Extreme Demon

Chapter 995 Mind 1

Countless spiritual powers surged into Lu Sheng's body like a storm.

The concentration of spiritual power is so great that it has even formed a faint blue-silver color. This was also Lu Sheng's first experience with high-concentration colors that conveyed divine power.

He stepped into the world passage.

The colorful tunnel is constantly rotating, and the surrounding inner walls seem to be painted with countless messy paints.

Lu Sheng floated forward, his body constantly shining with a rich and light blue-silver aura, which was the spiritual power that almost overflowed from his body.

He put all his spiritual power into his main body cultivation technique, Qian Shen Jue.

The techniques of the Evil God Realm, the techniques of the prehistoric era, and the techniques of the Soul Power World, all are forcibly driven by the divine power and integrated into the Thousand God Art.

This integration is more like a link merger.

Three powerful and powerful forces were entangled in Lu Sheng's body.

Lu Sheng could feel that his soul was constantly expanding, getting bigger and stronger. It is approaching an inexplicably perceived limit.

That limit seemed to be very close to him.

A large amount of spiritual power surged crazily, trying to forcefully break through this limit.

But the upper limit barrier of the divine soul made it impossible for him to accommodate more soul power. The physical strength has also reached an unprecedented limit.

The whole body has reached a wonderful level of saturation. More divine power and energy, no matter what kind of energy it is converted into, can no longer be absorbed by the physical soul.

Almost to the exit.

Lu Sheng was ready to face any bad situation.

He glanced at the remaining spiritual power on the dark blue interface. The previous crazy consumption has consumed most of the inventory, and now there is still over 60 million in spiritual power left on the interface.

And his Thousand God Art, under the crazy impact just now, has once again improved by several levels.

Directly impacting the fifteenth floor.

“There were only eleven levels at the beginning, and no matter how many billions of spiritual powers there were, it would not be able to increase so much in one go.

It should be the Evil God Realm, the Ancient World, and the Soul Power World. My improvements in these three places are piled up, resulting in a chain of qualitative changes. That’s why you can jump to several levels in one breath.”

Lu Sheng hovered at the entrance to the Demon Realm and stopped slowly.

It's just the fifteenth level. Is this the real limit for me as a human being? He had heard of countless powerful seniors who were blocked at this limit and could not go any further.

It is precisely because of this that the human race has never been able to reach the same level as the ancient beasts and star spirits.

After the Star Spirits reach adulthood, they become Ming Luo, and their strength is extremely terrifying. If they were not restrained by the ancient beasts, they could completely dominate the entire Heavenly Demon Realm.

The human race, to put it bluntly, is just like many intelligent races. It was a natural life that grew up on the planets next to the stars from the beginning, and was fed by the light and heat of the stars.

To the protoss, humans are no different from the grass growing on the roadside, or the ants crawling in the grass.

The gap is even wider.

Above Ming Luo, there is the Death Star, and there are even stronger beings.

Forget it, I have to find a way to break through the limit carefully when I have time in the future. Lu Sheng looked at the vortex at the entrance in front of him, adjusted his strength in his mind, and took back all the floating and overflowing breath in his body.


The vortex slowly parted, and Lu Sheng's eyes revealed an empty, silent black hall.

There are diamond-shaped windows around the hall, and you can see the shining stars outside.

Where are the people? Lu Sheng was stunned. There was no one in the formation?

He stepped forward and landed gently on the ground of the formation.

But as soon as he landed on the ground, he felt a numb and violent vibration on his feet, which continued to come from a distance.

Without any time to think, Lu Sheng's figure floated up and flew straight in the direction of the shock.

Passing through pieces of metal halls, rooms, and passages. He quickly arrived at the entrance and exit of the core area.

Circles of light blue starlight, like ripples, continue to spread from the entrance and exit, spreading along the surrounding metal walls and floors.

Lu Sheng slowly stopped and looked at the ripples that slowly spread in front of him.

He stretched out his hand and pinched it gently, slowly crushing the circle of ripples.

Star Spirit and Ancient Beast, these two extremely heavy names made his heart become heavier and heavier.

Will the research conference be unable to continue after all?

He felt heavy, knowing that no matter how powerful he was, he would never be able to match these two races if he did not break through his limits.

But there are some things that, even though you know you can’t do them, if you don’t even do them, they will never come true.

Lu Sheng knew very well that with his current strength, it would be a fool's errand to contend with these two major forces.

But there are some things that you can't just do if you know you're going to lose.

A true man, do something or not! If possible, I don't want to, but Lu Sheng slowly closed his eyes, was silent for a moment, and then opened them again.

Thousands of levels of psychological guidance techniques were slowly activated, but this time, the target was himself.

If you want to unleash the most powerful power, you must devote everything you have to it.

Only by putting yourself to death can you survive!

bring it on.

