When Leila was immersed in the study of ritual magic, something suddenly flashed in his mind. He remembered that there seemed to be Chinese characters in the three-dimensional text magic. He couldn't wait to open the ancient document magic and search for three-dimensional text magic. After carefully checking the search results, he finally found it - the Japanese character"Chinese character""

"? Why are they in traditional Chinese?" Leila stared at the screen in front of her. It recorded relevant information and some examples of magic use, but the densely packed Chinese characters were all in traditional Chinese.

【Fortunately, I can understand Martian language, and traditional Chinese characters are just so-so.

】 Leila began to learn the characters in it.

Overall, Leila felt pretty good.

After an afternoon, she could read all the characters and use magic to write them out and achieve the effect.

Compared with the spell, it is much better.

The spell still needs a few days to learn.

The main thing is that there are too many characters to remember.

If you are not familiar with it, it will take too much time to write it out.

Compared with the spell, it is really incomparable! It takes several days to learn the spell, and the main thing is that the characters to remember are as numerous as the stars, which makes people overwhelmed. If you are not familiar with it, the writing process is even longer.

Helplessly put the practice of the Arc of Manifestation behind. Before, Leila was relieved because of Auguste next to her. Now she is alone.

However, it seems that nothing has happened in Magnolia yet, and the safety is very good, but just in case, it is better to be safe as much as possible. After all, Leila may need to materialize some other people.

While Leila is studying hard, on the other side, Laxus is also working hard.

Gradually, the sun gradually set, and a figure came up behind Laxus from afar. Seeing Laxus practicing hard, Makarov felt relieved and thought,"If Laxus can grow up, I will hand over this guild to him. Forget it, it's too early. Forget it." Then he shook his head and came to Laxus' side.

"Hey, Laxus, you're still training." Makarov stood behind him, [coming here to call Laxus to get ready to go home for dinner.

""Yes, Grandpa." Laxus stopped when he heard Makarov's voice, turned around and saw Makarov's figure, and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Okay, let's go home and eat."


Laxus responded and followed Makarov back, but suddenly Makarov turned his head and looked to the other side of the forest.

""What's wrong, Grandpa?" Laxus looked at Makarov suspiciously, his heart full of doubts, and then turned his head over there, but found that there was nothing.

"Uh, it's okay, let's go home."Laxus' words brought Makarov back to his senses, and he immediately forgot what happened just now, then smiled and took Laxus back.

As the perspective turned to the direction Makarov was looking at just now, there was only one figure there, that was Leila.

Leila was testing something just now. He used the Arc of Materialization to materialize a sword, and then used the three-dimensional word"斬" to send out a slash and hit the barrier on the side.

A crack appeared in the barrier, and this crack transmitted the fluctuation of magic, so it was noticed by Makarov.

"This barrier is so fragile, it really doesn't look like an academic barrier."There was a faint sound of resentment from the barrier.

Leila worked hard to create a barrier, but it was cracked by an ordinary attack. Although this barrier did not have Leila's magic support, it was broken by an ordinary attack.

It can be seen that Leila has no talent in this aspect. Yes, how well can you expect a person who has difficulty learning English to learn a language again? This barrier is the result of Leila's afternoon work, which is not bad.

The content written in this barrier is not very practical. There is only a simple screen shielding and muting.

Although it may be a little insufficient, it is enough for now, and no one usually comes to wander in the forest.

Leila patted her butt, and today's practice ended just like that. She would go back and continue to recite the"words" of the ritual at night. It was a fulfilling day.

"Leila, why are you back so late today?"

"It's okay. I just went out for a walk."

Leila came out of the house and ran into an uncle who was still working on the waterway. After saying hello to the uncle, Leila returned home, washed up and went to bed.

In this way, today, a week later, Leila was finally able to use the spell to write a satisfactory barrier. The main thing was to satisfy Leila. Leila didn't know about other people. Anyway, it was enough for her to use, and she didn't find any faults.

While Leila was squatting on the ground writing the spell, he fiddled with it, and the barrier was set up. Then Leila stood up and stretched. With his palm grasping the air, a sword appeared in his hand. He raised it in front of his chest, made a sword finger with his left hand, and then shouted softly:"Cut!" A sword light had already hit the barrier generated by the barrier. The sword light hit the barrier, but the barrier did not shake at all.

After Leila's continuous experiments, the barrier has changed from being able to withstand his ordinary attack at the beginning to being able to withstand 100+ now. Of course, it was not tested one by one. It depends on the different magic power used each time.

"In that case, let's take a break. You're tired from studying."Lila looked at the intact barrier. This time, the magic power he used was twice as high as before. If it was increased further, Leila's magic power would not be able to hold on. The barrier also needed magic power to maintain.

Leila sat on the grass, the spell gradually dissipated, the barrier disappeared, Leila prepared to meditate, but Leila was still able to notice the dangers around.

Leila, who entered the meditative state, didn't know a figure was walking towards him.

The man approached and saw Leila meditating. He was stunned for a moment, stopped, leaned against a big tree, sat down, and began to close his eyes and rest, paying attention to Leila's state and some animals around from time to time.

Leila was unaware of all this. He only felt that his magic power was gradually increasing. He slowly noticed the increase in his magic power, then opened his eyes and looked calm.

In recent days of high-intensity training, Leila's magic power has been in a state of growth. He has been used to it. He clenched his fists and felt the increase in magic power this time.

Laxus, who saw all this, noticed Leila's magic power, and an idea came to his mind

""Laila!" Laxus couldn't help but speak, and then he became more and more excited.

""Hmm? Laxus, why are you here?" A voice interrupted Leila, and she suddenly looked up in the direction of the voice. Leila frowned and thought to herself,"What's going on? The barrier didn't work? Did I run out of magic power? It's really not the right time, oh." When Leila meditates, she will sit on the grass over there. There is a spell barrier written by Leila, but why doesn't it work?

"Oh? You really know that I'm practicing here, Leila, fight with me"

"don't want"

"If you don't fight me, I'll go back to the guild and tell Grandpa that some people are also training here."Laxus already knew Leila's answer, but this time Leila had no choice but to agree.

"No, okay." Leila saw that Laxus was about to go back, and she was still caught, so she had no choice but to agree to Laxus.

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