Extreme Demon

Chapter 991 Limit 1

Are you crazy?? Run!

A hand suddenly grabbed Crimson from the side, pulling her into the space vortex that opened on the side.

Crimson reacted immediately and broke away.

Let me go and I will walk on my own! She turned around and looked over, and it was Bai Jin who was pulling her away.

What are you afraid of? I won't die anyway.

The eyes of sin are gone, do you think you will die? Bai Jin said angrily.

Huh?? Crimson was stunned for a moment.

She recalled the white light that was about to fall overwhelmingly, and suddenly felt a chill in her heart.

It’s not that their God of Destruction will not die, but if the Eye of Sin is not broken, they can hide in it and live forever.

In other words, the Eye of Sin is their defense value. Only by breaking through their defense can it be possible to completely kill them.

But if the evil eye is completely gone.

The two passed through the blue vortex and rushed out to the other end.

Outside the whirlpool is a huge helipad with a helicopter parked. Heavy combat helicopters continued to rise and fall, and the commanding ground personnel at the airport not only waved flags.

Where is this place? Crimson quickly looked to Platinum aside.

Unexpectedly, Bai Jin also looked confused at this time.

I obviously set it up for my own home...!!? Bai Jin couldn't understand.

Please come here. Although the Lord has forgotten you there, as a subordinate, it is natural to receive guests and make up for the Lord's mistakes.

A white-haired old man wearing a white uniform stood behind the two of them, as if he had been standing in that position from the beginning.

Platinum and Crimson were startled and quickly turned around. When they came here before, they didn't even notice the existence of the old man.

For them, as gods of destruction, this is simply unbelievable.

Where are my subordinates? Bai Jin was the first to say quickly and coldly.

As the God of Destruction, he naturally has many subordinates who belong to him. This time, the transfer of the formation from the deserted land was completed with the assistance of his subordinates.

Don't worry, they are fine. The old man smiled.

Come on, I will take you to see the Lord of God. He turned around and walked towards the control tower next to the aircraft pad.

Platinum and Crimson exchanged glances and followed closely.

Enter the control tower and go up the stairs to the second floor.

Lu Sheng was holding a cup of hot coffee, standing in front of the window, watching the rising and falling helicopters, silent.

When he noticed someone coming in, he slowly turned around.

I'm sorry for leaving you there alone before. Fortunately, my subordinates found you in time and made up for it. Lu Sheng smiled apologetically at Shen Hong.

Please sit down. He pointed to the sofa in the room.

Crimson and Platinum slowly sat down on the sofa, somewhat at a loss.

So, why did you call us here? If nothing happens, I don't think we have anything to talk about, right? Bai Jin said bluntly.

That's it, I'm about to leave this world, so I plan to ask you in advance if you are willing to follow me?

Let me say in advance that the Eye of Sin has been damaged and destroyed, and your immortal body is no longer effective from now on. Lu Sheng said softly,

When Platinum and Gold heard the news about the destruction of the Eye of Sin, their faces showed expressions of joy mixed with regret.

Jera. Lu Sheng called his subordinate after seeing their expressions.

A girl with long brown hair and a slim figure, with straight legs and hips, slowly walked into the room. Place the stack of documents in your hand on the table in front of the sofa.

Jela was the subordinate who was completely parasitized by Lu Sheng back then, and he was also the one who was most thoroughly polluted by the evil power in this world.

Her current soul has been twisted by the fanatical evil power. As long as Lu Sheng gives an order, she can give up everything and completely devote herself to him.

Lu Sheng pointed to the documents on the table.

Let's take a look and sign if it's okay.

Although this world does not have much space, he is still prepared to develop it into one of his backup worlds.

Not only are there many similar parts of the laws and regulations, but there is also the reason that this place is on the front line closest to the power of desolation. Lu Sheng also got the proof of dominance here.

It can be said that the certificate of dominance is the ID card of the beloved of heaven and earth.

As long as Lu Sheng stays here for one day, he will always be favored by the world here.

Although Crimson and Platinum are just Gods of Destruction with low combat power, they are naturally extremely resistant to the power of desolation and are perfectly suitable to be absorbed and stationed there for a long time.

After all, it is most appropriate for beings like them to manage the borders of the Desolate Power.

You must also know that I am not from here, so sooner or later we need some actual managers here. Lu Sheng directly stated his purpose.

Platinum and Crimson picked up the document, opened it, and found that they couldn't understand a word on it.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand, just press your fingerprints. Lu Sheng reminded.

Jela on the side twisted her pert little butt thoughtfully and handed a box of ink pads to the two of them.

Bai Jin gritted his teeth, knowing that the situation was stronger than others, so he simply took the ink pad, dipped it in, and pressed his fingerprints directly.

However, Crimson looked deeply at Lu Sheng, hesitated for a moment, then dipped the ink pad on it and pressed the document gently.



The world of demons.