Lu Sheng clenched his fists, and several huge, twisted and ferocious shadows slowly appeared behind him.

He strode toward the exit.



An Xi waved his hand frantically to draw out dots of blue starlight, while resisting the three star spirits who were attacking from the opposite side.

The special phase transfer magical power formation allowed their attacks to be transferred far away into the void of the universe.

The stars in the distance of the space station exploded one by one, turning into countless light and dust fragments.

An Xi's face and body were covered with cracks and bloodstains, as if porcelain was about to break.

The star spirit has no vital points, but once such an injury occurs, it is almost on the verge of reaching its limit and is about to collapse and fall.

But he didn't hesitate at all, and waved his hand without changing his expression to block the opponent's attack.

Do you still want to persist? You know you can't stop us.

Sifulak stood calmly not far from him, with a trace of respect in his eyes.

I just do what I want to do, that's all. It has nothing to do with anything else. An Xi smiled. He turned his head and looked at the other two Research Society Ming Luo who were fighting with others.

Bei Fasha was hit in the shoulder by a knife, and she groaned, and the bug in her eyes died instantly. At the same time, the injury on her shoulder improved rapidly and she recovered as before.

We just want to protect our last pure land. An Xi's eyes flashed with the warmth of living with her younger siblings.

A great power once calculated for him that he was born to be the lone star of the evil spirits, and he was destined to be unable to keep his relatives around him from birth. Doomed lonely life.

In fact, when he left the whirlpool of war, he just wanted to find a quieter place for himself to end his life.

Just before he died, he encountered such a good place as the Research Institute, and he thought that he was planning to commit suicide anyway, so he might as well make some contribution to them before he died.

We have decided to die anyway. Why not do something and leave something behind? An Xi smiled, dark blue blood slowly seeping from the cracks in the porcelain on his face.

He didn't notice the blood on his face. He held a dark blue dagger in his right hand and slowly walked towards the three stars opposite.

Puffs of starlight collided and exploded around him, like blue flowers that bloomed and withered.

Meteorite! One of the star spirits on the opposite side folded his arms, and a fiery red vortex suddenly appeared behind him, and dozens of red sparks rushed out of the vortex.

Mars rushed towards An Xi.

It was just a light spot that looked like Mars, but in fact, it was dozens of huge meteorites with truly huge mass.

The dagger in An Xi's hand moved forward like lightning.

A dark blue light curtain slowly emerged, and a triangular blue star map shone on the light curtain, with a special shadow like a water bottle in the center.

The light curtain and the meteorite collided and melted into each other in the blink of an eye.

Commander Qingyang snorted coldly. Seeing that he was still unable to take it, he immediately walked out slowly.

Get out of the way! I'll do it!!

A large amount of fine gray hair began to grow rapidly all over his body, and his eyes slowly rotated like balls, lighting up with a golden halo.


A pair of arms suddenly stretched out from his back, followed by a second pair, a third pair, a fourth pair, and a fifth pair!

The densely packed arms continued to extend, and in the first pair of arms of Commander Qingyang, two short spears formed by the gathering of electric light slowly condensed.

Cosmic Breath.!

He suddenly brought the two short spears together in front of him and stabbed outward.

Chi! !

In an instant, purple lightning flashed across the space, and everything around him seemed to slow down.

Except for two short spears.

The two spears rotated around each other, like twins, suddenly crossing the gap and stabbing An Xi fiercely.

Nine Soul Tiger. With one stroke of An Xi's dagger, nine points of light shot out in an instant. The nine points connected together and turned into a giant dark blue tiger that raised its head and roared.

Boom! !

Bansai and others were shaken back by the huge explosion.

Even the phase transfer formation cannot completely transfer all the power.

A trace of escaping power instantly cracked and twisted the surrounding bridges.

Bansai worked hard to support the formation, although with the huge computing power of Yinxizhijia and the massive energy of the entire space station, he could barely maintain the phase transfer formation.

But as the fight became more and more powerful, it became increasingly difficult for him to hold on.

Still unable to take it? Not far away, two big-headed weirdos in red robes appeared. The two men were surrounded by three arc-shaped white lights, gently falling to the bridge, looking over here.

As they landed, a deadly and terrifying gravity pulled everyone present instantly.

This gravitational force is silent, colorless and formless, but the dead silence contained in it causes all the ground it touches to spread to quickly turn gray, dilapidated and old.

It's like time has sped up countless times in an instant.

The heads of the two big-headed monsters are similar to triangles, and there are sharp and dense spikes on the back of the head, which look like hair, but are actually real black spikes.

The eyes look like eyes, but if you look closely, you can see that they are two holes. They have no noses or mouths, and sound seems to be produced by some kind of vibration of energy.

Death Star.!

The Death Star of the Covenant's Death Guard.!!

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