Extreme Demon

Chapter 972 The Essence of Psychic 2

In other words, it seems that my greatest desire is to return to Earth.

Lu Sheng sighed in his heart.

Unexpectedly, after coming to so many worlds, what he really wanted would still be at the beginning.

That ordinary family where the parents are still alive and the younger sister is rebellious.

Although my sister is disobedient and my parents are not in good health, they are still working hard to make money. But that home was indeed the warmest place for him from beginning to end.

So Lu Sheng thought, and the surroundings suddenly fell into darkness again.

Some things are always difficult to perfect.

What appeared for the third time was a big mouth that was opening and closing continuously.

The big mouth seems to be constantly chewing something. When it is opened, you can see layers of sharp and strange teeth inside.

White teeth, black teeth, red teeth, square teeth, triangular teeth, round molars, and even crescent-shaped teeth, etc.

Countless teeth are arranged in layers extending from the mouth.

In the surrounding darkness, there seemed to be something constantly being thrown into the big mouth, chewed and devoured.

This should be the last level of the three souls, the ghost spirit.

“This place is dominated by all kinds of messy desires, and it is a place where messy and noisy passions are stored and derived.

What about the seven emotions and six desires that we just agreed on? ?

Lu Sheng looked around and saw nothing except the big mouth in front of him.

The big black mouth is the only existence in this darkness.

Logically speaking, all normal men and males should have sex.

Lu Sheng felt a little panicked and hurriedly looked around for signs of the police's existence.

Soon, after circling the big mouth, he finally found a mosaic in a small shadow-covered area on the lower right side of the big mouth.

Looking at Mosaic's penis-like appearance, Lu Sheng knew that this must be the so-called lust.

Isn't the contrast too big?

He was a little speechless. The mosaic under the big mouth is no more than a sesame seed at most. The two are very different.

In fact, he also knew very well that the reason why he was like this was because his body was too powerful and he could not find a suitable partner who could hold him.

If you find someone who is fragile, just in case you can't control yourself when having sex, you can't help yourself.

It’s over, even the woman and the planet have collapsed.

The essence that comes out can destroy several star systems. If boss Xu Ming didn't take care of it.

Therefore, Lu Sheng is not doing this at all, this is genocide.

Many times he has been thankful that he and Chen Yunxi gave birth to Lu Ning.

Otherwise, if it is later, it may be too late.

After coming back to his senses, Lu Sheng looked at the mosaic in front of him. The sense of crisis is getting heavier and heavier.

No! If I continue like this I'm afraid I'll get impotence??

He still remembers the last time he had sex, which was more than a hundred years ago. But if you include the time he came to the small world, it has actually been thousands of years.

I didn't expect that it has shrunk like this after only a thousand years. Fortunately, it is now in this world.

As the God of Destruction, Wang Jing is an existence that destroys everything. The power of desolation in his body is as powerful as the evil god's power. As long as the strength is strong enough, it can completely withstand the terrifying activity and devouring power of his essence.

In addition, she has actually experienced much more than Lu Sheng. He has a mature mind and will not lose his temper. Although I have some mental problems. But it doesn't matter, as long as you can do it.

Lu Sheng felt like wandering again. When he came to his senses again, he was surprised to find that the mosaic in front of him had become a little bigger.

There is still hope! Lu Sheng was overjoyed.

Consciousness slowly withdraws from the depths of the soul.

Lu Sheng opened his eyes.

Dark blue.

The light blue box of the modifier pops up in the blink of an eye.

The three souls determine the areas that need to be improved and compensated. The seven souls are relatively simple, representing seven kinds of desires. The three souls are the main body, while the seven souls are subdivided.

After Lu Sheng sorted it out from top to bottom, he determined that his problem was only the obsession of returning to the earth and the shrinkage of the mosaic.

Everything else works fine.

He skillfully scanned the entire modifier and found the Psychic column in the bottom box.

‘Basic Spiritualism: Level 7. (Characteristics: pure texture.)’

There are also some applied spiritual arts that are practiced randomly, but those are just means of using basic spiritual arts.

From this foundation, the soul power cultivated is the basis of all spiritual practice.

Basic psychic skills can enhance the strength of the soul and the total amount of soul power.

Lu Sheng recalled Huang Ya, a peak silver-level psychic. Her soul gave him the feeling of a bright incandescent lamp.

But now, he used his soul power to cover his eyes and looked down at himself.

His own soul also looked like an incandescent lamp. It's not much different from Huang Ya's brightness, but slightly weaker than her.

Huang Ya seems to have reached the fifteenth level of basic psychic skills.

He is only at level seven now, and can be compared with top level fifteen psychics.

This is why Huang Yun Temple and others value him so much.

Basic spiritualism, to put it bluntly, is about developing potential and strengthening the soul through exercise.

But for people with only a little potential, their development will be as high as possible. And he has only developed it a little, and he can already compare with others who are at the top.

Forget it, don't think about it anymore. Lu Sheng consciously pressed the modify button.

The entire dark blue interface suddenly flashed slightly and returned to normal instantly.

Deep Blue is much stronger now than he was at the beginning. This ability that was already rooted in his body and mind seems to be getting stronger as he continues to get stronger.

