Extreme Demon

Chapter 982 Behind the Scenes 2

This is an unexpected surprise. Hurry up and improve first.

Lu Sheng quickly sat down cross-legged.

He somewhat understood how creatures like the God of Destruction and the Troll were born. Perhaps only such an extremely active environment could give birth to completely immortal monsters like the Troll.

Being here, he could feel more and more clearly that every cell in his body was cheering for joy, frantically absorbing the mysterious power that had been stored here for countless years.

Deep Blue. Lu Sheng called out the modifier without saying a word.

Facing the increasingly mysterious Eye of Sin, Lu Sheng felt that the stronger he had in his hands, the more he would make an appointment.

So he planned to raise it to the limit here first, and then go in to find out.

Soon, the box for the mountain-moving spiritual skill popped up, and Lu Sheng didn't even look at the dense information on it.

Improve the mountain-moving spiritual skill to the eighth level. Then perform unlimited deductions! Until I can't bear it anymore!

Lu Sheng gave the order directly. Then there is the Red Soul Skill that strengthens the body, which is also ready to be improved.

In the darkness, the aura on his body surged rapidly like a volcano.

A large amount of divine power was crazily converted into soul power, continuously pouring into his body, and gray soul power faintly seeped out of his body. It turned into thin snakes like chains, climbing on its body.

The later the stage, the more difficult it is to break through the mountain-moving spiritual power.

And the larger the soul power base is, the more difficult it is to break through the mountain-moving spiritual skill.

Lu Sheng now has more than 400 million soul powers. If he wants to break through, he will need millions of spiritual powers alone.

Under the agitation of the huge soul power, he broke through the limit in the blink of an eye and stepped into the eighth level.

Countless earth soul powers poured into his body crazily.

The soul power of more than 400 million Duras increased steadily, reaching 500 million, 600 million, 700 million, and 800 million in the blink of an eye.

The mysterious power in the air used to repair the body seemed to be aware of the situation here, and it also rushed towards Lu Sheng crazily, helping him resist the signs of physical collapse caused by excessive soul power.

In the darkness, Lu Sheng slowly opened his eyes. A gray light flashed in his eyes.

This is the eighth level. Deep Blue began to deduce again, and millions of divine powers were continuously flowing out and consumed.

But he didn't feel bad at all.

Because the core source of improving the soul is of great help to his body. Before leaving, transforming into the true body will not cause too much loss like simply improving the physical body.

He stood up, and the soul power under his feet dispersed and turned into a spiritual disk, holding his feet and flying up.

After controlling the direction, Lu Sheng easily jumped into the well and fell straight down.

In the darkness, it seemed that the gray light of soul power emitted from his body was the only source of light.

He didn't know how long it had been falling, but Lu Sheng suddenly felt his feet trembling.

Bang! !

He landed firmly.


Snapped his fingers.

A flash of fire suddenly lit up behind Lu Sheng, completely illuminating the entire surrounding environment.

This is a huge cave more than ten meters high. Above the head is the mine shaft coming in, and directly in front is the cave entrance.

Lu Sheng stepped in without hesitation.

There was also no light source in the cave, and the fire ignited by Lu Sheng's spiritual technique became the only light.

The first thing he saw when he entered the cave was a huge black metal door.

In the middle of the door is a ferocious black monster with two heads, one on the left and one on the right, that looks like a dragon but not a dragon.

There seems to be tiny writing on the monster's body.

Lu Sheng slowly approached.

It turned out that he didn't know any of these words. But the strange thing is that just by looking at the glyphs, he couldn't help but understand the meaning of the handwriting.

‘Complete the three dark tests and the door will be opened. ’

First. Deep in the cave on the right, there is a dark and ferocious monster with three heads and six arms. He has a big mouth that can never have enough to eat. Defeat him and you can get the gate mark.

Second. In another cave, there is a silver mirror that cannot be destroyed. Light up the mirror and find it.

boom! !

A huge roar surged wildly inside the cave like an explosion.

Lu Sheng walked in through the hole in the door.

Inside is a red magma lake, with a black platform in the center of the magma lake.

Lying on the platform was a huge black dragon.

A huge black dragon with bat wings.

Thick dark red flames spurted out from the black dragon's nostrils from time to time. It seemed to be awakened by the loud noise just now, shaking its head and getting up from the platform impatiently.

A pair of huge yellow longan eyes covered with red and yellow bloodshot eyes looked at Lu Sheng who walked through the door.

Another insect trying to seize the divine power of destruction?? It opened its mouth and uttered a familiar curse word to Lu Sheng.

Moreover, his Ethnic accent was slightly familiar to him.

Tremble! The humble insect, the great demon dragon Kaintura from the eternal demon world, will give you eternal destruction!!

Lu Sheng paused, his facial expression stunned.

Eternal Demon Realm? What the hell!?

Which star region of the Demon Realm are you from? Huangquan galaxy? Or Central Libra City? Your accent sounds like a rural accent from the lower areas of Libra City. Is the harvest there this year good?

I remember when I left, I also heard that a dozen of the black earth dragons over there had escaped because they couldn't bear the burden of farm work. Is that possible?

Lu Sheng recalled what happened in Libra City before, and looked at the black dragon with an increasingly weird look.

Why don't you, a country dragon like you, go away to farm? Are you here to pretend to be a demon dragon from the demon world!? Lu Sheng felt extremely pained.