A brilliant silver-white halo slowly expanded in the starry sky, gradually fading and disappearing.

Bansai stood on the wide silver-white bridge, looking at the huge explosion in the starry sky in the distance, and sighed.

He has grown a mustache on his lips, and his whole person has changed from being childish in the past to becoming more mature now.

After adjusting his exquisite white uniform, he carefully adjusted the seminar badge on his chest.

The Weird Research Society has developed very rapidly. With the support of a Ming Luo boss, as well as the support of the Lord of Libra City and the Master of Red Moon, the entire Research Society has quickly absorbed a large number of wandering experts.

After a period of development, it gradually evolved into an association membership system that is both formal and loose.

The Weird Research Society was originally founded by Lu Sheng, intending to completely solve the mystery of weird immortality.

It's just that the current development of research societies, although the main direction is still this, has gradually evolved into a kind of mutual aid association.

The research association will not have any restrictions on each member. Instead, they will take the initiative to share the resources of the research association with many members according to their level and authority for a certain period of time.

The branch president also has no jurisdiction over the members under his jurisdiction, and the members are free.

The only obligation of members is to report their own information, so that they can obtain auxiliary calculations to a certain extent from the core computing brain created by Ban Sai - Yin He Shijia.

Helping other members can improve the member's own intelligence and computing power authority to a certain extent, and obtain more intelligence and technical assistance.

Of course, whether you want to help or not is up to the members' volition.

This completely non-binding research meeting soon received a warm welcome from the entire surrounding galaxy.

Especially during the war between the Star Alliance and the ancient beasts, information is life. If you move a little faster, you may be able to save countless lives.

The research association's information relies on the Qingcha Sect, Libra City, and the Red Moon Sect, coupled with the integrated calculations of the Yinhe Shijia, and is extremely accurate.

Therefore, it quickly attracted many top experts to join. Although they are also very strict in reviewing membership qualifications. But there were too many people asking to join.

Not only the human race, but also some peace-loving protoss, ancient beasts, and various alien races are unwilling to join the war, and use their intelligence to avoid the war to a certain extent.

From the hands of these gentle and peace-loving top Ming Luo-level beings, Ban Sai obtained a lot of extremely precious information, and then used it as capital, and quickly developed a completely unmanned system. Anticipated huge system.

The entire research society has developed so fast in the time since Lu Sheng left, it is simply unbelievable.

Bansai slowly walked across the bridge, walked through the spiral doors, and came to an oval black hall.

Hey, Xiao Bansai, are you here to report again today? I still can't bear to leave your little Jiajia every day.

Next to the bar counter on the side of the hall, a handsome man in a white shirt was leaning on the bar. He was lying on the bar, holding a glass of beautiful purple crystal wine in his hand, with a lazy and soft smile on his face.

It's Senior An Xi. Ban Sai bowed slightly towards the other party with some respect.

The other party looks young, but in fact he is an ancient star spirit who has lived for who knows how many billions of years. His strength is unfathomable.

It is said that he was disgusted with the strong atmosphere of conspiracy in the clan. His younger brother and sister both died in the war, which also caused him to hate the war so much that he ran away alone.

By chance, after this powerful star spirit relied on information from several seminars, he was too lazy to leave and stayed here drinking all day long.

Bansai remembered this information, which was told to him by another unfathomable senior.

That senior was discovered by the Research Society on a planet that had completely extinguished all life. He was eager to find the location of a certain hometown in his memory and used the information from the Research Society.

Later, with the help of the research association's computing power and intelligence network, he found his former enemy. After taking revenge, his mind was relieved. He had a great ups and downs and had nowhere to go. He simply joined the research association and became one of the senior members of the association.

Ban Sai came back to his senses and saw the star spirit An Xi who was looking at him curiously.

He quickly smiled apologetically.

Sorry, not this time. He sorted out his thoughts, Maybe the president will come back this time.

President? An Xi was stunned, then straightened up with interest. Speaking of which, I have been coming to the seminar for more than ten years, and I have never seen what the president here is like.

President, what should I say? Bansai smiled, showing a soft expression. He is a very reliable person. Although he looks a bit fierce on the outside, he is actually very kind to others. He did not say that the prerequisite is that you must be obedient.

Really? Then I'd like to take a look. An Xi also laughed.

The atmosphere of the seminar is very free and equal. There is no hierarchy among everyone. They all help each other, so the atmosphere is very relaxed.

Ban Sai walked all the way deep into the hall, and met several core executives with unpredictable strength along the way.

These high-level officials have all joined the research association in recent years.

Some of them came from other river systems, and some were simply opponents of the war between the ancient beasts and the protoss.

Regardless of their identities, these beings all have several things in common.

One is that they all hate fighting and like peace and tranquility.

The other is that their strength is very strong. After all, those who can escape from the battle between the stars and ancient beasts are not strong enough to survive the aftermath and die on the way.

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