In the next few years, Leila wanted to live a simple life, going from place to place, but in this noisy guild, it was simply a pipe dream to want to live a peaceful life. In

X770, Leila and Laxus went through Makarov's test, successfully passed their respective commissions, and officially became a wizard.

Leila had already chosen his mission, and the target was a group of thieves with average strength. After he released the thought body for reconnaissance in advance, he took the commission without hesitation and defeated them in one fell swoop.

Laxus's commission was an escort mission. To be honest, Leila felt that this mission was incompatible with Laxus's style. In his impression, Laxus should go to defeat those ferocious monsters and let them see what a real monster is. However, Laxus said that this was the arrangement of the old man, and Leila didn't say much. She just asked about the commission by the way and told Laxus the information.

After becoming a formal wizard, Makarov originally hoped that Leila and Laxus could form a team to take on a commission together. However, the team fell apart three days after its establishment.

At that time, after communicating with the client, the old man learned about what the two had done during the commission, and he compensated and bowed to apologize. After sending the client away, looking at the two people who were still bickering, the old man was extremely helpless and immediately announced the disbandment of the team.

Because of the commission of the team, Laxus and Leila started a fierce competition for a year. They set the rules that the content of the competition was who could earn more rewards through commissions within a year. But because the time span was too long, they stipulated that the competition was a score system, and compared it every month for a year, and finally decided the winner.

In this way, during this year, the fierce competition between the two forced other members of the guild to follow suit and get involved in this internal battle. Because Leila and Laxus accepted commissions frantically during this year, other members could hardly receive any tasks, and even if there were remaining commissions, the rewards were pitiful.

This year, the guild was unusually quiet.

After the New Year, the guild members looked haggard.

So Makarov resolutely issued a rule that the guild prohibited the use of commissions as gambling, and also limited the number of commissions each person could make.

More importantly, it greatly limited the commissions of Laila and Laxus.

So much so that every year when new members joined, they felt confused when they saw this rule, but as a member of the guild, they wanted to cry but had no tears when they mentioned it, and they also said:"Every seemingly unreasonable rule has a bloody lesson.


In the end, this commission competition ended with Laila's victory. In the first few months, Laila and Laxus were evenly matched. Before the last month, the score was 6 points for Laila and 5 points for Laxus. Laxus tried his best in the last month just to avoid seeing Laila's smug smile, and he must tie the score and disgust Laila.

However, the young Laxus did not understand the evil of human hearts. In the last two days, the insidious Leila secretly drugged Laxus. In such a critical two days, when the outcome was decided, Laxus went to the toilet for a whole day, and then lay in bed for a whole day.

After the competition, Laxus, who was already in good condition, walked into the guild and took Leila out of Magnolia and came to the East Forest. Everyone in the guild looked at each other. I only remember that day, there was a little snow in the sky, and the weather in the East Forest was thundering locally, and Leila did not show up in the guild for two whole days.

In X771, due to Makarov's regulations and the fact that the two had been paid enough in the past year, Leila and Laxus rarely accepted commissions, so they returned to the East Forest for most of the time to practice.

However, because of Laxus' diarrhea, Leila not only suffered a beating from Laxus, but was also forced to be a sparring partner for free.

However, on this day, when Leila and Laxus were fighting fiercely in the East Forest, a rapid bell rang from Magnolia.

"How to ring this bell……"Laxus stopped moving and listened attentively to the sound of the bell.

"Hmm? What happened?" Leila frowned slightly. He was still unclear about the situation at the moment. He could only vaguely hear the sound of the bell.

"It's the uncle who is coming back. Yes, that's right, you haven't seen him yet. Gildarts, the strongest of the guild."Laxus saw Leila's confused expression and explained to him

"Gildarts?!"Lila's mood instantly became excited, and she couldn't wait to meet this uncle.

Then, Laxus and Leila rushed back to Magnolia. At this time, there were several magic speakers in the sky above Magnolia constantly broadcasting, reminding citizens to pay attention to safety. At the same time, Magnolia entered Gildarts mode.

From the East Forest, you can see that the city has sprung up like bamboo shoots after the spring, and each house is like a block, gradually splicing into a new shape. There is only one road in the middle of the city that leads directly to the guild from the city entrance, and a figure is walking along this road towards Fairy Tail. At this time in The two people from the East Forest returned to the guild with the help of Leila's teleportation magic.

The guild was bustling with people, and no one noticed the sudden return of the two. Everyone was celebrating the return of Gildarts happily.

Gildarts returned, looked at the new faces in the guild, smiled slightly, and walked to Makarov. After the two exchanged greetings, Gildarts went back to rest.

At this time, Leila on the side saw this and hurriedly pulled Laxus to find Gildarts.

Laxus was reluctant to go, but he couldn't persuade Leila.

After all, Leila had never seen Gildarts before, and hoped that Laxus could introduce him to someone else.

After they met, when Gildarts heard Leila's magic, his eyes suddenly lit up and his face was full of excitement.

He felt attracted by this magic, but Leila always felt that Gildarts' eyes were a little strange.

However, Gildarts coughed lightly and returned to normal.

In the following days, Gildarts often watched the battle between Leila and Laxus, mainly because he saw the potential of the two. Especially Leila's magic, he can materialize another Laxus, which makes Gildarts particularly interested. He even asked Leila to materialize himself as well.

Leila decisively refused, saying that she was not capable enough at the moment. , but still can't do it. However, Gildarts was not discouraged, he firmly stated that when he could do it in the future, he must call him. When he said this, his eyes became serious and sharp. In this way, the three of them stayed in the East Forest for a while, and often went fishing together.

Two weeks later, Gildarts took another SS-level commission, and then packed his bags and left.

Before leaving, Leila asked him puzzledly, the reward for the commission was enough to live for a while, why did he go out again after a few days every time he came back.

Gildarts just smiled and touched Leila's head, and said softly:"I just like traveling."

""When will you come back next time?" Leila couldn't help asking.

Gildarts didn't answer. He carried his luggage on his left hand and waved his right hand, leaving behind a receding back.

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