When Leila returned home, she did not find Mavis and Auguste. However, she did not care. She thought that maybe they had gone out to play. It seemed that after Auguste came back, they had been together almost all the time, and they seemed to be discussing something.

Leila went back to her room and took some of her clothes to the bathroom to wash them. While washing clothes, she seemed to hear some noises coming from the house. When she came out, she saw Auguste and Mavis. Mavis was carrying a meal. Mavis said that she brought a dinner for Leila. They had just eaten outside, and she also brought him one after eating.

Leila could not help thinking, if you, an old man, go out with a young girl, people will not think that you are a grandfather and grandson. It is not embarrassing for you two to go out. However, Leila only dared to think about it in her heart.

After Leila took the dinner, Mavis told him that they were going out for a walk. It was heard that the latest issue of Magic Weekly had been updated, and there were new magic books, which were already on the shelves of the magic shop. After that, the two hurried away, leaving Leila standing by the door.

Looking at their dusty backs, Leila sighed helplessly, thinking that they didn't even close the door after they left. Leila had to swallow her bitterness silently. This matter made me an outsider.

I went to the kitchen to get the bowls and chopsticks, took the dinner, walked into my room, and sat at my own table. Without the two of them, I was still quiet.

"No, the clothes are still soaking."As soon as Leila put down her chopsticks, she was about to get up to wash the clothes, but when she smelled the fragrance of the food, she hesitated for a moment,"Forget it, let's eat first, it's okay to soak for a while." She sat down again and started to finish her dinner.

After Leila finished eating and washed the dishes, she went to the bathroom to wash the remaining clothes and hung them up.

Time went back to this morning. August cast a magic spell to make himself invisible. He followed Leila's footsteps all the way to the East Forest. Seeing Leila walk into a barrier, he couldn't help but sigh. It's only been a few days since they last met, and Leila has learned ritual magic again. But it looks quite ordinary. Forget it, the requirements can't be too high.

In order to find out Leila's situation, August opened the divine eye. After observing Leila's behavior in the barrier, he also showed an expression of"as expected". Although he knew the truth, he still stayed there for a while to see how Leila's practice results were. After seeing Leila studying so seriously, August nodded slightly. It was really much better than when he was traveling, and then turned and left.

"You're back so soon?" Mavis was puzzled, and she was secretly wondering, you're back so soon, it seems that there is nothing unusual.

"Well, nothing happened." Augustus just smiled and shook his head gently.

"So what's the reason?" Mavis asked again when she saw Auguste's unhurried attitude.

""The thought body." August told Mavis everything he saw in the barrier. It turned out that Leila was transformed into two people in the barrier, and the other person was instantly teleported away.

"Oh I got it"

"Don't worry, that kid is always smart."

"Then we can travel without any worries."

"I was a little hesitant before, but he's growing very fast, so we don't need to worry about him anymore."

Lila returned to her room and stood in the middle of the room. A magic circle appeared in front of her, looming. In the magic circle, a vague figure gradually appeared. When the magic circle dissipated, the figure became clearer. Looking closely, it was actually Leila.

Leila stared at the thought body in front of her, and the body of the thought body began to become nothingness, and then merged into Leila's body. At the same time, Leila was also digesting today's memories.

"It is really convenient to have a thought body."Since learning the thought body, Leila has divided herself into two. One is in the guild to make her presence felt, and the other is practicing in the East Forest.

However, Leila still focuses on herself in the East Forest. After all, she does not need to consume too much magic power in the guild and is relatively relaxed.

Feeling that her magic power has been fully restored, Leila can't help but sigh that the feeling of being filled with magic power is really wonderful. When she was practicing in the East Forest, her magic power was still much inferior to her current self.

Leila's plan still needs funds, and her own strength needs to be improved. In desperation, she suddenly remembered this magic and used the thought body to ensure that both aspects can be completed.

The only thing Leila is not sure about is whether old man Makarov can see the thought body. Leila is skeptical about this. The old man is one of the Ten Holy Magicians. The guide, his vision is not bad.

But for such a long time, the old man didn't say anything. Either he knew it but didn't say it, or he was still kept in the dark. No matter which way, it had no effect on Leila. Although it didn't matter if the old man knew, Leila was still reluctant to let others know some of her cards.

At this time, Auguste and Mavis were already on their way back. The two of them were talking and laughing, and they could be seen from a distance carrying large and small bags in their hands.

After sending Mavis back to the house, Auguste also opened the door and walked back to his room with his things. In his room, there was already a suitcase packed with things. Auguste put down the things and walked towards Leila's room. After standing in front of the door and knocking on it, he heard Leila's response from inside, pushed open the door and walked in.

"What's wrong, Grandpa? Is there something wrong?" Leila wondered in her heart, not understanding why Auguste came here suddenly. He simply packed up his things and put them in the drawer of the desk.

"Well, it's okay. I just want to tell you that we are going to travel tomorrow."Ougast looked at Leila calmly.

"What?! Leaving tomorrow?" Upon hearing the news that Auguste was leaving tomorrow, Leila screamed out loud, and her mood, which had been calm just now, suddenly became turbulent.

"Huh? Didn't your mother tell you? Why are you reacting so strongly?"Ougast remembered that Mavis seemed to have mentioned this to Leila before.

"I told you I didn't say it so soon, I've only been back for a few days and you left me alone at home." Leila complained.

In her heart, she knew the reason why the two of them went on a trip. One wanted to make up for the guilt of not being with him all these years, and the other wanted to be with her. They both had a hard time these years, so it was reasonable for them to want to go out for a walk.

"It's been two days since we came back. If it weren't for some mistakes, we would have left today." Auguste and Mavis had originally planned to leave as soon as he came back, but something suddenly happened to Leila, and they were worried, so they delayed the trip for a day.

"What's wrong? Leila was very confused when she heard Auguste's words.

"It's okay. Anyway, we'll leave early tomorrow morning."Ougast directly issued an ultimatum.

"Let's go, it's okay if I'm the only one left." Leila said unhappily.

The next morning, Mavis was already waiting outside the door, and Auguste came out with a suitcase. Leila stood at the door in her pajamas, listening to Mavis and Auguste's instructions, and Leila responded to every word. After saying goodbye, Mavis and Auguste set off.

Suddenly, Mavis turned back and said to Leila that she would write to him, and Leila agreed and waved.

Leila followed their backs closely, watching them go farther and farther away.

Leila turned the door off, turned back to the house, and continued to take a nap.

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