Extreme Demon

Chapter 971 The Essence of Psychics 1


The essence is the art of communicating souls, not only communicating with the souls of outsiders, but also communicating with your own soul.

Lu Sheng recalled the nature of necromancy.

The prerequisite for channeling is to first understand yourself and your soul. Then you can improve yourself in a targeted way and find the direction for improvement.

This is a level that has not been subdivided in the Demon Realm.

The division of the demon world is directly and crudely divided into soul and body.

Over there, all the souls are directly infected, refined, and refined with external energy. Transformed into another extremely high level of energy existence.

There seems to be something different here. Lu Sheng calmed down, consciously imagining that he was in a dark space with nothing in it.

The body began to fall freely like a stone.

The dark space seemed to never end, and he just kept falling, falling.

Time passes slowly.

This is actually a kind of self-hypnosis. Generally speaking, if you want to sink into the depths of your own soul, you need at least the assistance of various external materials and means. It is only possible to meditate silently for a day without any interference.

But Lu Sheng was proficient in psychological guidance and had a very high level of self-hypnosis. From the beginning, he easily entered the state.

I don’t know how long it fell.

Suddenly, he seemed to see a little light.

A bit of white light lit up from below the body, gradually getting closer as the falling speed accelerated.

Lu Sheng composed himself and lowered his head to look down.

It was a soft, almost translucent ball of light.

The light group is not big, and countless small transparent tentacles are emitted around it, illuminating the surrounding darkness within a certain range like the sun.

Lu Sheng put his feet lightly on the ground and stood in this dark space.

This should be his consciousness space, the first layer deep in his soul.

According to the explanation of spiritualism, the human soul is divided into ten layers. There are three souls and three layers, which are related to seven souls and seven parts. Each part is in charge of a different part of the soul.

Lu Sheng's heart was filled with the psychic knowledge he had learned before.

What he had been practicing before was just the basic psychic technique of strengthening the soul.

Nowadays, if one wants to truly elevate the art of spiritualism to the highest level, it is necessary to thoroughly communicate with one's own soul.

Before communicating with the soul, one must first remove the dirt from one's own soul and find out and improve all the defects deep in the soul.

Otherwise, if there are still defects, the stronger the soul will be later, the more difficult it will be to make up for the defects. In the middle and later stages, it will be completely stuck and you will not be able to make any progress.

The three souls and seven souls are respectively fetal light, refreshing spirit, and ghost essence. The three are respectively in charge of human agility, change and self-control, as well as physical and mental accumulation.

Lu Sheng looked around and saw that the surrounding fluorescent light shone on his body, feeling very comfortable and as warm as the sun.

The first soul embryo light has a yang and harmonious nature. According to the rules, this level should be the embryo light.

Any living being naturally gives birth to embryonic light from birth.

This is the first spark of life. It is the gift of life that parents give to their children. It is the driving force of all souls.

The fetal light controls the movement of the palm. What I want to do is to look around to see if there are any defects or troublesome problems.

Lu Sheng's thoughts settled and he began to look around at his surroundings.

In the dark space, there is only a halo of fetal light that continuously emits tentacles and brilliance.

After walking around for a while, Lu Sheng made sure that he didn't find any problems, so he sat down cross-legged again in the halo. Start a second deep meditation.

Generally speaking, only silver-level psychics can freely enter and exit the embryonic light layer. Check for deficiencies and fill them up, so that the first level of your soul can always remain clean and unsullied.

Only at the gold level can you enter the second level.

But Lu Sheng was a demon in nature and was proficient in psychological guidance. Under self-hypnosis, he easily fell into deep meditation again.

As consciousness gradually fades into blur.

It seemed like a moment, and it seemed like a long, long time.

Suddenly, Lu Sheng's energy perked up and he regained consciousness.

Open your eyes.

He was sitting on the edge of a colorful neon street.

The streets are crowded with people and vehicles are constantly shuttling back and forth.

A crescent moon hangs in the sky, black clouds drift slowly, and satellites can be vaguely seen shining brightly.

This is?? Lu Sheng stood up in confusion.

He suddenly realized that he was wearing a wrinkled gray suit and holding a briefcase in his hand. There were many signs of wear and tear on the edges of the black leather bag.

A thin layer of fine gray can still be seen on the familiar pair of redwood-pointed leather shoes.

“So familiar”

I don’t know how long it’s been, already.

