Extreme Demon

Chapter 983 Holy Spirit 1

Let's try to see if we can get in first.

Lu Sheng activated the evil power all over his body and slowly approached the rotating whirlpool door.

The human-faced snake under him was not nervous at all, and it seemed that the desolate power emanating from it did not have much impact on him.

The huge snake body slowly swam in the air, approaching the dark blue whirlpool door.

Soon, Lu Sheng's hand almost touched the whirlpool door, and he immediately pressed down on the human-faced snake beneath him.


The man's expression quickly stopped and he looked at Lu Sheng nervously.

Lu Sheng stretched out his hand and slowly touched the whirlpool door, but when he reached halfway, he quickly retracted it.

Put your tail in and try. He looked directly at the human-faced snake.

Um The human-faced snake was shocked, but it didn't dare to feel dissatisfied at all with its swollen face.

In desperation, he had no choice but to slowly extend his tail towards the whirlpool door.

He has entered this kind of door many times with his tail. As long as he doesn't go in with his head, it doesn't matter.

At most, my tail sometimes feels a little uncomfortable. Ouch! !

The human-faced snake howled miserably and struggled.

A section of his tail was cut off by Lu Sheng and thrown directly into the vortex gate.

Scream, let's see the reaction. Lu Sheng impatiently slapped the human-faced snake on the head.


The huge force beat him on the spot until blood flowed from all his orifices.

The face of the human-faced snake was covered in blood, and it had to laugh quickly and put its tail back.

Yes, yes, you are the boss, you have the final say.

Lu Sheng watched the half of the tail slowly squirming in the whirlpool door, and soon it was as if it had been put into a meat grinder. He pinched the back half of the tail and pulled it out of the door with all his strength.


A faint black smoke floated out from the tail, even with a hint of meaty aroma.

High temperature? Lu Sheng looked at the condition of his tail. In the heart of this hot mountain, the human-faced snake's resistance to high temperatures has reached an extremely strong and sensitive level.

But even so, it can be corroded by this thing.

He thought for a while, and the evil power slowly wrapped itself under the skin of his right arm.

On the surface, he still has his original appearance, but in fact, his muscles and blood vessels are covered and protected by a large amount of evil power.

Lu Sheng's hand slowly stretched out and touched the front of the whirlpool door.

Chi! !

A slight tingling sensation spread from Lu Sheng's fingers throughout his body.

Sure enough, it's the same as before!

Lu Sheng suddenly pulled out his fingers and took another look, only to see that the fingertips were all burnt black as if burned by flames.

Who! Who's there! Suddenly, a cold female voice burst out from the entrance and exit of the cave.

As soon as Lu Sheng turned around, he saw a gray shadow rushing towards him.

Without any time to think, he raised his hand and blocked it in front of him.

Bang! ! !

Gray silk-like soul power exploded from where their fists met.

A force so huge that even Lu Sheng couldn't predict it suddenly erupted from the palm of his hand.

He sighed softly and was about to speak.

Millions of Duras!! Explode!!

The figure in front of him shouted loudly, and an extremely compressed soul power instantly compressed in front of Lu Sheng.

Millions of Dora's soul power was quickly compressed into a ball, and then rebounded and exploded.

boom! ! !

The gray soul is overflowing.

The human-faced snake under Lu Sheng screamed, shrank into a ball and rolled out.

Lu Sheng blocked the explosion with one hand, grabbed the flying gray ball that spun rapidly and landed gently on the ground.


The gray soul power ball exploded into pieces and disappeared.

Only then did Lu Sheng clearly see who was standing in front of him.

There was a young girl with twin ponytails and suspender jeans.

It's just that the girl's expression is a little strange at this time, as if she is angry.

What did you do to Xiao Hei!!?

Without saying a word, she prepared to rush over again.

Wait! A black dragon's head popped out of the hole behind the girl.

Nange! Nothing happened to me! Don't be impulsive! Don't be impulsive!! The black dragon shouted loudly, but when it came in and saw the scene in front of it, it immediately knew that it was already too late.

The girl Nange has already fought with Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng looked at the girl in front of him with interest.

Does it recognize you? And it speaks the language of Er?

Nange reacted instantly and pointed at Lu Sheng.

Are you also from the Demon Realm!?

Lu Sheng smiled.

So, you too?

Not long after he came to this world, he met three fellow villagers one after another.

Although neither is very friendly, it is good news after all.

Forget it, it doesn't matter if you are a fellow or not. Nange waved his hand, Since you didn't touch Xiao Hei, you can leave.

Let's go? Lu Sheng said in surprise, Do you think you can defeat me?

Nangle laughed.

I've seen your power explode on the ground during the day, and it's really good. However, if you think that you can do whatever you want in this Ten Thousand Spirits Cave with just that power, you are totally wrong.

