Extreme Demon

Chapter 973 Genius 1

La la la, la la la~~~ The little mushroom came to step on the girl, carrying a big basket on its back. The girl it stepped on was big and white, as white as the frost on the ground~~

The girls it trampled were so big and numerous that they were as numerous as the stars. The girls it trampled on were countless.

In the empty and quiet ruins of the city, a girl with short purple-black hair wearing large headphones covering her ears was swaying slightly and humming the song coming from the headphones.

Not far away, a tall and thin man wearing a black slim-fitting uniform, like a trench coat, quietly walked through the gap in the house and raised the gun in his hand towards her.


There was no gunfire.

A black spider leg penetrated the man's chest like a blade.

He opened his eyes wide and blood splattered all around him.


The man's whole body was torn to pieces on the spot. The gun in his hand drew a parabola in mid-air and fell into a pool of blood.

The girl paused and glanced in the direction of the man's body.

So, it would be annoying to have people come here to die all the time, even if there is no threat at all.

Her face was cold, and she looked at the body like a bedbug dead on the roadside. Quickly cross over from the sidewalk.

Hey hey hey!! It's really extraordinary!! A tall, bald man with a burly figure slowly crossed his arms and walked out of an alley beside the girl.

The muscles on his bald head were knotted, and his chest was tied with a cross-shaped brown leather belt, which was covered with dense black flying knives. There is also a huge sword more than half a meter wide on his back.

As expected of Sky Spider Nange, who is known as the world's number one divine descendant. Luo Ding, the assassination beast ranked 385 in the Black Bell Alliance, can't even fire a gun in front of you.

It's really a waste of time that he customized such a good spiritual gun.

With a sinister smile, the bald man slowly stood in front of the girl, blocking her way.

What do you want to say? Kasa. The girl looked calm and looked at the weird objects that were constantly squirming and twisting in the shadow under her bald head.

I just want to remind you. Those so-called aristocratic families have begun to move again. The war between the three gods of destruction is about to begin again. Are you planning to participate this time? Bald Casa is also the largest in the world in the Black Bell Alliance. The seventh most tyrannical being in the psychic organization.

God of Destruction? Spirit King? Nange was silent for a moment. I will go then.

That's good. As the strongest being in the world, you should never give up the opportunity to fight the real God of Destruction, right?

I'm very curious, how will you, who is called invincible, behave when you face trolls and gods?

The bald Kasa laughed, and with a swish of his body, he suddenly disappeared into his own shadow. Disappeared in front of Nange.

God of Destruction? That's really interesting. Nange looked at the place where Kasa left, with a slightly weird curve at the corner of his mouth.

A few kilometers away, on top of a tall abandoned building.

Several men wearing special white uniforms with special purple patterns on their arms were looking at Nange on the street from a distance with binoculars.

This monster! Has its strength increased again? It's so perverted!

A bearded man with unusually thick arms and muscles stared at Nange through the telescope with a slight sweat on his forehead.

Another young woman with glasses was tinkering with a special machine that resembled a combination of radar and computer.

The specific soul force field deduction result is more than 56 million duras!! The woman was sweating profusely and tapping the keyboard quickly.

Has the soul power value of 56 million Dora increased by more than 3 million compared to a year ago? No. Not only once her Ogladin is exposed, it is also possible that the soul power value will increase tenfold. !”

The bearded man's face tightened, feeling like he was staring at a ferocious beast that could swallow him up at any moment.

As a person whose soul power is at the gold level at most, he is already considered a top elite among ordinary people.

But enjoying the best spiritual arts, the best resources, and the best guidance, my current limit is only 320,000 dura of soul power. There are tens of millions of monsters facing the distant soul power unconsciously escaping from the periphery of the body.

Bearded Beard felt that taking on this task was the biggest mistake of his life.

Nange, the Angel of Destruction, is known as Sky Spider within the Black Bell Alliance. He is currently ranked first on the Black Bell list. He is the world's strongest killer who has only emerged in the past thirty years.

Its soul power is released, and it appears as a super powerful monster in the shape of a giant spider. The initial estimate of the soul power value is close to 60 million duras, or even more.

The bearded man quickly took out his handheld computer to record the information.

It is now judged that its target is most likely to be the battle between the three gods of destruction revealed by rumors.

After remembering this, the bearded man suddenly turned his head and asked the woman.

Is there any information on the Destroying Angel's extreme battle?

No! The woman shook her head, From the time he appeared until now, the most troublesome battle Nange has encountered only lasted two minutes.

It was a video of a battle with a troll under the command of a god of destruction. I don’t know who wins and who loses later. Far from reaching her limits.

However, judging from the currently known information, Nange and Aquarius Faroko are the most likely beings in the world to become Spiritual Kings and succeed their predecessors, the three Gods of Destruction.

Faroko, the Aquarius Star? He's still far behind. The bearded man sighed, raised the telescope again, and glanced at the Sky Spider Nange.

