Extreme Demon

Chapter 981 Behind the Scenes 1

Nange walked up to Kyle and looked left and right. This rough use of soul power threads was different from what she was good at, which made her slightly relieved.

This Wang Dong is indeed very strong.

So strong that he has no friends.

Although it is not as good as her, it can already be called a monster among ordinary people.

Nange noticed that Wang Dong's physical strength was very powerful, almost on the same level as a troll.

If you count carefully, this is almost a humanoid troll. It's interesting. I didn't expect to encounter such an existence in this world.

It has been more than thirty years since she came to this world.

In the past thirty years, during the first ten years when she was laying the foundation, she had to suffer in fear almost every day.

After many near-death encounters, finally, relying on her previous knowledge and experience, she successfully emerged in an organization called the Black Bell Alliance, and thus received key training from high-level experts.

Then, after absorbing the nutrition of the Black Bell Alliance, she killed the teacher who tried to rape her, killed many masters who came to hunt and besiege her, and then established the title of the most powerful psychic in the world in one fell swoop.

Although there were some twists and turns, this arrival was already very smooth for her.

She still remembered that she once came to a world of the same level, where she had been an earthworm for tens of thousands of years, and finally recovered her human form. As a result, the power hierarchy in that world was extremely strict.

All her previous experiences were useless, and she could only suffer step by step, slowly working her way up.

In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of years have passed.

Finally she achieved the highest position.

But she was also blind, with only one limb left, and her tongue was permanently worn out by her enemies. Even if you are poisoned, you cannot recover.

Living that way is worse than death.

Looking back now, it's pretty good.

It's okay here in Nange.

By this time, the people from Yishanmen had begun to take over the order of the place. But because they have too few manpower, some of them have to go back and call the mountain gate to inform them of the situation.

The remaining people couldn't maintain the scene at all, so You Lian and others also invited people from Baidongmen to join in maintaining order.

After all, only the people from Baidongmen took the initiative to fight alongside them.

Lu Sheng stood in the snow, walked to a pit, squatted down, reached out and gently dug a handful of dirt at the bottom of the pit.

The metal content is so strong that even the soil here is the material for making ghost weapons!

He became more and more interested in this place.

Dealing with the troubles in the square was just a casual matter. His real purpose was to take this opportunity to eliminate threats.

After standing up, Lu Sheng glanced around.

More than a dozen gold-level psychics were all tied up by him with soul power threads.

Come here. He held his hand. Suddenly, all the psychics were involuntarily pulled by the soul power threads and moved towards his direction.

Including the drunkard Kyle, there were fifteen people in total. They went to a few ice and snow parties and caught a few more passers-by who wanted to take advantage of the melee to come in and catch the autumn wind.

The thread in Lu Sheng's hand trembled, and the alcoholic Kyle suddenly covered his neck. The sound of his trachea being cut and leaking quickly spread. Blood gushed out in large volumes.

Hoo. He wanted to say something else, but as his strength quickly passed away, it no longer mattered.


Drunkard Kyle fell to the ground without a sound, and a top expert who was even more powerful than the Grand Elder of Yishanmen died silently on the top of the mountain.

Next to Kyle's body, a huge black four-armed phantom slowly floated on a dark curved dagger, which was the ghost weapon he used before.


The four-armed hero sighed, glanced at the corpse on the ground, then held his hand towards Lu Sheng from afar, and retracted his dagger in the blink of an eye.

That is Andathius, the great king who once unified the entire Masenda region in history. Legend has it that he was a majestic king full of righteousness and kindness. It is simply a shame to let someone like Kyle hold it.

Ban Cuntou came closer and whispered.

By the way, what are you going to do with these golden psychics? If...if they can't be moved, how about we help you deal with them?

Lu Sheng didn't even bother to reply to him. He was fighting to the death. He was in front, and now he was reaping the fruits of victory. He even said it as if he was helping him. Is this a joke?

He looked around and quickly walked towards the edge of the square, toward a group of buildings.

More than a dozen gold masters were led by him and moved in one direction.

Not long after, Lu Sheng was standing in front of another house, not too big or too small.


He kicked open the door and the entire door was completely knocked off the door frame.

More than a dozen golden psychics filed in after him.

What Lu Sheng announced to the outside world was that he demanded ransom compensation one by one. But in fact, he planned to infect all these people with evil powers one by one.

About a few minutes later, Lu Sheng was the first to come out. There were already many forces behind these psychics waiting outside.

Seeing Lu Sheng open the door, these people all froze and did not dare to say anything.