You must have been here for a while, right? It shouldn't be long, but it's not short either. Otherwise, you wouldn't have come into contact with the level of Ten Thousand Spirits Cave. Nange licked his lips.

“This is the only channel to become a God of Destruction, and it is also the only channel in this era.

You must have calculated it too, right? The total amount of souls here can only give birth to a God of Destruction at most. No more will do.

. Lu Sheng was speechless. Before he even asked, this guy said everything.

That's right. Maybe you don't know it yourself. You don't know. When Nange saw Lu Sheng's expression, he suddenly felt a little involuntarily disappointed.

How can a demon like you, whose arrival is protected by a large array of energy, understand the pain like mine?

Was it hard to endure the million Doula before? But it doesn't seem to be enough to defeat you. Then, come again!!

Suddenly, Nange's figure twisted into a cloud of gray smoke and flew towards Lu Sheng.

Phantom Spirit Fist Ten Million Dura!!

As soon as she finished her voice, a black-red humanoid monster with a huge drill on its head suddenly appeared behind her.

The monster lowered its head, roared, and slammed into Lu Sheng with heavy steps.

The drill bit above the head rotated at high speed, like a sharp thorn, and landed hard on Lu Sheng's outstretched right palm.

Boom! !

Under the loud noise, both Lu Sheng and Nange paused slightly.

The soul power transformation behind Nange instantly disintegrated, and Lu Sheng's palms also turned slightly red.

The rocks on the ground around the two people were cut in a shape, just dividing the area where they were standing into two halves.

It was as if someone had drawn a black line down the middle of the entire cave.

It's interesting. Nange sneered intently, staring at Lu Sheng who was raising his hand to check his palm.

It seems that a normal-level ultimate cannot defeat you completely. But, it doesn't matter. This time, I was pretty lucky. Everything went smoothly.

Of course, people like you can't imagine the countless prices and pains I have endured in order to gain strength over the years, Nange said in a low voice.

“But, in my opinion, all these pains are worth it!

Because I have now obtained the unimaginable, the only source of soul power in the world that comes from the most fundamental origin. She slowly stood up from the ground.

Let me show you how powerful the Xuantian Mingyin Technique, which I have mastered for more than thirty years, has reached to unimaginable levels!!

She suddenly opened her arms wide, and countless gray soul powers surged out of her body like an ocean, turning into chains several meters thick like dragons and snakes.

Come out, the final victory!! 100 million Dora Soul Explosion!!!

Lu Sheng, who possessed at least two billion dula of soul power, quietly watched Nange, who was roaring, rushing toward him.

At this time, he felt neither sadness nor joy.

This is reality, this is sad.


She worked equally hard.


She herself said that the arrival of this life has been smooth.


Being able to endure the burden for decades in pursuit of strength, Nange is already satisfied with this.

So, why can't she beat herself?

Lu Sheng fell into deep thought.

what is this.?

Looking at Nan Ge, who was getting closer and closer with a proud smile on his face, Lu Sheng sighed and couldn't bear to look anymore.

Bang! !

Gray chains smashed into the empty space in front of Lu Sheng.

But no matter how hard they try, they can't take another step forward.

Bang bang bang bang! !

Immediately afterwards, a series of other chains hit the void one after another, unable to make any progress.

The wild smile on Nange's face slowly disappeared, replaced by shock, panic, but mostly confusion.

My 100 million Doula soul explodes. She murmured as she looked at the scene in front of her.

You have worked very hard. Lu Sheng sighed and stretched out his hand to rub Nange's hair.

Poor child, living is also a kind of pain for you. Let me help you get rid of it.

His palms quickly turned into dark purple tentacles, and countless tentacles were like big hands, slowly wrapping Nange's body from top to bottom.

While she was motionless, the tentacles completely wrapped most of Nange's body in just a moment.

No no!! My. My 100 million dura.!! Nange reacted suddenly and struggled, trying to transform into his true form. However, under the erosion of Lu Sheng's evil power, he now wanted to restore his true form. it's too late

What's more, her descended body in this world is, by chance, even more powerful than her original body.

Therefore, the ending was already doomed from the beginning.

The struggling Nangle soon turned into a squirming Nangle. Finally it turned into a trembling Nangle.

Then it was covered with countless tentacles, and no human form could be seen while lying on its back.

For a while, the only sound in the cave was a faint rumble and the sound of tentacles constantly moving in and out of Nange's body.

That kind of smooth, cold, evil, evil aura full of strange whispers that can drive people crazy, making both the human-faced snake and the black dragon tremble.

They looked at a group of Nange on the ground that had been completely surrounded by tentacles in fear.

Especially Black Dragon, he is the one who knows best how strong Nange is. So I saw Nange in Lu Sheng’s hands at this time.

He couldn't survive even a minute, and his new psychological gap was actually the biggest.

But, as long as people are not dead, there is still hope for everything. Nange, hold on! I will find a way to save you! Black Dragon swore secretly in his heart.

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