Nange's revealed soul power has a maximum fluctuation that is fourteen times greater than the total amount. Compared to soul power, I'm afraid no one in the world is stronger than her.

Not even the two strongest speakers of the Black Bell Alliance and the Psychic Alliance? the woman asked in a low voice.

No. Although they were the strongest in the last century, they are old now. The bearded man shook his head.

Okay, let's go, the data collection is completed. He put down the telescope and started to pack his things. Have you found the destination of Nange's flight ticket?

I found it, it's the Ten Thousand Spirits Cave!

Huh? How could it be there??

It should be one of the forces under the command of the three gods. Most of the people responsible for the disaster gathered there. It attracted Nange. The woman replied in a low voice.

Really?? The bearded man pondered for a moment and quickly dialed the family's internal phone number.



Bluegrange Republic.

Lu Sheng was sitting cross-legged in the bedroom.

Strands of light yellow threads spread from his body in all directions like roots. Rooted in the earth.

The vast land slowly fed back a vast amount of majestic and almost infinite soul power.

The essence of the mountain-moving spiritual skill is actually to absorb and devour the soul power of the earth, thereby strengthening oneself.

According to the knowledge of spiritism, everything in the world has spirit, which means that everything in the world has its own soul.

And as long as you understand this and accept this, it will be easy to get started in practicing the mountain-moving spiritual skill.

But it’s easy to get started, but difficult to improve.

Lu Sheng heard Huang Ya mention that this spiritual technique unique to the mountain sect was practiced by only the Grand Elder in the entire mountain sect to the final eighth level.

His soul power has also been forcibly trained to a terrifying level of millions.

Coupled with other spiritual methods, the Grand Elder finally became the only divine descendant in the entire history of Yishanmen.

Now, Lu Sheng clearly felt that when modifying the mountain-moving spiritual art, the modifier consumed much more spiritual power than the basic spiritual art.

Wang Dong's soul has been trained by him to be extremely powerful, with a huge base. But it is precisely this huge base that has led to Lu Sheng's supernatural power now reaching a terrifying level of more than three million Duras.

The more soul power you have, the harder it is to change.

Promote the mountain-moving spiritual skill to the third level.

Lu Sheng first tried to improve a little to see if his body could hold it, then continue.


The dark blue interface in front of me slowly blurred, and the newly formed box was filled with chaos, as if a black vortex was constantly rotating.

Soon, Lu Sheng felt countless spiritual powers pouring out of his chest. As they flowed into his body, these spiritual powers were transformed into light yellow threads that looked like roots.

A large number of light yellow translucent silk threads are rooted into the ground beneath your feet like tentacles.

He could feel the roots penetrating the wall on the second floor and piercing deep into the earth.

Immediately afterwards, streams of extremely majestic soul power surged out from the earth.

Compared to a person's own soul power, these soul powers are like dirty cement slurry in a smelly ditch, compared to high-purity pure water that is 100% free of impurities.

The amount of impurities inside is unimaginable.

The mountain-moving spiritual skill is a skill that can slowly filter and purify pure soul power.

The reason why this technique can only be practiced after mastering the basic psychic skills is because there are too many impurities in the soul power of the earth, mixed with the soul power of the planet.

If one's own foundation is too poor, a slight fluctuation in the earth's soul power can destroy one's entire soul in an instant.

Perhaps to the surrounding earth, it was just like a hair on the skin of a giant beast shaking in the wind.

But for psychics with poor foundation, it is nothing less than a disaster.

Lu Sheng originally couldn't understand why there weren't many people in Yishanmen who could practice the mountain-moving spiritual skill.

Now after coming into contact with the planet's soul power, he seemed to understand.

The soul power of the earth and the planet are indeed endless for humans, but the impurities within must be purified.

The effort and thought required is much more difficult than practicing basic psychic skills step by step.

And it takes a lot of time.

He estimated that if he just sat quietly and refined his soul power for one day, twenty-four hours a day, he would be able to refine ten dura's soul power at most.

It only takes ten days to reach one hundred units, and one year is only 3,650 units. Although later, when the soul power of the planet reaches a certain amount, it can be used to activate its own soul power, which will combine to produce a qualitative change and greatly increase the total amount of soul power.

But this progress is really too slow.

Because accumulating a qualitative change is the basic requirement for entering the first level. It must reach at least 10,000 planet soul power.

It's really painful. But luckily I have Deep Blue. Lu Sheng felt like he was sitting on a large puddle of foul-smelling mud, with the disgusting planetary soul power underneath all being black and sticky.


The dark blue box finally became clear again.

The spiritual power that surged out of his chest this time quickly disappeared as if it had never existed.

Instead, a massive amount of pure earth soul power poured into Lu Sheng's body from the surrounding roots.

The words in the box slowly changed. From the entry level, it slowly becomes the first level. And the following characteristics also clearly show the new changes in the soul power of the earth.

‘Mountain-moving spiritual skill: the first level. (Traits: Soul power released, earth soul power, defense enhancement, recovery enhancement)’

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