Extreme Demon

Chapter 974 Genius 2

Move the mountain gate and practice the tower.

Two young women wearing disciple uniforms were fighting each other in close combat in the hall.

Both of their moves were fierce, powerful, and extremely fast. It's just that one is powerful and the other is fast. The fight was inextricable for a while.

The disciples from Yishan Sect gathered around to watch.

The three elders sat quietly at one end, watching the battle from a distance, with some frowning slightly from time to time.

In this world, there are many techniques that absorb the soul power of the earth. My mountain-moving spiritual technique is not outstanding among them, but it is better in one word, stable. Neutral and peaceful. Not radical, no hidden dangers.

The great elder slowly explained.

Therefore, when cultivating earth soul power, you must try your best to choose a heroic soul that suits you as a ghost weapon to assist you.

What is Zhongzheng and peaceful? To put it bluntly, isn't it just mediocre and ordinary? It sounds so nice. Huang Ya sat behind his grandfather Huang Yunsi and couldn't help but mutter in a low voice.

She herself didn't practice her mountain-moving spiritual skill very seriously because it was too time-consuming.

It takes too much time and effort. By the time she gets her results, she will probably be in her thirties or forties.

By then, do you want to go to college? Do you still want to get married? Isn’t this a waste of youth?

In fact, not only her, but also Wang Dong and Huangyun Temple had not mentioned to him the idea of ​​practicing mountain-moving spiritual skills. Otherwise, the skills would have been given long ago.

It is precisely because of this that he found another more suitable advanced spiritual technique for Wang Dong and his granddaughter early on. It also extracts the soul power of the earth. Although it is a little more radical and consumes more resources, it is safe with the care of elders.

In fact, in Yishanmen, only ordinary disciples with no background or resources would choose Yishanhua Spiritual Skill as their future advanced skill.

Those who have some ideas will choose other external techniques. This has almost become an open secret within the door.

Looking at the two people fighting fiercely below, Huangyun Temple was slightly worried. Tomorrow was the day when the team heading to Wanling Cave would set off.

Wang Dong insisted on going, which always made him a little uneasy. Hearing his daughter's uncontrollable words, he retorted with a smile.

The Mountain-moving Spiritual Technique is a technique inherited from our sect. It is indeed a bit old, but it still ranks 172nd among the world's high-level techniques. This shows that it also has merits.

Although he said this, he actually knew that the mountain-moving spiritual skill was only a second-rate skill in the world.

Praising so many advantages is nothing more than putting money on your own face. No matter how dirty it is, it is the fact.

Bullshit, last time the alliance competed, how did our mountain sect Senior Brother Song, who had reached the third level of training, lose? Huang Ya dismissed it.

My moves and heroic spirit are not inferior to others, but in terms of the strength of my spirit power, I have lost thirteen games in a row. Now I am discouraged and have changed to something else.

Is there such a thing? Compared with defense, it cannot compare with others who specialize in defense. Compared with recovery, it cannot compare with others who specialize in recovery. It lasts longer than soul power, but is also useless. To put it bluntly, if you get a little bit of everything, nothing will work.

Huang Yunsi slapped his granddaughter on the forehead.

There's no way to stop it. But in fact, he didn't refute it.

Most of the silver-level disciples in the sect practice the mountain-moving spiritual skill, although the skill is mediocre and featureless. But it is cheaper and more stable.

Apart from these helpless disciples, those who still truly adhere to the orthodoxy and practice the mountain-moving spiritual skill are the fourth, fifth, and seventh disciples.

The three elders insisted that the mountain-moving spiritual power was the real foundation of the mountain gate. Even the great elders relied on this to rebuild the mountain gate.

As a legacy inherited from our ancestors, we must never forget our roots and pursue innovation.

Thinking of this, Huangyun Temple was quite helpless.

He didn't want to stick to the orthodoxy, but he had no choice. Every time he went out to communicate, it was clear that their experience, heroic souls, etc. were better than others, but in terms of soul power, they were too short and couldn't keep up with others.


Senior sister accepts the offer.

At this time, a comparison between old and new Kung Fu practitioners was taking place off the court.

A female disciple who had been practicing the orthodox mountain-moving spiritual art for three years lost to her junior brother who had only been practicing the ancestral spiritual art for one year.

As for this junior brother, she personally introduced her into the school a year ago.

The female disciple, named Zheng Xiuling, was looking blankly at her hands, half-kneeling on the ground, her face gloomy.

With the same expression as her, there were other disciples who were also practicing the mountain-moving spiritual skill in the surrounding field.

Seeing that she was defeated by her junior brother, and defeated easily.

The dignified mountain-moving spiritual art is actually inferior to a family-traditional spiritual art that appeared out of nowhere.

This feeling, this sad mood, is like a huge stone stuck in everyone's chest, and they can't let it out.

Is this reality? Zheng Xiuling recalled her determination at that time when she solemnly wanted to stick to the mountain-moving spiritual skill and uphold the orthodoxy of her sect.

She imagined that no matter how bad this skill was, it wouldn't be that bad. But she didn't expect it.

