telepathy to talk to Wulu and explained to her:"I have no ill intentions, I came to ask you for help."

Wulu did not let down her guard when she heard what the person said in the telepathy, but she was still confident in her own strength, and if this person really needed help, Wulu thought to herself:"Come in."

Seeing that Wulu had let down her guard a little, Leila teleported into Wulu's room like a ghost

"Teleportation magic?"Ulu thought to herself when she saw Leila teleport directly into the room from the window.

"Hello, Wulu. Leila said politely when she saw Wulu.

"Who are you?"Wulu stared at the man in front of him. Leila was wearing a black windbreaker with a large cotton jacket underneath. It was no wonder Wulu was too vigilant. His outfit was indeed a little weird, but Leila had no choice. The North was really cold and she was not used to it.

"First of all, I mean no harm. Secondly, I want to ask you for a favor."Leila went straight to the point, without any hesitation, and was also avoiding the question.

"Help?" Wulu looked at Leila with a puzzled look.

"Of course, this is not a request, but an exchange of equal value. I will use an important piece of information in exchange for your help."Lila continued

"whats the matter?"

""Ultia!" Leila's words were like a flash of lightning, instantly arousing Wulu's murderous intent. Wulu placed both hands on her waist, her left hand was in a palm, and her right hand was clenched into a fist. A dazzling white magic circle suddenly lit up. However, Wulu did not launch an attack. She just stared at Leila coldly, and her meaning was self-evident.

"She's still alive!"Laila felt Wulu's threatening look and blurted out without hesitation

"No, it's impossible. The people from the Magic Development Bureau said she has······"Wulu stopped what he was doing, stared at Leila with eyes wide open in disbelief.

"So, if you do me a favor, I will tell you all about her. Leila took the opportunity to put forward her own conditions.

"How can I trust you?" Wu Lu obviously would not easily believe what this person said.

"These are the truths about the Magic Development Bureau. I believe you will know after reading this." Leila took out a stack of information from behind her back and handed it to Wulu, then took out a photo.

Wulu picked up the information and glanced at it hastily. When she saw the photo Leila handed over, her hands trembled as if she had been electrocuted. She quickly put the information down and held the photo tightly with both hands. Her eyes were moistened instantly. Then she covered her mouth with her right hand, revealing an expression as if she had seen a ghost. She could not calm down for a long time.

"I won't do anything without a bottom line." Wulu calmed down and accepted Leila's conditions, but she said she would stick to her bottom line.

"It's okay, this matter is very simple, I want you to accept someone as your disciple"

"What is the character of this person?"

"I promise he won't let you down."

"Okay, but you can't interfere when I teach him."

"OK, let's get ready to go. I think you can't wait."When Leila saw that the matter was settled, she took Wulu and prepared to leave.

"Let's go." Wulu looked at Leila and urged anxiously

"Then stand still."Lila stood beside Wulu and immediately cast a teleportation spell. A purple magic circle bloomed under their feet, and then the two disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

After teleporting, Leila and Wulu arrived at their destination - the Magic Development Bureau. This is a crescent-shaped mechanical building. The development members in it are all dressed in white clothes, with a light blue cloak on their shoulders and a red mask on their faces. The mask and cloak are printed with the logo of the Magic Development Bureau.

"What are your plans?" Wulu stared at the building from a distance and whispered to Leila who was standing beside her.

"I have recorded the details in the files. Most of them are ordinary developers with average strength. The only threat is the director of the Magic Development Bureau. However, I am not sure if he is here."There was a hint of caution in Leila's voice.

"I can't stay calm anymore."Wulu looked at the building in front of her, and a strong hatred surged in her heart. Brian's words at that time kept echoing in her mind, piercing her heart like a sharp thorn. She thought to herself, if she could have persisted a little longer, maybe she could have changed the current situation.

"Don't panic, I'll go in and find out, you wait for my news."A trace of worry flashed in Leila's eyes. She didn't worry too much about Brian, but what Leila was really afraid of was his other personality - Wu. To be honest, the combat power setting in the anime is extremely confusing and cannot be compared at all. It is also unclear whether Wu Lu can defeat Wu, so for the sake of safety, it is better to observe first.

""Okay." Wulu took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down. She knew that she couldn't act impulsively at this moment.

Not long after, Leila came back to Wulu like a breeze and said,"Let's go. Brian is not here."

Then, Leila cast a teleportation magic and teleported Wulu and him to a room without attracting anyone's attention."Experimental Subject 3373" was written on the door.

Entering the room, what caught my eyes were the strange decorations around. There were almost no daily necessities in the room, only a bed. And Ultiya on the bed was sleeping, her eyes were a little swollen, and there were still traces of tears on her face. She seemed to be having a terrible nightmare, and her brows were tightly furrowed.

"Ultiya! Ultiya's tears burst out like a flood. She walked quickly to the bed, stared at Ultiya who was sleeping soundly, gently stroked her face, and whispered softly.

"I used a sleeping spell to let her have a good sleep first, and then leave here." Leila looked at the touching scene of the mother and daughter reuniting, and although she was touched, she still carefully carried out her plan.

"What about the other children here?"Ulu learned from the information provided by Leila that the developers here treated these children as experimental subjects and used them to develop magic. Ulutia was number 3373. The number of similar children has been increasing in recent years.

"Don't worry, I have copied the information and submitted it to the Council. Brian's crime is doomed to fail. Calculating the time, the Council's troops should be here soon."

Before leaving, Leila had handed the key information to Yajima. This was also thanks to the deep friendship between him and Mr. Makarov. Otherwise, Leila really didn't know who to hand it over to.

At this time, outside the Magic Development Bureau, the Council's troops were already on full alert.

"I'll take you back first." Leila said, and took Ulu and Ultiya back to the cabin, then turned around and left.

"Wait, you haven't made it clear what conditions you promised me."Ulu gently put Ultiya on the bed, and when he saw Leila was about to leave, he hurriedly asked

"I will contact you later."Leila left this sentence and disappeared through teleportation magic, leaving only the mother and daughter to enjoy this rare time alone. However, he secretly took a photo when Wulu was not paying attention.

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