Extreme Demon

Chapter 980 Take action 2

Trash. Lu Sheng stepped over You Lian and walked slowly towards Kyle, Yun Shen, and Andy who were standing in the field.

He walked very relaxedly, as if he had no chains on him at all.

Hey, here comes another kid. He seems to be a little more powerful than you, but that's about it.

Drunk Kyle licked his lips and smiled and said: The people of Yishanmen? Yishanmen will only send children like this out to save the situation now? What are the children doing here? Kneeling down and crying to beg for mercy? Do you have a nicer voice?

Why am I here to ask you? Lu Sheng raised his head and smiled at him.

Not good!! The expression on the side of Yun Shen changed dramatically, and he jumped in front of Kyle. His hand was burning with a lot of gray soul power, and he struck the void in front of Kyle with a fierce palm.

There, Lu Sheng's body turned from empty to solid, and terrifying power cut through the air, bringing out a white air wave.

The air wave brought out a sonic boom, exploding white ripples and spreading in all directions. It was unclear whether it was soul power or impact ripples.

Spiritual Technique Ring Ring!! Yun Shen knew it was bad as soon as he made contact with it, so he quickly mobilized the maximum soul power in his body and poured it all into it.


The shock wave exploded loudly, like the sound of a glass jar breaking. Centered on Yun Shen, the ice under his feet violently exploded with large cracks.

You?! He was shocked and angry, and wanted to say something else.

But the heroic spirit that formed a body behind him reacted faster than him.

A pure white cloud giant quickly stretched out its hands to block Yun Shen.

As soon as the pure white giant hand lowered, a black crack clearly exploded in the palm of the hand.

Bang! !

The cracks are getting bigger and denser.

Finally, Lu Sheng, who had just solidified, suddenly collapsed, and it turned out to be just a simulated soul body that had been condensed by moving soul power!

Lu Sheng, who was still standing on the same spot, looked at Yunshen in surprise. He himself knew very well the extent of the blow just now.

Brutal force alone would never create such power. More importantly, that palm was mixed with the terrifyingly powerful and huge soul power that now filled his body.

His physical strength and soul power were expanding and growing almost every moment. Compared to the past few days, he is now a level stronger.

If he was a super troll-like power before, then he is power itself now.

Because of the mountain-moving spiritual skill, he has already practiced it to the seventh level.

Covered by this level of soul power, even though the blow just now was just a casual blow, not everyone could block it.

Lu Sheng glanced at Yun Shen, who was more than ten meters away from him, and his expression gradually became interesting.

I am Wang Dong of Yishanmen. If you can take my blow, you are qualified to let me know your name.


At this time, a stone tower dozens of meters away behind Yun Shen suddenly broke and slowly slid down.

The waist of the stone tower clearly shows a complete human palm print.

Yun Shen didn't say anything, but the people who had just tied the soul power chain to Lu Sheng were the elites of the Ice and Snow Society and the mercenaries of the Ice Giant.

But their expressions suddenly changed involuntarily.

This level of power has exceeded their imagination of psychics.

As the tower slowly slipped and broke. ,

The entire fountain square gradually became silent.

The drunkard Kyle, who was laughing about cat and mouse just now, had his mouth open and couldn't close it for a while. There was just a hint of horror and fear in his eyes. His eyes were darting around, and he was obviously trying to find a way to escape immediately.

Andy from the Ice and Snow Club looked solemn, staring at Lu Sheng with fear and astonishment in his eyes.

Yishanmen, he remembered the name Wang Dong, he was a top talent who had just been admitted to Yishanmen first.

But no matter how talented you are, there must be a limit, right? ? !

He glanced at the tall tower in the distance that crashed down and splashed countless snow powder, feeling a sense of fear in his heart that he didn't know where to start.

The power that can defeat the Cloud God and break the tower behind it in half is not so exaggerated even by the trolls in the past, right?


Yun Shen, who was standing there, couldn't help but lower his head and spit out blood.

He opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but the slowly spreading blood stains on his chest were getting bigger and bigger, so he didn't dare to move too much for a while.

Boom! Boom boom boom boom! !

The soul power chains on Lu Sheng's body also broke one after another, and they all turned into fine powder and fell to the ground.

After the soul power attached to the chain was shattered by Lu Sheng's almost brutal and violent soul power, the remaining ordinary alloy chain could not withstand his brute force and was shattered on the spot.

You Lian's head on the ground was completely turned into a ball of paste.

She remembered that Wang Dong looked just like an ordinary disciple. He was indeed a genius, but the problem was that she was no longer sure that this extremely powerful pervert in front of her was Wang Dong.

Or should it be someone who looks a lot like Wang Dong?

Compared to her, the other disciples who were more conscious and the man with the short hair who had followed her all looked as if they had seen a ghost.

Although I had heard before that Wang Dong was very strong, even the great elder could protest in separate chambers.

But no one has seen it with their own eyes. I just got a general idea.

But now, how strong Wang Dong is has become the biggest concern in everyone's mind.

This is strong and already has the most intuitive reference comparison.

Strange. Monster!!! A psychic from the Ice and Snow Society suddenly couldn't help but scream.

