Mavis was like this, and her identity to the outside world was Leila's sister. Afterwards, Mavis said that she was just here to take a look and would not return to the guild, also to prevent some people from knowing her identity.

Makarov and Leila agreed, and then walked out of the room together

"You know what to say when you get out, right? Makarov told Leila

"Don't worry, old man, I'll take care of it." Leila patted her chest and raised her thumb, looking very confident. Makarov stared at Leila, which made her a little nervous,"You'd better make me feel at ease." He thought to himself,"You took away a book on the first day you came to the guild, and you didn't come on the second day. When you came back, you brought back the entire first generation. If you stay for a while, you won't bring back other people for me, will you?"

Walking into the living room, Makarov said hello to Leila and Mavis and went back to the counter, while Mavis and Leila walked to a table and sat down, ordering a few meals. Most of the people in the guild went out to work, but two people, Makao and Wakaba, came over.

"Leila, who is this?" Makao saw Mavis next to Leila and asked

"My name is Mavis, I am Leila's sister, and I came to visit Leila today."Mavis said gently

"Oh, Leila is very well behaved here, and with us here, don't worry, we will take good care of Leila."Wakaba heard what Mavis said and immediately replied

"Well, I saw the environment of the guild, it is very lively and full of joy. I think Leila will grow up well here, thank you too."

After dinner, Mavis was about to leave, but the figure of a child caught her attention. The child looked very much like Yuri.

Laxus walked into the guild, greeted other members of the guild, and then walked to Makarov at the counter. Makarov also jumped down from the counter, looking at Laxus with a kind look.

Leila was a little excited, and without any hesitation, she took out the camera from her backpack and took a picture. Then she followed Laxus's footsteps, looked at Makarov and Laxus, and took another picture.

"Is that child Makarov's grandson?"Mavis asked Leila to confirm her guess.

"Yes." While answering Mavis's question, Leila took out the photo and looked at the finished product.

Mavis felt a little speechless. Leila carried her camera with her. Leila explained that it was just a little hobby of hers. She liked to use the camera to record her life.

After Makarov finished talking to Laxus, he brought Laxus to Leila and introduced Leila to Laxus. As for Leila, Makarov told her on the day he joined the guild that he had a grandson named Laxus, but he didn't come to the guild that day because of something.

After hearing this, Laxus greeted Leila, and Leila responded to Laxus when she heard it. At this time, Laxus was still very friendly. Then Laxus asked what magic Leila was learning.

Leila told Laxus that he was learning the Arc of Materialization. Laxus's face was full of confusion, so Leila and Laxus went to the guild together. Laxus was explaining the magic, and he seemed to be thinking about it. He challenged Leila to a duel again.

Leila decisively refused. Leila said that she did not like fighting, and the magic she learned was not for fighting. Makarov on the side also knew Leila's strength. He could see that if Leila really dueled with Laxus, Laxus might not be able to win.

Laxus did not feel it was a pity, but just said that he would persist. Maybe he wanted to compete with his peers, or more likely he wanted to prove that as Makarov's grandson, he was stronger than others.

Makarov interrupted Laxus and changed the subject. He asked him how his physical examination at Granny Polyusica was. Laxus replied that Granny Polyusica said that he was in good health and the condition of the magic crystal was also stable.

Mavis heard it from the side and asked,"Magic crystal?"

"Well, Laxus had a dragon-slaying magic crystal implanted in his body because his health was not very good, so his father implanted the magic crystal in him."Makarov explained the reason for the incident, and from his words one could hear a hint of dissatisfaction with Laxus' father."Fortunately, Laxus' body was very adaptable to the magic crystal, and not only did his physical fitness improve, he also learned to use dragon-slaying magic."

"This child will definitely grow up well and become an excellent wizard."Mavis stared at Laxus and saw that the magic crystal of Laxus was of the lightning type. Thinking that Yuri's magic was also of the lightning type, she couldn't help but feel nostalgic.

"Sister, who are you?" Laxus looked at Mavis.

"This is Leila's sister, please be polite." Makarov and Laxus said

""Oh, hello, sister." Laxus greeted Mavis politely after hearing his grandfather's words.

"Laxus is also good."Mavis smiled at the well-behaved Laxus.

Leila didn't have the heart to disturb Mavis's fantasy, but thinking of Laxus' rebellious period in the future, she would take more photos of him. These are all black material.

"In that case, I will go back. I feel relieved that Leila is here. Mavis said to Makarov.

"Well, OK. Makarov wanted to use a polite word, but considering that others didn't know, he just responded casually.

"Leila, I'm leaving now." Mavis said to Leila again.

"Well, goodbye, sister." Leila replied helplessly.

Macao and Wakaba said at this time,"Leila, your sister looks young, but she feels very mature."

"Yes, it is true."Mavis was probably 13 or 14 years old when the curse struck her, but her actual age should be in her 20s, so she is indeed a little adult.

"By the way, Leila, do you want to form a team with us? You don't have to go on any missions, just provide intelligence. After a few years, you can do it yourself.···"Makao walked to the right of Laila and put his left hand on her shoulder, looking like a kidnapper.

In Fairy Tail, there are many children like Laila. For some reasons, they have no family around them, but the guild will provide some financial support. When they are able, they will be allowed to do commissions. Of course, there will also be seniors watching them to prevent accidents.

"No, I am not ready to accept the mission yet, but if you want to know the intelligence, you can come to me directly, any member of the guild is fine."

Lila has his own ideas, and he has made a plan. His plan has several steps. The most important thing at present is to create an intelligence station in the guild first, and any information in the guild can be obtained from him to obtain funds.

Later, when he has time, Leila will go to the East Forest to practice, but his magic practice is a little unsafe, and he needs to learn some simple spells. Fortunately, Leila's talent is not bad. Leila believes that it should be a problem of his soul strength. His perception of magic and the speed of practice have greatly improved.

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