He stared at the stunned black dragon with his eyes, not knowing how to complain at all.

Also, are you afraid that you are illiterate and don't understand culture? The name Kaiintura means shit in the Era language. Lu Sheng looked at the black dragon with a look that looked like he was mentally retarded.

You said you're an earth dragon who calls you dog shit. You squat here and come out to tell everyone your name. Are you afraid that others won't know that you're called dog shit?

The black dragon was completely trembling at this time.

Not angry, but humiliated! It's panic! !

Forget it, you probably don't know that the real black dragon from the demon world is actually even more rubbish. Lu Sheng didn't want to say anything more.

Without even looking at the thing, he stepped directly on the magma, completely ignoring the high temperature in it, and stepped on it as easily as flowing water.

As for the black earth dragon, it had shrunk its head and didn't dare to raise it.

As soon as he heard Lu Sheng's words, he knew that he was in trouble, and coincidentally, this person actually came from the same star region as him. He also recognized his identity before coming here at a glance.

Kaintura was frightened for a moment.

For a boss of this level to deal with him, it's really not easy. So immediately, he wisely gave up his position and let Lu Sheng pass quickly.

Before getting out of the way, it thoughtfully swept away the gravel on the ground with its tail. Then he watched Lu Sheng step on the lava and leave, his tail wagging like a pug.

Soon Lu Sheng's figure disappeared deep into the cave.

Black Earth Dragon breathed a sigh of relief.

Bang! ! !

Suddenly there was another loud noise inside, and a huge roar came faintly from inside, but just halfway through the scream, it was severely blocked by some kind of force.

Soon there was no sound at all.

Black Earth Dragon immediately knew that the second level guard inside was cold.

Lu Sheng stood on a huge human-faced snake and looked at the twisted and rotating oval light gate in front of him.

The light door seemed to be made of countless blue pigments, rotating clockwise and counterclockwise, constantly changing directions.

That's where the God of Destruction is. The man had a snake face, a bruised nose and a swollen face, and his eyes were as swollen as peaches. Half of his face was beaten into a pig's head, and he was no longer human.

At this time, he was obediently introducing the scenery here to Lu Sheng.

Only those who have died once can enter and exit the God of Destruction. So, I'm afraid you won't be able to enter.

Really? Lu Sheng said in surprise. Must die once?

Yes, but you are the boss, maybe there are other ways. The human-faced snake quickly replied.

It also comes from the so-called eternal demon world, which is the heavenly demon world.

However, it has a slightly higher status. He is the son of a pet snake kept by the guards who guard the city gates of Libra City and often go to drink tea.

After being punched by Lu Sheng, it wisely surrendered.

Take the initiative to be his tour guide and introduce everything here.

Only by entering the God of Destruction Realm can you pass the third level and become the real God of Destruction. This is a naturally formed rule here. The human-faced snake carefully explained.

You have to die once before you can enter. Lu Sheng thought for a while, Maybe I can count. Go in first and give it a try.

When he thought of this, without saying a word, his body floated out of thin air and flew straight towards the blue vortex.

The closer he got, the more he felt the thick aura of desolate power that was constantly filling the vortex.

It is indeed the power of desolation. Lu Sheng knew clearly. As for the one who died once, it was most likely that the universe secretly transformed its soul to fight against the power of desolation.

Some universes themselves have life consciousness and can instinctively resist troublesome forces such as the power of desolation.

Creating a God of Destruction, absorbing the power of desolation, and converting it into other energies is one of the methods.

As for the God of Destruction being updated every once in a while, it’s actually because the God of Destruction can’t hold on anymore.

Although their souls are special and were selected as souls, after transformation, they are highly resistant to the power of desolation.

But it can’t last long.

The power of desolation. Lu Sheng looked at the human-faced snake under him again.

As expected, there is a similar mechanism for transforming the power of desolation in its body.

It should also be the work of this universe here.

Interesting. Lu Sheng felt as if he had been exposed to a higher level of confrontation.

If the God of Destruction is only a product that specifically fights against the power of desolation, then it is actually not that necessary to become the God of Destruction.

He felt the huge power permeating the surrounding caves. This power should be on the same level as the evil god's power.

It is also neutralizing the desolate power emanating from the Destruction God Realm, preventing it from further destroying the world.

But now that I'm here, let's take advantage of the advantages of this place to practice first. Let's see how far we can rise to.

This place is a good place. Lu Sheng spent a lot of effort and time to obtain the power of the evil god.

Now there is a lot of ready-made mysterious power gathered here. If he didn't eat more, he would be wasting the hospitality he received.

When he arrived here, he had already vaguely felt that when he came to this world, it seemed that from his identity at the beginning to his current step-by-step process, there were traces of the arrangement of this world behind his back.

He was very curious. Although the entire world was very strong, it was a high-energy universe like the Demon World.

Moreover, the so-called cosmic consciousness would not be directed at him alone, but should be directed at their group.

According to the analysis of the Heavenly Demon Realm, the consciousness of the universe should be fuzzy and interfere with large-scale influences.

Just like people cannot freely control every cell in their body.

The most they can do is exercise to guide their bodies and improve and strengthen them in the overall general direction.

Instead of a disease in a certain internal organ, I want to control this part and mobilize the immune system to eliminate it.

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