Extreme Demon

Chapter 975 Welling 1

Mountain-moving spiritual skills? Is there such a strong movement?? Huangyun Temple has already studied the mountain-moving spiritual skills thoroughly in order to study the spiritual skills for his granddaughter and apprentice.

Although he is not a practitioner of this spiritual art, when it comes to his understanding of this spiritual art, he is the strongest in the sect except for the Grand Elder.

It is indeed the wave trajectory of the Mountain-moving Spiritual Art. However, the speed has been artificially accelerated and amplified. The Grand Elder said solemnly.

That's where I remember, it's where my disciple Wang Dong lives. Huang Yun Temple, after being reminded by Huang Ya, also knew who was making the noise inside.

Wang Dong?? The great elder was startled, Did you finally let him practice the mountain-moving spiritual art? There was a hint of relief on his face.

No, isn't his basic psychic skill only at level eight??

Chi! !

Before he finished speaking, the great elder suddenly stopped.

On the ground in front of him, with a small sound, light yellow roots flew out from the villa in all directions, and took root in the surrounding earth like a goddess scattering flowers.

The closest ones were less than half a meter away from him.


A huge muffled sound like a heartbeat instantly shook the depths of everyone's souls.

All the psychics could clearly see at this time, countless pale yellow tentacles pouring out from the villa and spreading in all directions.

This is the soul-absorbing thread of the mountain-moving spiritual skill? Isn't there only eight at most? Why are there so many!!? Someone couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice.

For a long time, the mountain-moving spiritual skill has been the most useless skill in the minds of many disciples.

If you want to inherit the tradition, you must face such a choice.

The traditional mountain-moving spiritual skill has gradually become the choice of disciples in the sect when they are forced to do so.

Even many disciples who have spiritual skills passed down from their families would rather practice their own spiritual skills than practice the spiritual skills of moving mountains.

Several patriarchs who adhere to tradition have been working hard to reverse the situation.

But sadly, it makes no sense.

Okay. It's over. Suddenly the Grand Elder looked determined and strode forward.

Many of the light yellow threads in the front dispersed one after another. It's like it never appeared in the first place.

Everyone followed closely. All the way to the edge of the lakeside villa.

Standing in front of the villa gate, looking inside from a distance.

Lu Shengzheng slowly walked out of the door and pressed the automatic iron door switch in front of the door.

So many Yishanmen bosses arrived, including Huang Ya who secretly called him and sent him messages to ask about the situation.

Naturally, he would not treat it as invisible, so he could only pause and receive everyone.

It turns out that the elders of the mountain gate are here in person. Disciple Wang Dong has met the elders, all the stewards, and all the senior brothers and sisters. Lu Sheng greeted him in front of the iron gate and said loudly.

The great senator did not go in.

Just stood at the door and stared at him.

Were you practicing just now?

Yes. Lu Sheng nodded calmly.

Everyone was slightly in an uproar. The movement just now was a bit loud.

What floor are you on? the great elder suddenly asked.

Fourth. Lu Sheng answered immediately without covering up.

Huang Yun Temple and other elders who followed him were shocked when they heard this.

Most of the people present knew what the fourth level was.

After practicing for a year, you can only lay a foundation at most. The difficulty and grinding of the mountain-moving spiritual art are almost notoriously difficult.

And how long has it been since Lu Sheng got started and he is already on the fourth level?

Huang Yunsi looked stunned, and Huang Ya behind him also opened his mouth slightly with a ghostly expression on his face.

Even acquaintances like them are like this, let alone many other disciples.

When hearing the fourth level, everyone's facial muscles twitched, no matter how good their concentration was. I wonder if I heard it wrong.


The Great Yuan immediately reached out and put his arm on Lu Sheng's arm. A trace of extremely pure soul power pierced into his arm like a thread.

In an instant, the huge amount of earth soul power in Lu Sheng's body rebounded on the spot.

A burst of light yellow soul power flashed on Lu Sheng's arm, flicking the Grand Elder's fingers away on the spot.

The body-protecting soul power! It is indeed the fourth level! Such pure earth soul power is simply... The Grand Elder didn't know what to say at all.

Even though he is a spiritual master who has reached perfection. But facing a freak like Lu Sheng, the emotional fluctuations in his heart still showed up involuntarily.

Huangyun Temple, the elder of the second generation, also has complicated eyes, and his disciples are trying to live up to their expectations, which is indeed a good thing.

