Extreme Demon

Chapter 992 Limit 2

However, except for An Xi, although most of the others were a little curious about the legendary president, their curiosity did not drive them to take the initiative to get closer.

Only An Xi followed Ban Sai all the way to the innermost summoning ceremony site.

The Summoning Ceremony Ground is a place where many senior executives jointly invested and contributed to build a place that can quickly pull senior executives who have left the mark of the Core Research Society back from danger in an instant.

Everyone hates war, and naturally yearns for security and stability. Now that we have finally found a place to live, we simply try our best to make this place more complete and consolidated.

After all, if the core of the Weird Research Society was still Lu Sheng at the beginning, then now it has become the Yinwei Shijia created by Ban Sai.

With the support of many great powers, Yinxizhijia has gradually updated itself, and its performance has become countless times stronger than at the beginning.

Ban Sai's inventive talent and ability in formation talismans are becoming more and more terrifying.

As long as it's a problem with the energy language of the formation talisman, it won't take long for him to solve it.

He is now integrating many runes and formations to form a special energy language.

Once such a language is formed, the function of Yin He Ji Jia will be even more powerfully improved. This is even equivalent to establishing a sect, opening up a brand new school of thought!

Many forces outside the research association have already revered Ban Sai as Master of Yuanli Fu Neng.

The most important thing is that he unified and integrated the various energy systems that had been chaotic into two categories.

One category is the energy used by all those above the Holy Lord, and the other category is below the Holy Lord. With the Holy Lord as the boundary, Bansai unified the above parts and called them star power.

The energy language he is creating is also called astrology.

Walking into the summoning ceremony venue, Ban Sai saw Torambach, Shengzhu Tongsheng and Li Shunxi who were already waiting inside.

The four of them are pretty good in the seminar now, especially Li Shunxi. The evil jade he possesses has extremely strong predictability and has given a lot of help to many people.

Although it is not as versatile and powerful as Yinou Shijia, it is very maneuverable.

Since the boss is back, we have to come over to greet him. Li Shunxi said with a smile.

I was originally on vacation at the beach with Sakura. When I received the news, I flew back as soon as possible to wait. Tolenbach said with a smile. Compared to more than ten years ago, she has matured a lot now and looks like a gentle big sister.

Tong Sheng was accompanied by a silver-haired little boy with a cold and handsome face. He was his apprentice who had only been accepted for a short time.

Now, with the help of Yin He Shijia's calculations and the guidance of many powerful experts, he finally succeeded in breaking through and reached the peak level of a soldier master.

Okay, stop talking and let everyone get ready. He is now the person in charge of the summoning ceremony site.

Following his order, the staff outside became busy, and the entire ceremony venue began to slowly tremble.

It was as if there was some kind of powerful fine vibration underground that was getting stronger and stronger.

The entrances and exits around the ceremony venue slowly descended and closed, and countless red currents gathered together in the center to form a huge mesh-like sphere.

Let's start, Bansai stretched out his hand.

Suddenly, a transparent symbol was punched out of thin air and fell to the ground. In a blink of an eye, it spread quickly like ink dripping into the water. Produce countless identical symbols.

‘The link ceremony is starting’

‘Super long-distance cross-border communication is starting’

‘Coordinate positioning. ’

‘Establish a short-term communication channel. ’

‘One-way information transmission takes thirty-six hours, twenty-one minutes and six seconds. Please wait. ’

Sweet female voices kept ringing over the ceremony venue.

Such a big formation? Is this necessary? An Xi stood behind and complained.

You don't understand, the president is different from others. Ban Sai shook his head.

Really? An Xi disagreed. During the war, among others, there were two Xu Ming who recently joined the research association.

Even if this president is Master Mingluo, so many high-level officials gathered together to perform the summoning ceremony.

An Xi remembered that there were several big bosses at the Guangxuming level in the seminar. Ming Luo can find at least two of them. He was no longer surprised.

Different Bansai shook his head.

Speaking of which, the war is about to cease, did you know? An Xi said suddenly.

A ceasefire? Li Shunxi asked in surprise.

Under the instigation of the Supervisor, the leader of the Star Alliance detonated the nine galactic centers. With the help of the destruction of the nine galaxies, he exploded with power and severely damaged the strongest ancient beast god Latier, elected by all the ancient beast races. An Xi smiled. laughed.

Speaking of which, the battlefield is actually very far away from us. From here, we can only see a large number of rays and light and shadow from hyperspace.

A ceasefire so soon? Isn't it normal? Bansai lowered his head and asked in confusion.

Isn't it a good idea to cease the war? An Xi said with a smile, No matter what the reason is, it is a ceasefire after all.

It's just... Bansai suddenly paused and looked at the red mesh sphere in mid-air.

