Extreme Demon

Chapter 994 Stalemate 2

Are you trying to force us? An Xi blocked the star spirit, and the others quickly stood beside him, confronting the two groups at the entrance.

In any case, they must not let these two groups of people in, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

If it weren't for the fact that they were surrounded by ancient beasts and star spirits, making it inconvenient for them to leave quietly, they might have arranged for those few people to escape quietly from the club. Let’s get out of the limelight first.

But it's too late to say anything now, all I can do is hold on.

Get out of the way. You can't stop us. Siflak calmly looked at the people blocking the entrance in front of him.

Although Trei, Beifa Sha, is also a Ming Luo, he is only at an ordinary level, and is not considered a powerful combat power for ancient beasts and star spirits.

That is, An Xi is slightly stronger, but that's all. It seems that this is the foundation of this seminar. Although it is unclear why they protected the group of escapees, sin is sin.

Sifulak looked calm and his eyes fell on the actual leader, Bansai.

Your wisdom is not worth mentioning in the eyes of us and other star spirits. The system is different and there is nothing worth learning from.

This has nothing to do with intelligence. This is a principle. Bansai said seriously.

If in the past, he would not have dared to face a highest-ranking star spirit and argue face to face, but now.

This is the territory of our research association. It's not allowed! He took a step forward.

I won't allow it!

His always gentle and submissive demeanor finally changed completely.

It's ridiculous! If before I could only guess that they were hiding here, now, I can be 100% sure that they are definitely here! Commander Qingyang opened his right arm and turned into a thick, plush animal. Claws.


He shouted coldly.

Who dares!

An Xi stood up and was filled with huge and deep terrifying star power.

Anxi! Do you want to block us all by yourself? Siflak took a step forward with a calm expression.

Can you stop it?

An Xi smiled.

How will you know if you don't try?



Chi! !

A huge irregular gray stone rolled and slid past Lu Sheng.

After he connected the world of soul power with the three worlds of the prehistoric world and the evil god, he decisively began to lay out the huge talisman formation that linked the world of demons.

The huge crack leading to the mother river was opened again.

After sorting out the forces under his command, Lu Sheng decided on a plan with the soul power world as the core and the other two worlds as backup support.

The subordinate forces also began to eliminate the incoming forces of nothingness and desolation on a large scale.

Then he let his subordinates be responsible for restraining his subordinates, and finally entered the mother river decisively and headed for the road back.

What he didn't expect was that as soon as he entered the Mother River and sent back the message, he got in touch and received an emergency request for help message from the other side.

‘Boss, the situation here is a bit troublesome. If you see this message, I hope you can come over quickly. ’

‘Boss, it’s okay, everything has been resolved here. Just take your time. Don't worry, old members of the research association took action, and luckily everything went well. ’

‘It’s done, it’s completely fine, but it seems that there was some trouble with the teleportation array just now. Boss, please wait a moment, I will temporarily take you to a nearby world, and I will notify you after the formation in the Demon Realm here is repaired. Sorry. ’

'Okay, the information coordinates are being modified.'

In the colorful mother river, Lu Sheng frowned and sensed the information transmitted from the black line above his head.

A steady stream of information came in. There is nothing wrong with the content of the speech. The only weird thing is that the interval in between is too short.

just like.

“It seems a little urgent”

Lu Sheng and others are powerful beings with thousands of levels of psychological guidance skills. In addition, they are also demons. They are extremely good at mental aspects and have extremely high IQs.

Demons have always been good at playing with people's hearts and defrauding lives. They are the most notorious invisible demons in the world.

Lu Sheng is one of the best. When he can solve problems with his brain, he will never use his muscles.

At times like this, he is naturally very perceptive and immediately senses something is wrong.

Something must have happened.

Lu Sheng had a guess in his mind.

If something hadn't happened, Bansai over there would never have spoken to me in such an urgent tone. Moreover, he is not a good liar, so the conversation just now is more likely to sound like a recording.

Something has definitely happened, and it may be something that I can't solve even if I go back. Lu Sheng understood in his heart.

The water in the mother river was rippling, and from time to time there were extremely heavy boulders rolling down the river.

Lu Sheng felt a little anxious and swam back along the black line faster.

The Heavenly Demon Realm is not close to the Soul Power World, and it takes a lot of time to swim in the Mother River.

Fortunately, Lu Sheng gained a lot from his trip to the soul power world, and his soul improved greatly. The swimming speed is also much faster than before.

After turning a fork in the road, he unknowingly arrived at the place where there was a cave entrance by the river.

The entrance to the cave with a faint glow was still there unchanged.

There is still a faint shimmer of light coming from deep inside the cave, giving people a sense of extreme tranquility and stability.