It's just that this disciple was too ambitious, and the progress was a bit beyond his expectations.

Okay, it's gone, it's all gone! He suddenly became alarmed. He turned around and saw the elite disciples following him. Many of them had some kind of beating flame faintly burning in their eyes. That feeling was hard to describe.

He knew that among the disciples in Yishan Sect, there was an organization called Qianshan Society. Only orthodox disciples who practice mountain-moving spiritual skills are eligible to join.

This is the last alliance of these orthodox forces. They can't compete with other disciples one on one, so the only way is to join forces.

Because in the traditional mountain-moving spiritual art, there is no leader who can fight against other groups of disciples.

Among the five major spiritual types, the remaining four are all other advanced spiritual arts, and none of them are practicing mountain-moving spiritual arts.

But it’s different now!

Lu Sheng, also known as Wang Dong, is also one of the five major spiritual types, but he chose to practice the mountain-moving spiritual skill, which is a recognized ordinary skill.

What does this mean?

This means that this traditional technique definitely has enough merits, otherwise Lu Sheng would not have chosen this technique so easily.

Here the Grand Elder continued to ask a few questions and feelings about spiritual practice. It was completely confirmed that Lu Sheng was the fourth level of the real mountain-moving spiritual skill.

After confirming, he turned around and whispered something to Huangyun Temple and the other elders.

Soon the elders began to order the stewards to take the disciples from all over the place back to the mountain gate.

As Lu Sheng's teacher, Huang Yun Temple stayed to understand the situation with Lu Sheng.

It would be best to find out how he cultivated so fast.

People came in a hurry and left in a hurry. But unlike when they came, the many disciples and stewards of Yishan Sect who left clearly had hope in their eyes.

Lu Sheng welcomed Huang Yunsi and Huang Ya into the first floor of the villa. After the three of them sat down, he poured them two cups of instant coffee.

To be honest, after I finished practicing basic psychic skills a while ago, I suddenly found that I had reached the highest level, and then I planned to find a more normal technique to practice first. Then I thought about choosing the most orthodox one, after all, this is also My Yishanmen has passed down the technique for a long time.

Lu Sheng honestly gave his answer. .

How long have you been practicing the mountain-moving spirit skill? Huang Ya couldn't help but ask.

Lu Sheng looked at her expression and knew that his progress was still a bit exaggerated.

About five days, no, ten days. It really started ten days ago.

Lu Sheng saw the sudden change in the expressions of Huang Ya, grandson and grandson, and quickly doubled the time.

He remembered that it was mentioned in the classics that some innate geniuses could significantly shorten their training time.

The cultivation efficiency of those geniuses is much better than that of ordinary people.

Ten Tian. Among geniuses, he's pretty good. Huang Yunsi's expression calmed down.

in many historical records. Top geniuses, if they encounter a technique that suits them, will indeed be much faster than the average person.

But this phenomenon will only occur in the early and mid-term, because the bottleneck in the early and mid-term is mainly the transformation of basic soul power.

But in the later stages, it was more about changes in the level of competition and had little to do with physical fitness or anything like that.

If this is the case, it is still normal. It's just that your action of absorbing the earth's soul power just now was too reckless and crude. Do you know how many impurities are in the earth's soul power? Once the toxins in it penetrate deep into your soul body, it will It’s extremely difficult to eradicate.”

Huang Yun Temple's expression became solemn.

How dare you split so many soul-sucking threads without your teacher looking after you! Do you think you didn't die fast enough!?

As he spoke, his tone gradually became more severe.

Standing up, Huang Yunsi stood with his hands behind his hands, looking at the slightly scorching midday sun outside the villa window.

There is no shortage of geniuses in this world. But that's just in the early and mid-term. There are advantages that ordinary people can't match.

And he changed the subject.

It is precisely because of this that geniuses do not have enough tempering of their character and will in the early and middle stages. In the later stages, it is much more difficult to improve than ordinary people.

As the saying goes, success is talent, failure is talent!

When Lu Sheng heard this, he also looked solemn.

Please also ask the teacher for guidance.

Huangyun Temple nodded slightly.

First of all, what you have to do is to stabilize your current cultivation level, prepare some ghost weapon materials, and keep them by your side to warm them up as your future weapons and armor equipment.

That's right. Lu Sheng nodded.

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