Here it comes! The link is about to be established! Get ready to open the advent field!!



The Weird Research Institute is located dozens of light-years away in the star field, somewhere in a planetary belt.

A huge black turtle that spanned half of the planetary belt suddenly seemed to sense something. It slowly opened its eyes and looked into the distance.

We're finally here. The giant turtle Xidi moved its body slowly, with thousands of pairs of legs and feet moving rapidly around the sides of the turtle shell.

As promised, I'm here.

In front of the Thousand-Legged Giant Turtle, a silver-white metal ball full of zigzag patterns slowly unfolded, and countless metals quickly and automatically combined, turning into a tall figure made of metal bones in the blink of an eye.

I'll leave it to you this time. It's not convenient for me to take action myself. The Thousand-Legged Giant Turtle looked at the figure. As both holders of the Certificate of Overlord, you are qualified to fight each other without restraint.

Don't worry, I will deal with that person completely. The metal warrior slowly waved a sword-shaped metal bar extending from his arm.

In addition, although I cannot directly deal with the holder of the Certificate of Overlord, if the opponent is accidentally crushed to death without my knowledge, then it is not my fault. Thousand-legged Giant Turtle Xidi said with a smile.

Are you planning to target the Weird Research Society directly? The metal warrior asked in surprise.

That's right. They dare to take in those members of the Star Spirits and Ancient Beasts who escaped from the battlefield. This makes the branches here on both sides very dissatisfied with them. This is a way to seek death.

Okay, let's go. Xidi said with a smile.

The metal warrior bowed slightly, turned around, flashed a few times, and disappeared into the universe.

Seeing the metal warrior leave completely, Xidi opened her mouth and spit out a trace of golden light.

The golden light exploded in front of him and turned into a cloud of red sparks, which quickly dispersed and disappeared.

Coming! I'm coming! The voice of Pomera, the eight-headed griffin beast, came from Mars.

It just so happens that a clan member that the Qingyang Basilisk Clan has been chasing is also hiding in that research institute, and they want to send experts over to check it out!

Hey hey hey! This time I want to see how that bitch died!

I still remember the shame I felt back then.

Therefore, he not only wants that person to die! I also want to destroy everything related to that person! everything!

When will they arrive? The Thousand-legged Giant Turtle was slightly stunned.

The Qingyang strange bird is the fastest and should arrive before us. Pomila said simply. I hope they can hold on a little longer, hehehe, otherwise when we get there, there might be only ruins left.

No, there are still Star Spirits coming! They are seeking death themselves! They dare to take in the wanted criminals of the Star Alliance, hahaha!!



The extremely huge soul power in Lu Sheng's body was frantically compressing and integrating into his body.

His tyrannical body as Wang Dong is merging into his own body at an extremely exaggerated speed. Become part of the body.

This time the harvest was huge. Not only does he have a huge soul power that he has gained through hard work, but also the mysterious energy that the world and the universe fully supports him and absorbs.

With tens of billions of dura's soul power, Lu Sheng alone was almost equal to the total soul power of the entire planet.

Although to the body, a planet is nothing, but it is completely different if it is full of extremely high-quality, mysterious energy similar to the evil god's power.

The integration of huge soul power caused his body to rise rapidly.

Originally, his Ming Luo level was far beyond ordinary Ming Luo, and the soul in his body was incredibly huge.

Now that so much high-level soul power was pouring in again, it immediately stimulated his soul to change qualitatively again.

He has already made plans to practice in seclusion and thoroughly digest what he gained from this trip. Perhaps we should be able to go one step further and break through Ming Luo.

After Ming Luo, he only knew the name of what realm he would be in. He had no idea how to move forward.

If the underworld can determine the life and death of a star system, then the death star should be a higher level of qualitative change and sublimation. It is a higher energy transformed from a large amount of lower-level energy and condensed matter.

Ming Luo is known as the ultimate barrier for all human beings.

It represents the entire world of demons and the highest level of the human race.

The human race, no matter what kind of human race it is, the limit of its soul is the peak of Ming Luo. If you want to go further, the only way is to change your body and completely transform your soul. Stop being a human being.

The death star represents the limit of life that humans can never surpass.

Lu Sheng had seen this passage in more than one place.

Just like all the secret books he had ever read, they all only mentioned Ming Luo, and there was no follow-up to the rest.

Lu Sheng knew very well that although he looked ferocious, in essence, he was still an out-and-out human being. The soul component is this.

In other words, he is also very likely to reach the so-called biological limit, the population limit.

And now his Mingluo soul is thousands of times larger than the normal ones of the same level, but he still can't break through the qualitative change.

This may also show this in disguise. Human beings all have their own limits.

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