Lu Sheng's soul power improved greatly this time, but he still couldn't feel anything special in this cave.

But in a place like Mother River, there is nothing special. Ordinariness itself is the biggest problem.

He just glanced at it a few more times, and then accelerated towards the Demon Realm.

Time passes minute by minute.

Soon, a familiar, slightly rotating black hole appeared in front of Lu Sheng on the inner wall of the river.

There is no problem with the entrance! Sure enough, something happened. Otherwise Bansai would not have deliberately guided me to other places.

Lu Sheng felt confident and swam towards the entrance of the Heavenly Demon Realm.

Just as he was swimming forward, a huge boulder suddenly rolled towards him from the right side.

Bang! !

Lu Sheng blocked the boulder with one hand and blocked it, but he was also blocked by the huge impact force, which made him further away from the entrance.


With a sharp look in his eyes, he stood up from the river, stood directly on the water, and looked around.

By just going back like this, aren't you living up to Xiao Bansai's expectations of you?

On the other side of the mother river, not far from the entrance to the Demon Realm, a wizened old man with a small white beard was holding a small carving knife and slowly carving something on the river bank.

The mother river has banks. Although they are few in number, they do have banks.

Lu Sheng has never been up there, and he hasn't explored much of the mother river. Most of the time, he rushes straight to his destination.

In the final analysis, he is still too young and does not have much experience or experience. There hasn't been enough time to explore these less important things.

At this time, he saw the old man sitting on the river bank, carving something with a carving knife. If it was normal, he would test it out to see who the old man was.

But now, he doesn't have time!

I have urgent matters now and must rush back as soon as possible. Lu Sheng said solemnly, Since senior knows Ban Sai, he should also know what is happening over there now? Why doesn't he want me to rush back now?

I know. The old man grinned, showing his big yellow teeth. But I won't tell.

. Lu Sheng's face was expressionless.

It's been a long time since anyone dared to show off in front of him.

The person who was so naughty last time was almost rotting in the soil.

Senior, since you know, can you tell me about it? You can agree to the conditions. Lu Sheng suppressed his anger and asked in a deep voice. If you can know the situation in advance before going there, maybe the situation will be better.

Conditions? Little baby, you are still young. You don't know that such verbal favors cannot be given casually. The old man laughed.

The situation over there is very bad. The ancient beasts are here, the star spirits are also there, and there are big guys peeking in secretly, and they seem to have malicious intentions. Tsk, tsk, tsk, it looks like this research meeting is about to be finished. ah.

Before Lu Sheng could finish listening, he rushed towards the entrance of the Demon Realm without saying a word.

boom! !

Another boulder rolled and crashed into him.

The stone was shattered by his punch on the spot and exploded like a bomb on the water, turning into a large amount of gravel and flying into the river.

Why are you in such a hurry? The little kid has no patience at all.

Old man, although I, Lu Sheng, have always respected the elderly and loved the young, if you do this again, I will fall out. Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes and stared at the old man.

Falling out? It's okay, I can do it, old man. The old man said with a smile. I have been entrusted by someone to temporarily stop you from returning here. Therefore, you should stay still here to prevent my old man from moving his hands and feet too much and exerting too much effort.

Lu Sheng finally understood why this old man suddenly appeared.

However, he is the president of the Weird Research Society and the eldest brother of Bansai and others. Something big happened to the research association. If even his eldest brother didn't come forward, then would this so-called research association still need to exist?

So, the trouble over there is huge?? he asked in a deep voice.

Very big. The old man also put away the smile on his face and said seriously.

How big is it?

It's much bigger than you think. Don't worry, it will only be more troublesome than you expected. Otherwise, Ban Sai wouldn't have let me come here in advance to stop you.

To be honest, that guy has now transformed the evil consciousness into his own clone. His calculation power is extremely powerful, and he can also contact me while distracted. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to avoid those guys in time and get here in advance.

Lu Sheng was silent for a moment.

If you say so, then...


Suddenly he rushed towards the entrance of the Demon Realm like lightning.

The speed was so fast, it was several times faster than before.

In the mother river, the resistance is extremely huge. To be able to explode at such a high speed in an instant requires an unimaginably huge amount of energy.

Before the old man could react, Lu Sheng had already arrived in front of the entrance door.

Wait!! Are you going to die!? The old man hurriedly took action, but it was still a step too late.

Lu Sheng had already entered the entrance with one hand.

There are things you don't have to do just because you don't want to. He replied lightly, rushed into the entrance of the black vortex, and disappeared.

No matter how big the storm, no matter how much pressure, no matter how difficult everything is.

Even if he wins, he should move forward courageously!

Dark Blue! Show me your limit!!

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