Extreme Demon

Chapter 993 Stalemate 1


In the huge silver space station that looks like a Rubik's Cube.

A green battleship slowly hovered in the surrounding void, and slender strange birds with snake heads and wings flew out from the battleships. Their bodies were green, and the wings behind them were several times larger than their bodies.

A group of strange birds, led by a strange bird with a slightly darker complexion, slowly landed on the bridge platform.

Ban Sai and Li Shunxi from the research association were already waiting there.

Not only them, but also two other core executives who had officially joined, and two ancient beast powers at the Mingluo level, also came to greet them.

White yarn Coldfield is here, right? I can smell its scent and it's hiding somewhere here! Tell it to come out and see me!

The strange bird leader who took the lead said in a cold voice. Although his accent was a bit strange, the words in his mouth seemed to be mixed with the sharp and special bird song, making it appear harsh and tranquil.

The two people standing next to Li Shunxi were a bald man with dark red skin named Trey.

The other one is a woman, but she has a tentacle on her head and her eyes are like an aquarium with countless green bugs swimming inside. Her name is Bei Fasha, and she is an extremely rare survivor among the ancient beasts.

Who is it? It turns out to be the commander-in-chief of Qingyang Snake Bird. Why do you come all the way to come to our research institute? In addition, the person you are looking for is not here.

Bei Fasha is not afraid of the Qingyang Snake Bird Clan, but she does not want to destroy the hard-won stable life at will.

Bei Fasha? You actually came here? Commander Qingyang Snake Bird sneered. Do you think I'm the only one? My beast guardian will come in person in the future. If you have any objections, you can tell it yourself.

Beast guardian? ?

Li Shunxi and others were shocked. In the Ancient Beast Alliance, Ladier was the highest and strongest being.

The Beast God Guard is the most powerful team under his command.

In fact, not to mention the beast guards, the group of ancient beasts in front of them is no longer something they can handle.

That is to say, the two Ming Luo who are currently on the surface of the research association can come out to support the scene.

The ancient beasts and the protoss are the two most powerful forces recognized today, and among them the ancient beasts are most famous for their individual strength.

No matter how inconspicuous the Qingyang Snake Bird is, to the entire Ancient Beast Alliance, they are also equally huge and extremely powerful to other external forces.

What nonsense are you talking to them about? Just go in and search!

Another sound vibrated from far away in the universe.

A pale golden vortex slowly opened on the side of the bridge, and a group of weirdos with silver metal inlays on their chests walked out.

Ella! Get out!

As soon as this group of weirdos approached, the tall man in the lead roared violently.

There is no Ella here. Bei Fasha replied coldly.

Do you think we are the only two ethnic groups coming here? The man sneered, There will be new ethnic groups in a while. By then, it depends on whether your seminar can hold on!


Li Shunxi and others' expressions changed.

boom! !

At this moment, suddenly there was a huge earthquake in the distant starry sky.

A huge, ferocious white beast with countless small eyes slowly arched its head out of the darkness and looked over here.

At this time, Bei Fasha and Trey, who were barely at the front, both looked ugly.

This is the seminar? Where's Larry? Let him come over and talk to me. The giant beast was like a white whale that had just emerged, only with a few more eyes.

Its eyes were cold and fierce, and deep down, there was a deep sense of disappointment. A kind of honest disappointment to one's relatives and friends.

There is no Larry here. Li Shunxi gritted his teeth and slowly stepped forward to deliver the message.

I can feel his breath. He is hiding here, there is no mistake. The white multi-eyed whale said coldly.

If you don't come out, don't blame me for completely destroying this place!

There's really no Larry here.

Li Shunxi and others argued feebly.

But not only the multi-eyed giant whale, but also several teams from the Protoss Alliance quickly appeared and demanded that the research association hand over the existence they were tracking.

But it’s true that a lot of it isn’t here. And here, he is also in a state of serious injury.

Li Shunxi and others will never hand them over at this moment.

Because during the growth period of the research association, there were shadows of the cult Red Moon Sect mixed in, so the branches of the major ancient beasts and protoss were not too rough.

But the pressure is indeed getting stronger, and the voices asking them to surrender are getting louder and louder.

It was so big that Bei Fasha and Trey could hardly support it. Although An Xi later came out to support the scene, compared to the opponent's increasingly aggressive pressure, the seminar was still too weak.

It seems that you are really planning to protect those criminals to the end? the commander of Qingyang Snake Bird said coldly, standing at the front.

It's not that we want to protect you to the end, but that the existence you are looking for is really not with us! Ban Sai loudly distinguished.

People on both sides blocked the bridge, and no one was willing to give in.

