Gildarts walked towards the Magnolia station. When he was walking towards the ticket office, he suddenly paused. Then he turned around calmly and looked around. His eyes gradually became sharper, scanning the people walking around, but he did not find anything unusual.

"Are you Gildarts? You look strong. Do you want to fight me? I'll be waiting for you in the East Forest."

Gildarts looked interested when he heard this, and left the station without hesitation.

In the East Forest, Gildarts came to a secluded place. Leila's cabin was in the north, and he was in the south.

""Come out!" Gildarts shouted to the people around him.

Suddenly, a black figure appeared in front of Gildarts. As for why it was a black shadow, the man was wearing a black windbreaker with a hood down, hiding himself in it, not wanting anyone to know his identity.

The moment the man appeared, he attacked Gildarts. Gildarts raised his right hand suddenly, and his cloak fluttered backwards. He rushed forward and hit with all his strength. When the two fists collided, a powerful wave spread out from their fists, and the surrounding trees were blown to shake.

Seeing that the other party did not use magic, Gildarts gave up magic and started a close combat with him. However, after several rounds of fierce confrontation, the man suddenly stopped and took a step back.

"Let's stop here for today." The man interrupted the fight. Although his heart was filled with irrepressible excitement and his fists were still shaking slightly, he still tried to keep calm and calm down.

"Good." Gildarts also stopped.

"After you return from this mission, I hope you can do me a favor.

"Help? With your strength, do you still need my help?" Gildarts' voice was mixed with a hint of doubt. From the previous battle, he could feel that the strength of the man in front of him was not bad.

"For some reason, I can't do it myself." The man said helplessly.

"What are the conditions? I won't do anything in vain unless you can fight me with all your strength."

"Fight with all your strength? Unfortunately, no. But I'm sure you'll be interested in this reward. I'll exchange it for a message."

""A piece of news?" Gildarts was full of doubt. He was too confident to ask for help from the strongest Gildarts with just a piece of news.

The man only said four words, but Gildarts was stunned, his face full of disbelief. He wanted to ask for more details.

"This is the reward. If you want to know, hurry up and complete the task. I will tell you when you come back. In addition, I can guarantee that she is fine now."After the black-robed man said this, he disappeared in the forest in an instant.

Gildarts still stood there, and then realized that this person did not use magic, so how did he teleport?

"Forget it, let's go to work." Gildarts walked quickly to the station. He just wanted to complete the commission as soon as possible and then come back to ask the man for clarification.

"Hey, please leave me your contact information." Gildarts took a few steps and suddenly his mind went blank. How should he contact him again?

"I will wait for you in Magnolia in the next few months."At this time, the man's voice sounded in Gildarts' mind.

""Okay." Gildarts set off on his journey.

At the guild, Kana was staring at Gildarts' back, standing there blankly. The words stuck in her throat, and she didn't say them in the end. She felt mixed emotions, and kept wondering why he didn't realize it was her.

"Little girl, what can I do for you?" Makao and Wakaba, who were passing by, saw a little girl curled up at the entrance of the guild with a puppy squatting next to her, so they asked

"It's dangerous to hang around in a place like this."Wakaba echoed.

"Excuse me, when will Gildarts come back?"Kana heard a voice behind her, turned around, and saw the two people. She mustered up her courage and timidly asked them about Gildarts.

"Are you a fan of Gildarts?" Seeing the little girl paying so much attention to Gildarts, Makao and Wakaba couldn't help but wonder if she was a fan of Gildarts.

"No." Kana wanted to prove her relationship with Gildarts, but she wanted to tell Gildarts face to face.

"He is currently carrying out the commission. It may take two or three days, or even a month. We don’t know. Makao and Wakaba were also a little embarrassed.

"Don't worry, he will definitely come back. Would you like a glass of juice? Seeing Kana's disappointed face, the two of them comforted her. Then they led Kana into the guild.

"Leila, come and take care of this little girl."When they entered the guild, they saw Leila standing at the door of the intelligence room and called her over.

"Well, okay. Leila responded and walked over.

"We are both here, she seems a little reserved, you come and accompany her." Makao and Wakabala came over to Leila, lowered their heads and whispered, and told Leila that the little girl seemed to have something important to do with Gildarts.

"I understand." Leila nodded.

Leila sat down and saw Kana with short hair and big beautiful eyes, but her eyes had lost their luster and she was a little depressed. Seeing Kana fidgeting, she was about to speak when Macao brought two glasses of juice and put them on the table, asking her to taste it.

"Little girl, if you have anything to ask, just ask this guy. He is also very familiar with Gildarts."Machao said to Kana and turned away.

Kana heard that Leila, who was sitting in front of her, was familiar with Gildarts, and her eyes suddenly shone brightly. She wanted to ask immediately, but suddenly seemed to remember something and lowered her head.

"Hello, my name is Leila Sloan, what's your name?" Leila smiled and looked at the little Kana in front of her.

"My name is Kana Arupelona. Kana answered timidly.

"Kana, do you admire Gildarts?"

""Yes!" Kana's voice was weak but full of determination.

"Yes, the uncle is very powerful, and everyone in the guild respects him very much. The uncle is also very generous and always smiles at the people in the guild, but he has a small flaw."

"Disadvantages?"Kana's eyes flashed with doubt.

"Yes, that uncle is an out-and-out workaholic. But he doesn't like work. Work is secondary to him. What he really likes is the feeling of traveling."

"Like traveling?" Kana's eyes revealed a hint of curiosity.

Leila told Kana about Gildarts' personality traits, his popularity in the guild, his favorite things, his innocent appearance, and his occasional daze. Kana also concentrated on holding the juice and listened to Leila's story attentively.

Leila kept telling Kana every bit about Gildarts, hoping that Kana would gradually forget the unhappiness that Gildarts did not recognize her.

"Cana, do you want to join Fairy Tail?"Laila felt that the time was ripe, so she asked softly.

"Fairy Tail? Are there any conditions for joining?"Kana thought about it after hearing Leila's invitation. Joining Fairy Tail would make it easier for her to see Giddas when he returned, but she didn't know the specific requirements for joining the magic guild.

"There are no conditions. If you join the guild, we are a family." Leila explained to Kana gently, asking Kana to think carefully.

"But I don’t know magic." Kana was a little excited, but then she thought that she would have to learn magic to join the magic guild, but she didn’t know anything.

"It doesn't matter if you don't know magic" Makarov suddenly jumped out, appeared in front of Kana, and said kindly

"Really? Grandpa"

"Of course, do you want to join?"

"I join in!"

"Okay, let's have a party today. It's Cana's welcome party! Let's have fun!" Makarov shouted after hearing that Cana agreed to join.

The people in the guild were also in high spirits and cheered excitedly. Cana, who was watching all this, was so moved that she shed tears. Leila also looked at Cana with a smile:"Welcome to Fairy Tail!"

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