Leila went to discuss something with Makarov.

"Old man, please find a seat for me." Leila was massaging Makarov's shoulders and legs.

"Mm, not bad, very comfortable." Makarov closed his eyes and enjoyed it.

"Old man, please, I'm begging you, this is for everyone." Leila stood in front of Makarov and begged the old man again.

""Okay, I'll arrange it for you. Don't panic, let me prepare something." Makarov couldn't stand the look in Leila's eyes, and told her to prepare something for him.

"Great, thank you, old man."

Just like that, Makarov moved a table and a chair to the side next to the commission column. Leila kept her smile and stood stiffly aside. She blinked twice, stretched out her fingers, opened her mouth and wanted to say something but couldn't.

""Okay." Makarov looked at it with satisfaction, turned his head and said to Leila

"Huh?" Leila was speechless.

"Well, what are you dissatisfied with? Got it!" Makarov noticed Leila's stiff expression and movements and felt her dissatisfaction. After some fiddling, he wrote an intelligence station sign for Leila and placed it next to the table. Then he gave Leila a thumbs up and said,"How about it? It's much better this time, right?"

""President, please stop teasing Leila." Seeing Leila's petrified look, Makao couldn't stop laughing.

"That's right, Leila was petrified. Wakaba also agreed.

""Okay, kid, follow me." Makarov finally stood up and called Leila, and walked towards the room next to the commission column.

Leila understood that Makarov was making fun of him, and felt helpless. The old naughty boy was joking with a child, and then followed happily.

Makarov gently pushed open the slightly old door, and a faint wooden fragrance came to his face. The furnishings in the room are simple and practical, without too many gorgeous decorations, but revealing a different kind of warmth.

Walking into the room, there is an antique bookshelf standing by the wall, on which various books and materials are neatly placed. Next to the bookshelf is a simple desk with a desk lamp and some tools on it, and chairs are placed on both sides of the table.

"This room, just put whatever you need here."

"Grandpa, what was this room used for before?"

"It was just a simple study room. Later, not many people used it, so it was left empty."

"Thank you, sir."

"Not bad, right? By the way, if you teleport next time, please teleport to this room. Don't run around and scare me again. Makarov gladly accepted Leila's thanks, and then thought of the teleportation and gave Leila some instructions.

"Yeah, I know."

"Okay, I'm going out now."

Leila tidied up the study and put down some of her belongings.

After a while of propaganda, some members of the guild began their own tasks. Some tasks were simple and there was no need to ask Leila for information. However, when it came to defeating monsters or thieves, Leila would also use the ancient book magic to search for information.

After spending the day like this, on the way back, Leila remembered what Mavis had said to him before she left, that Mavis would wait for him at home.

"I'm back!"

"You've worked hard, wash your hands and get ready for dinner." Mavis was standing in the kitchen and heard Leila's voice, asking her to wash her hands and get ready for dinner.

""Okay." Leila obediently went to the bathroom to wash her hands, then went to the kitchen and brought the food from the kitchen to the table in the living room.

On the way back from the guild, Mavis went to the store to buy some ingredients and returned home. On the way, he also observed the changes in the city of Magnolia.

Then he went to look for a house again, and happened to meet the landlady. Mavis asked the landlady if there were any vacant houses nearby. The landlady said that the house next door was vacant, and Mavis just bought the house next door.

While eating, Leila and Mavis talked about what happened in the guild today. Mavis listened carefully on the side. After hearing what Leila said, Mavis also said that she had found a house next door.

After dinner, Leila and Mavis washed the dishes, and Leila helped Mavis move his luggage next door. After saying goodbye, he returned to his house because he still had things to do.

But before leaving, Leila asked Mavis a question.

"First generation, when will grandpa come back?"

"Well, he told me that it would take at least a week and at most a month."

"So what are you going to do when grandpa comes back?"

"We two agreed to go out and play"

"Going out to play?"

"Yeah, what about me?"

"Haven't you joined the guild? You should practice hard and become a great wizard. Come on!"


Leila returned to the room, lay on the table, and began to write something, but it seemed that she had encountered some bottlenecks. Leila's expression was not very good. Helplessly, Leila crossed out some content and re-planned it, but Leila could not get what she wanted. However, Leila came to a conclusion that she should do that thing first, and then continue.

Leila waved her hand, and a green magic circle appeared, encrypting and sealing the diary in front of her.

Lying on the bed, Leila's mind was still thinking constantly, [We still have to improve our strength first, otherwise many plans will be difficult to implement. No, learn this first, otherwise it will be difficult to deal with. ]

Then Leila sat up and used the super ancient document magic to search for information for study.

Because she was in the guild during the day, Leila's progress was a bit slow. After a few days, Leila first learned that magic, and then Leila went to the East Forest to practice there.

During this period, Leila met Laxus several times. Because Laxus's situation was stable after the last visit to Grandma Polusica, Grandma Polusica said very impolitely that Laxus didn't need to go there in the future, and she also said that she hated humans.

Laxus then spent the next few days training in the East Forest. At the same time, because of Makarov's concern for Laxus' safety, he asked Laxus to train well and wait for him to examine his ability before accepting the mission.

However, seeing Laxus training there crazily, it was also because he wanted to improve his physical fitness because he was in poor health. Laxus rarely cast dragon-slaying magic these days.

Considering some reasons, Leila always avoided the place where Laxus trained and then learned the spell.

Leila first had to learn the text written in the spell, and its meaning Leila must remember it, otherwise if there is a mistake in the use of magic, the rules will be invalidated.

Leila kept reciting the text here. Leila had never seen the text of the spell, so the learning process was not good, and she needed to remember the meaning clearly.

Leila kept writing the rules on the grass, always forgetting some details, and sometimes writing it wrong, and directly scrapping it.

Overall, Leila spent a day in memory and failed writing. Of course, Leila also succeeded.

A barrier was set up. Although it was just a simple age setting, it was not bad. You can use Natsu to test it later.

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