Then, do you dare to let us go in to investigate? A sinister voice came from the circle surrounded by ancient beasts and stars.

Ban Sai glanced at Li Shunxi, who gave him an affirmative answer.

He finally breathed a sigh of relief and nodded vigorously.

Why don't you dare? But what if you can't find me?

What compensation do you need? We, the Qingyang Snake Bird Clan, will not let you down! Qingyang Commandery sneered.

Okay! Remember what you said! Ban Sai said bitterly.

The pressure was so great that he could hardly bear it.

Just now, even the two elders Bei Fasha and Trey came forward to speak. That one's seniority influence among the ancient beasts was extremely great, which also caused the two of them to be suppressed and speechless on the spot.

So at least half of the pressure here can only be shouldered by themselves.

I hope you won't go back on your word then. An Xi gave Commander Qingyang a cold look.

It's ridiculous. The commander waved his wings, and the three strongest tribesmen were immediately followed behind him.

Get out of the way. We can search it ourselves!

An Xi looked ugly and pulled Ban Sai and others out of the way slowly.

A group of people from each tribe, together with Commander Qingyang, entered the space station to search for the situation.

Bansai and others naturally followed closely.

Although Li Shunxi just used some special means to notify the ancient beasts and star spirits hiding here, who knows what trouble these monsters will cause.

The group of people walked along the bridge. Many members learned the news along the way and approached from the surroundings, looking at the group of people calmly.

Commander Qingyang walked together with another ancient beast incarnation of the multi-eyed giant whale.

An incarnation of the protoss named Siflak walked on the other side with a group of protoss.

Sifulak comes from a distant protoss galaxy. He is the leader of that galaxy. He came here to find the murderer of his wife.

Although the murderer always argued that he was wronged, he didn't think so.

Just like mental illness never claims to be normal.

In his opinion, it is definitely a huge hidden danger for the research institute to take in a guy with such an abnormal mind.

Check each space station partition one by one.

People on both sides used special detection methods, and red and white auras continuously scanned various partition areas.

The aura has a certain stinging feeling, which also makes the members who have been living in these places express a strong sense of dissatisfaction.

Ban Sai and others saw this, and their expressions became increasingly ugly.

Justice requires execution, hatred requires revenge, and all causes will naturally produce all results! Siflak said with a solemn expression.

Soon they searched every subdivision, but the two groups found nothing. At this time, everyone stood on a silver-white metal platform behind the space station.

This was the place originally used to dock warships, but at this time, several ancient beasts had shrunk their bodies and were waiting here.

We've searched all over the place, and there's no one you're looking for. Is that all right now? Bansai looked at Siflak and Commander Qingyang coldly.

Are you sure that you have searched all the places? Commander Qingyang said disdainfully, There is indeed no residential area, but what about the core area here? The core area is so big, it is easy to hide some people.

core area? ? !

The expressions of Ban Sai and others changed completely.

If the residential area is just an ordinary area, a place for daily life. Then the core area is the biggest reliance of the research association, that is, the area where a large amount of information and core technologies are stored.

There are not only a large number of core members and technical personnel, but also the most powerful and huge rune machine called Yinhe Shijia.

It can be said that the core area is the most critical and fatal part of the entire research association.

Your Excellency, don't you think your request is too much? Ban Sai said, suppressing his anger.

I don't think it's too much. Although the core area is important, if you can't find it, we can give you adequate compensation. Commander Qingyang sneered, But you have to find it again. After all, if you deliberately want to hide people there, It’s also a very easy thing, isn’t it?”

But what if I refuse? Bansai's voice deepened.

Li Shunxi, Anxi and others stood behind him, knowing that they must not retreat now. Not only does the core area contain the most important things of the entire research association, but also because the people they are looking for are indeed all there at this time.

If they were to find him, the whole seminar would be over.

This group of guys who are filled with anger and blinded by hatred and prejudice will definitely destroy this place completely in the first time.

If they haven't found it now, they will still be limited by the appearance and won't take action directly without evidence. But once there is evidence.

The protoss and ancient beasts that have destroyed countless galaxies will not show mercy.

While the two sides were confronting each other, suddenly a star spirit quietly sneaked towards the entrance to the core area on the right side of the space station.


A member of the seminar stood in front of him.

Stop!! An Xi suddenly reached out and grabbed it, and huge star power suddenly seeped out from the gaps around the space station, blocking the star spirit. This was a method he had planned before.


The star spirit was also filled with black star power and rushed forward suddenly.

The black and colorless star power collided together, creating silent ripples.

Let's go in! Commander Qingyang sneered and strode towards the entrance of the core area.

Concealing your sins will eventually lead to you being stained with darkness! Siflak followed closely, leading the other stars towards the core area.

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