Improve basic psychic skills to level fifteen. Lu Sheng began to give instructions to Shen Lan directly from his mind.

Chi! !

In an instant, divine power flowed out from his chest like a spring and quickly spread throughout his body.

Even Lu Sheng's consciousness felt a slight pause, as countless clear and cold liquids seemed to seep into his mind.

Then he felt as if he was being blown away, and his consciousness expanded rapidly.

Getting bigger and bigger.

This feeling is like normal amplification, without any sense of emptiness. The liquid pouring into consciousness seems to be a part of him, constantly filling the body of the soul.

In the box, basic psychic skills are improving rapidly.

Eight floors.

Nine floors.

Ten floors.

Eleventh floor.

Twelve floors.

All the way to the fifteenth floor!

It took more than 1,600 units of spiritual power to reach the top fifteen levels.

Lu Sheng opened his eyes, and everything in front of him seemed to be distorting and changing.

The soul is the essence and reflection of the body. His physical body was first cultivated to an extremely powerful point.

Naturally, the basic base of the soul is extremely large.

Now he has been promoted to the top level fifteen in one go. Normally, from level seven to level fifteen, there will be at least three major jumps in soul power growth.

Each time, the soul power will be increased nearly tenfold.

In other words, after three consecutive times, a normal person can cultivate his soul to thousands of times its original size.

This is still the least.

Lu Sheng has now reached level 15 in one go.

The soul power of the body suddenly became abnormal.

The thousand-fold increase made him feel as if he was floating.

After he took over Wang Dong's body and strengthened it, his soul was already nearly a thousand times stronger than an ordinary person's.

Now it has increased thousands of times again.

This is not superposition, but multiplication.

In an instant, the soul's expansion reached a million times its original size!

The huge and twisted soul body was slowly surging under Lu Sheng's skin. Countless soul powers as deep and pure as the ocean were trying to break away from the shackles of the physical body, rush out of the body, and fly to the outside world.

Fortunately, Lu Sheng's physical body was strengthened enough, and light red lines quickly appeared on the surface of the skin, trying to block the escaped soul power with all his strength.

A few seconds later, with the cooperation of the body's earth energy, the over-expanded soul body finally shrank and completely integrated with the physical body again.

Lu Sheng opened his eyes, and a faint blue fluorescence suddenly flashed in his eyes.


A huge eye more than three meters high appeared involuntarily behind him.

It was a dark red eye with countless flame-like pupils.

When you reach level 15, you can get a natural power.

Lu Sheng could already feel the natural powers he had acquired.

But he still glanced at the dark blue interface out of habit.

In the dark blue box, the column of basic psychic skills is clearly marked.

'Basic Psychic Skills: Level 15 (Perfect) (Characteristics: Soul power released, pure texture)'

This release of soul power is not equivalent to leaving the body, but is equivalent to half leaving the body. The most basic soul power to maintain one's body is left behind, and the rest of the soul power is released to form a soul body to assist in attacking the enemy.

Lu Sheng just felt it and understood the principle inside.

According to standard units, the total amount of soul power of an adult is set to one dura.

Then I should be between 3 million duras and 3.5 million now.

He estimated his current soul strength.

According to the records of Yishanmen and the information sent by Jera from Ruby. The total soul power of the trolls under the God of Destruction was once estimated to be around four million.

The limit of an average top psychic is just over one hundred thousand. Without the help of external force or various props and weapons, if he encounters a troll, he will be crushed to death without even getting up from the water.

The most important thing is that Huang Ya is now a silver level, and his salary is only a few thousand.

Lu Sheng compared it in his mind and got an idea.

There are even four million trolls, so how many gods of destruction are there? Lu Sheng took a deep breath.

It seems I'm not strong enough yet. I have to continue.

He turned his attention to basic psychic skills again.

But this box is already gray, and obviously there is no way to improve it. Unless deduced.

However, Yishanmen is naturally not the only way to practice spiritualism.

Next, what Lu Sheng really wants to practice is Yishan Sect's unique soul power training method-Yishan Transformation Spiritual Technique.

The role of this psychic technique is after you have completed basic psychic training.

It is generally used to further enhance the soul power, and at the same time gradually change the nature of the soul power, making it more suitable for using the many earth-attribute spiritual arts in the mountain gate.

After all, Yishanmen's essence is still based on earth-attribute spiritual arts.

Lu Sheng quickly retrieved the memory of the mountain-moving spiritual skill. This thing is much more precious than basic psychic skills. This is the foundation of Yishan Sect. Although after practicing, the only one who became a spiritual master was the Grand Elder.

The success rate is extremely worrying.

But something is better than nothing.

I don’t know how many psychic organizations there are, but none of them practice techniques that can achieve the goal of becoming a spirit trancer.

The main difference between medium-sized forces and large-scale forces is the presence or absence of divine agents.

There are eight levels of mountain-moving spiritual skills in total. Each time you complete a level, a qualitative change in soul power is completed, and the total soul power is doubled.

Lu Sheng felt the physical body, and it was okay. The previous foundation was very solid, and under the nourishment of Seventh, the load was no problem.

Let's try a few floors first.

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