In X772, time passed quickly and it was already the fourth year. For some reason, Leila flatly rejected Laxus's invitation to practice and left Laxus alone in the cabin in the East Forest. The cabin was built by Leila herself, because he often practiced there and set up a barrier around it. It was always more convenient to have a room. Later, Laxus also came there, and then rebuilt the cabin and added a room. In

July of X772, half a year had passed. Leila stayed in the guild almost all day, and only occasionally took commissions to go out to get rewards to make a living. But in this month, Leila's state was abnormal, and she didn't care about some things. Laxus saw Leila's listless appearance and was confused. After asking, Leila said it was okay. So Laxus found Makarov again and wanted the old man to ask, but Makarov was helpless.

On this day, Leila was resting in the guild, and suddenly a bell rang. Listening to the familiar rhythm, Leila instantly understood that Gildarts was back. Everyone in the guild stood at the door of the guild, excitedly waiting for Gildarts's figure, but Leila was still hiding in the intelligence room, indifferent. When

Laxus saw Gildarts's return, he had an idea and told him everything that had happened to Leila during this period. After hearing this, Gildarts said he knew, then explained the commission to Makarov and walked towards the intelligence room.

Leila was lying on the table, bored, supporting her head with her left hand, her body tilted, and turning a pen with her right hand. The door was suddenly pushed open, and a figure broke in. Leila was startled.

"Hey, Leila, you knew I was back, but you didn't come out to greet me. Gildarts kicked the door open, smiled, and said to Leila happily.

""Well, Gildarts, welcome back." Leila responded weakly when she saw it was Gildarts.

Gildarts walked up to Leila, raised his hand to pinch the back of Leila's neck, and walked straight towards the wall. Leila was scared and screamed:"I'm going to hit the wall! I'm going to hit the wall!"

Then, there was a"pop" sound, and the wall broke into several blocks. Gildarts walked out swaggeringly, and Makarov's shouting came from behind, loudly scolding Gildarts.

Laxus looked at Leila who was being carried by Gildarts like a chicken, and couldn't help laughing out loud

"No, no, I was wrong, I will go on my own." Leila struggled desperately in Gildarts's hands, thinking to herself, if the residents of the city saw this, it would be a disaster.

"Do you know you are wrong?"Gildarts lifted Leila up and stared at him. Leila nodded repeatedly, her eyes full of pleading.

"Come with me."Gildarts saw that Leila was understanding and put him down.

Leila followed closely behind Gildarts, crossed a river, and came to Gildarts's home. As soon as she entered the door, she could see a calligraphy with four big characters"I am the only one" written on it. However, after entering, Leila found that the decoration inside was really simple.

After putting down the luggage, Gildarts took Leila to the East Forest with two fishing rods in his hands.

"Hey, Gildarts, why do you want to go fishing as soon as you get back? You really have a special liking for fishing."Leila took the fishing rod handed to her by Gildarts and quickly followed

"Fishing is a man's romance. It can stimulate a man's hunting instinct and make people feel the beauty of being one with nature. This is a man's real playground."When Gildarts talked about fishing, his expression became serious, and he was completely different from his usual self.

When they came to the riverside of the East Forest, Gildarts and Leila sat there and began to enjoy the tranquility of fishing. However, it didn't take long for Leila's mind to stop fishing, and her eyes gradually became dazed.

"Tell me, what happened?" Gildarts noticed that Leila was acting strange, and he asked calmly.

"It's okay."Leila answered casually.

"It's okay. Who in the guild can't see what you're thinking?"

Leila didn't answer after hearing that, but her mind recalled those annoying things. And seeing that Leila was absent-minded, Gildarts stopped talking and just waited silently for Leila to speak.

Because the deadline has come this year, Leila must make preparations in advance to prevent accidents. If the time is missed, everything will be irreversible, and everything will return to the track of fate.

So he released the thought body and asked it to go to the North to inquire about the news. After months of hard work, in early July, a note was sent to the table in Leila's intelligence house.

Leila couldn't wait to open the note and scanned the information on it. Then, a flame rose from Leila's hand, turning the note into ashes in an instant.

The note said that Ultia was still struggling in pain, Ulu had accepted Leo as a disciple, and after Deliora destroyed a city in the North, Hide it, as for Gray, we will talk about it later.

That night, Leila returned home, opened the door, and saw the thought body sitting at the table.

Without saying much, the thought body merged into Leila's body, and at the same time transmitted the memories of the past few months to Leila's mind, including the news about Gray.

Because there is very little information about Gray now, Leila only remembers his name and his father's name.

After that, through the ancient document magic, she kept searching in the north and finally found the city where Gray was located.

It was still a long way from Deliora's previous location, so this time period had to be postponed.

But in the Magic Development Bureau, Ultear's painful screams and the ruins of the city destroyed by Deliora, these pictures were like heavy haze, shrouding Leila's heart and could not dissipate for a long time.

He just felt a little confused. Leila's original plan,���After Gray became Ulu's apprentice, it was too late. Ulutia would suffer more, Gray would lose his father, and Deliora would destroy many cities. He knew the solution, but chose to delay because he was afraid of his destiny. To be honest, other people were insignificant in Leila's heart, but he could not ignore Ulutia and Gray. He began to hesitate.

"If you have anything to say, just speak up. Don't let everyone in the guild worry about you. Don't keep it to yourself. We are still here for you." Gildarts said softly when Leila didn't speak for a long time.

"I'm just a little confused." Leila looked ahead, then lowered her head to stare at the fishhook floating in the water.

"Leila, just do whatever you want to do. I'm still behind you no matter what happens." Gildarts laughed heartily, put his hand on Leila's shoulder and patted her twice, and said with a firm look in his eyes

"Yes, I know."Lila stared at Gildarts and nodded vigorously.

""It's hooked!" Gildarts suddenly felt the pulling of the fishing rod in his hand. He held the fishing rod tightly with both hands and swung it violently, throwing a big fish onto the shore.

A few days later, Gildarts took on a commission and was about to leave in a hurry. When he went out, he caught a glimpse of a little girl holding a white puppy.

"Little girl, what are you doing here alone? Go home quickly."

"If you stay in a place like this, your clothes will be stained with the stink of alcohol."

These two sentences stopped the little girl from saying anything. Leila saw all this, then told Makarov that she was going to the East Forest, and left the guild.

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