Everyone who had been chatting just now had roughly heard about Lu Sheng's previous feats.

For a monster who could reach such heights at the age of eighteen, everyone had already elevated Lu Sheng's status from the previous genius to the level of pervert.

Lu Sheng didn't even look at these people, turned around and left slowly.

The person who moved the mountain gate went over and asked a few questions. After getting some answers, he happily moved away.

After about a few minutes, the dozen gold-level psychics who had been restrained before filed out of the house.

What no one knows is that there is something new on the back of their necks. That thing was rapidly integrating into their bodies, beginning to transform and strengthen their bodies.

The evil power brings not only devouring and control, but also pollution.

Lu Sheng calls this kind of pollution the transformation of evil spirits.

The regenerative power of creatures transformed into evil gods will be greatly improved, and at the same time, their mental resistance will be greatly improved.

At the same time, the contaminated evil creature can also contaminate other new creatures.

However, there seems to be some trouble in this world, perhaps because of the power of desolation.

Back at the station, Lu Sheng took a map of the nearby Wanling Cave that he had collected from the experts.

After studying the specific location, he simply planned to set off alone at night and quietly go to Wanling Cave.

During the day, he became famous in one battle. He didn't want to be watched by a large group of people following behind him in broad daylight.

He has wasted a lot of time in this world.

You have to quickly get rid of the God of Destruction, and then find the evil eye on the three-god map that is invisible to others.

He has a very strong intuition, that is, the God of Destruction and the Eye of Sin are very likely to have a deep relationship.

late at night.

In the resident building complex, a black figure suddenly fell lightly on the high wall.

As soon as the figure landed on the ground, it quickly rushed towards a certain direction in the snow. There was no hesitation.

Lu Sheng was wrapped in the wind and snow, traveling very fast.

The terrain on the top of the mountain is extremely complex. In many places there are icicles like a forest of stone pillars and depressions like half eggshells.

Even if Lu Sheng had a map, he quickly found the entrance to the so-called Ten Thousand Spirits Cave just by relying on the signboards along the roadside.

It was an abandoned mine entrance.

To be precise, the original Wanling Cave was discovered by a miner.

Standing at the entrance of the mine, Lu Sheng paused and strode inside.

His feet landed on the ground silently, and he could span a distance of more than ten meters in one step, appearing as light and swift as a ghost.

As the mine continues to deepen, jump into several pits in succession.

Finally, Lu Sheng heard a faint sound in the darkness.

It was the sound of many, many people whispering something.

It's like moaning, it's like wailing, but it's more of a prayer, a roar, a roar.

The key reason why Wanling Cave is world-famous is that many famous events have happened here. Tens of thousands of devout Christian believers were buried.

Many of them were once the most devout fanatics, and there were also many protective paladins. These fanatical and powerful souls did not dissipate after death, but were nourished by the coincidental favorable terrain here.

Lu Sheng walked forward in the darkness for a while, and soon saw a mine shaft at the end of the mine tunnel ahead.

That sound came from the dark mine.

Lu Sheng stepped forward and was about to jump into the well, when suddenly his steps stopped. He reached out and touched the edge of the well.

It's so clean and warm. Someone has sat here. And they just left not long ago! He touched other places. Other places were cold, but here, there was a little warmth.

Lu Sheng actually still had no idea how to become the God of Destruction. Meeting the conditions is one thing, but the other key is, how to take advantage of these conditions?

Lu Sheng straightened up and was about to jump into the well, when suddenly his body was stunned again.

The recovery speed here is so fast? He quickly sat down cross-legged in surprise.

In order to improve his strength, he reached the seventh level with the mountain-moving spiritual skill in one breath.

The soul power in his body now has reached more than 400 million dura. This level of soul power is already equivalent to hundreds of trolls.

Although the strength of the trolls is not their soul power but their immortality, Lu Sheng is enough to be called the strongest in the world.

Legend has it that there is a guy called Sky Spider who is now recognized as the strongest in the world, but Lu Sheng didn't realize that she could reach his level.

Such powerful soul power was concentrated in this body, and finally the body was gradually saturated.

His body had been saturated before, and Lu Sheng originally thought that he would have to wait a long time for this trip before his body could adapt to this soul power, and then it would improve again.

Unexpectedly, in this Ten Thousand Spirits Cave, the air seems to be filled with a large number of inexplicable auras all the time.

This kind of breath has an excellent nourishing effect on the soul and the body.

This also caused that before he knew it, his physical strength, which he had to adapt to before, could now be improved again.

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