He didn't even use the spirit weapon or the heroic soul to severely damage the second leader of the ice giant mercenary group, the God Advocate Yun Shen, with one blow. Even his famous Heroic Soul Yun Shen was directly penetrated.

This terrifying power makes even the well-informed Bingxuehui feel trembling all over.

Some ice giant mercenaries quietly dispersed from the surroundings, and many of them had already escaped.

They are mercenaries, not cannon fodder to stay for the top brass. If they run away at this time, no one will say that they lack courage.

In the square that was extremely busy just a few seconds ago, Lu Sheng just exchanged a move with Yun Shen.

The situation was completely reversed. The people from the Ice and Snow Society and the Ice Giants began to flee quietly, except for the core experts who participated in the battle.

The rest of the people ran away whenever they could. Just like when they besieged Sky Spider.

Facing strong men, maybe everyone still has the courage to go up and spend it, but when facing monsters, going up will only lead to death in vain.

Lu Sheng looked around, and almost everyone's eyes were more or less focused on him.

Including You Lian, who had just been lifted up from the ground. There is another girl from Baidongmen.

The disciples of Yishanmen who had followed You Lian before now took the initiative to run to and gather behind him. Their expressions at this time were as if they were drunk, with their faces flushed and their eyes shining with some inexplicable light.

The people from the Ice and Snow Society and the Ice Giant were arrogant and arrogant just now, but now they dare not say a word.

Let me ask. Lu Sheng's eyes turned around and returned to Yun Shen who was half kneeling on the ground.

Who just touched my man who moved the mountain gate?

The atmosphere suddenly became tense again.


The top brass of the Ice and Snow Club, Andy the Ice Behemoth, coughed a few times.

As the general director of the Ice and Snow Club, I feel I am qualified here.

boom! !

In an instant, an invisible giant force pressed down on him from the air.

Andy's whole soul froze, and then he burst into frenzy, frantically helping his body resist the huge pressure from the outside.

Did I tell you to speak? Lu Sheng grabbed Andy with one hand at this time. The thick gray soul power like a giant python extended from his hand, tightly wrapping around Andy and the snow-white giant suspended behind him. Beast heroic soul.

It was a lion-like white heroic soul, more than five meters tall, with an extremely strong build, and its muscles were tangled and twisted like old tree roots.

But entangled by the gray soul power, the giant beast tried its best to roar silently, but it still couldn't break free from the increasing pressure of the gray soul power.

Mixed Final Spirit Technique! Nine Snows!! Andy struggled and roared, and nine snow-white crystal-clear diamond-shaped ice flakes suddenly appeared behind him, arranged in a circle.

Boom! !

In an instant, the giant ice beast roared, and its body exploded into countless white light spots.

The light spot enveloped Andy and instantly appeared in another open space dozens of meters away. But his mouth, nostrils, and eyes were also oozing blood from the pressure just for a short moment.

Run away!! When Lu Sheng started to suppress Andy, the pressure temporarily subsided. The other mercenaries of the Ice and Snow Society and the Ice Giant turned around and ran away without saying a word.

The drunkard Kyle also wanted to escape, but was blocked by the weak You Lian and the other two.

The hateful and ferocious looks in the two women's eyes told him that if he didn't run away now, he would definitely have no chance later.

Without saying a word, Kyle turned and rushed towards the broken tower.

Want to run!? The bald man and Nange immediately blocked his way.

The bald man rubbed his fists and stared at Kyle fiercely.

You're dead, Kyle.

Bullshit! Kyle sneered, If that monster hadn't come over, would it have been you?

The four-armed black shadow behind him gently grabbed him, and then threw him violently far away.

With a whoosh, the alcoholic Kyle flew dozens of meters in the blink of an eye and landed firmly on a broken tower in ruins.

The four-armed black shadow suddenly collapsed and regrouped behind him.

A bunch of idiots. Kyle pointed his middle finger in the distance, turned around and ran away.


Suddenly, a gray soul power thread pulled out of his body involuntarily.

The silk thread was wrapped around his neck, and he didn't know when it was hooked up. The source of the thread was Lu Sheng, who was still standing there.

There was a cocoon-like gray ball of soul power in his hand, from which the threads were separated.

Apart from Kyle, there are more than ten people among you. They were all caught in the threads and couldn't move.

The situation in front of him was chaotic, and various onlookers were also running around in the melee just now. The remaining ones were either those held by Lu Sheng's thread, or the psychics from Yishanmen and several other besieged forces.

Ban Cuntou supported You Lian and walked slowly to Lu Sheng. Bowed to him seriously.

I can't thank you enough for your kindness. You Lian said seriously.

Then you're welcome. Lu Sheng said casually. I do it for Huang Ya's sake.

The silk thread in his hand not only bound the Ice and Snow Society members, but also everyone present except those on his side.

All the gold-level people among the others were instantly locked by him.

Snow was falling heavily, and the square where the battle was fierce just now was now covered with a thin layer of white, burying the battle just now.

The silk thread in Lu Sheng's hand held a dozen gold-level players.

Everyone, including the drunkard Kyle, stood still and did not dare to move.

There was a guy who moved a little, and his head had just been cut off on the spot.

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