Some of the disciples on the sidelines clenched their fists. Some are disheartened. Most of them kept their expressions unchanged, but the original enthusiasm and confidence in their orthodox skills were quietly shattered once again.

Is the mountain-moving spiritual skill really not working anymore?

A sense of sadness about the gradual passing of tradition slowly flows in the hearts of many disciples.

The Grand Elder also had the same expressionless expression, sighing slightly in his heart.


Suddenly his expression changed slightly, and he suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance.

Is this someone absorbing the soul power of the earth??! What speed is this! So fast!!

Not only him, but the complexion of Huang Yunsi, the elder of the second generation, also changed. The smile on his face disappeared instantly, and his eyes turned to the direction where the fluctuation came from.

Who is this devouring speed!? Faintly, he felt that the soul force field emitted by this soul power seemed a little familiar.

The two elders stood up one after another. Immediately afterwards, the third three elders also stood up and looked into the distance with a solemn expression.

The fluctuations in the soul power of the earth there are getting stronger and stronger.

Go and have a look!? The grand elder met the eyes of the other two elders, and the three of them nodded slightly at the same time and left the table.

At this time, the fluctuation of the earth's soul power had substantially affected some stewards and disciples.

These people are all elite and top experts in the sect, and most of them are at the gold level.

Feel this level of fluctuations in the soul power of the earth.

Although the fluctuation is very weak. But if it can be transmitted from such a far distance, how big should the fluctuation at the core over there be?

Fortunately, it was not far from here, and some masters with strong senses were already rushing towards it.

Such a close distance caused such a large fluctuation in the earth's veins. For sects like Yishanmen who rely on the earth's veins for cultivation. It's so clear.

After all, they rely on this practice, so their monitoring of the soul power of the earth's veins is naturally much stronger than that of ordinary forces.



Dense roots continued to extend from Lu Sheng's body. The light yellow roots continuously absorb a large amount of black, sticky energy from the earth.

That is the soul power of the planet, which is what Yishanmen calls the soul power of the earth.

The spiritual power is like a protective film covering Lu Sheng's body and soul, both inside and outside.

After the soul power of the earth poured in, the impurities were filtered out by this protective film, leaving only the purest and pure soul power flowing into Lu Sheng's soul body.

The speed of such filtering can even reach hundreds of units per second.

A steady stream of earth soul power poured into his body like it was free of charge. Then there was a chemical reaction with Lu Sheng's soul power, and the two surged rapidly.

Lu Sheng's already powerful soul power of more than three million suddenly expanded rapidly like blowing air.

The many black mist figures guarding outside the villa were just watching the fun at first, watching Lu Sheng's soul power increase rapidly.

From time to time, he sighed, the man of the God Master is really a genius, and his soul power can be improved so quickly through cultivation, which is rare in the world.

Andy was among them, but he had seen Lu Sheng's terrifying physical ability to suppress a troll before, so he was not too surprised by the powerful soul power.

But later, after the soul power reached more than three million, it increased rapidly again.

And what was improved this time was actually a completely different earth soul power.

The soul power of the earth and one's own soul power are two different concepts.

Extracting one's own soul power is like something that already exists in one's own body but is just placed in a drawer. The process of extracting it is equivalent to opening the drawer and taking it out.

As for the soul power of the earth, it belongs to others. You have to break into other people's homes and search around to find the soul power. After you find it, you have to convert it into a part that you can use.


Jeeps and cars braked quickly and stopped in the lakeside villa area.

The Grand Elder was helped out of the car by a young man in plain white clothes. He raised his head and looked in the direction of the villa where Lu Sheng was retreating.

Two elders and three elders also got out of the car.

Behind them are other stewards and elite disciples.

Huang Ya followed Huang Yun Temple and recognized the villa where Lu Sheng lived almost at first glance.

There are still disciples from Yishanmen arriving later. A car kept pulling up to the block.

The traffic, which was originally smooth, soon became crowded and jammed.

Several traffic policemen came over to try to maintain order and disperse their abnormal gathering, but a steward stepped forward to negotiate with them. They were so frightened that they turned around and ran away, sweating all over their heads.

Although the people passing by could not feel what was happening, looking at this posture, it was a rare and grand scene. They all stopped to watch the excitement. Some even took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

Disperse these passers-by. Old Yuan held a dragon-head crutch in his hand and slowly walked into the community step by step, heading towards the villa where Lu Sheng was located.

The others could only follow quickly without saying a word. A few people stayed and started to disperse the idlers.

The Grand Elder did not speak, and others did not dare to speak out.

He led the way, followed by two elders Huang Yunsi and three elders walking side by side behind him, and behind him were five stewards.

One of the stewards kept wiping his sweat. This was basically the area he managed.

It would be fine if nothing happens now, but if something happens.

This is the aura of the Mountain-moving Spiritual Art! Halfway through, the Grand Elder was slightly startled and said in a deep voice. Where is that!?

Thank you for the 10,000-point reward last week, Ji Youqing, dear friends... Thank you for your support~ It’s just this name... ⊙_⊙

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