Memories that Lu Sheng had almost forgotten surged out of the depths of his mind like a tide.

He recalled his deepest memories. At that time, he was just an ordinary civil servant.

The second level of refreshing spirit? The level that controls the transformation of the soul?

Carrying his briefcase, Lu Sheng walked slowly on the sidewalk.

Judging from the light and shadow reflected from the passing windows, he has now returned to his original appearance.

He has a Chinese character face and although he is tall, he still looks very friendly.

After staying in a state-owned enterprise for so long, the scholarly energy and straightforward temper he had when he was out of college have been much reduced.

Carrying his bag, Lu Sheng quickly walked to the door of a noisy black bar.

Through the light brown glass door of the bar, you can see the colorful light spots flashing rapidly inside, and the deafening loud rock music is playing.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Sheng instinctively reached out and pushed the door open.

What came towards me was a handsome man supported by a woman, who staggered past him.

He recalled it all at once.

This was the last night before he died.

Realizing this, Lu Sheng couldn't help but avoid the two of them, and waited until the two guys smelling of alcohol passed by him before continuing to walk inside.

He moved very skillfully, and it was obviously not his first time here.

The bar was filled with men and women squirming to the music.

At the bar, the beauty and the bartender were chatting and flirting casually.

Several men and women with various metal ornaments hanging on their bodies gathered together and were lighting cigarettes.

Many of the figures sitting on the booths were stacked on top of each other, constantly moving.

The air was filled with the smell of perfume, cologne, alcohol and cigarette smoke.

Lu Sheng felt like he was looking back on the night of his death.

He didn't make any movements, but this body was moving on its own. He easily passed through the crowded crowd and found a remote corner.

On the sofa in the corner, three young girls were sitting, laughing and yelling.

To be honest, the three girls themselves don't look very good, and they don't know much about makeup. In a bar with such a rich nightlife, there shouldn't be too many coquettish beauties.

The three girls serve as backgrounds for passers-by A, B, B, and D.

Lu Sheng's eyes fell straight on one of the girls with shawl hair and a mediocre face but a rather hot figure.

Xiaoyuan, I'm home. His voice sounded inconspicuous in the noisy bar.

But the girl still saw him for the first time.

Leave me alone! I make my own decisions! The smile on the girl's face suddenly disappeared and she stood up suddenly.

How many times have I told you, don't come to me! Are you bothered?

In this bar environment, a frumpy man in a rumpled suit came to her, which made her very embarrassed.

Brother Xu Sheng, Xiaoyuan is already eighteen years old and an adult. You will make her lose face if you keep calling her like this!

Another fat girl stood up and said helplessly.

You, a student kid, wander around in a place like this. You want to save face, but my parents and I don't?

Lu Sheng's face also darkened, he ignored the girl and stared straight at Xiaoyuan.

Let's go!

His voice rose, slightly stern.

Xiaoyuan's expression suddenly changed, her eyes stared at him, her face turned pale.

Go to hell!! She grabbed the bag on the sofa, threw it at Lu Sheng, turned around and ran towards the door.

Lu Sheng caught the bag, turned around and walked out.

That's how he was on Earth.

State-owned enterprises are not very prosperous, so the benefits are not good either. He is not a high-level leader, and he has no luck. The wages are low.

Commuting to and from get off work every day, you can see your life decades from now at a glance.

The parents at home place their hearts on their younger sister Xu Yuan every day.

It's a pity that this little girl is full of rebelliousness. She doesn't like to study and just likes to go to bars all day long. It was okay in the past. I only went to student bars, which were relatively safe and not chaotic.

But now, look where she has been.

Even locally, this bar ranks among the top three places for hooking up and losing your virginity. An ordinary student who was still in high school came over to her. What was her idea?

Lu Sheng watched quietly as he chased him out of the bar, following his sister all the way back home.

His sister Xu Yuan looked down upon him. He knows this.

Xu Yuan is a standard girl who worships money. I have been deeply influenced by Korean dramas since I was a child, and I have always liked those pretty-faced celebrities who are handsome but have no substance.

This girl doesn't like to study all day long. She is either talking about celebrity scandals or the name of some social gangster Brother XX.

Such a girl is used to seeing handsome young men from wealthy families, or young and promising handsome CEOs, but she is naturally in sharp contrast to the ordinary, even kind-hearted Lu Sheng who smiles all day long.

Unfortunately, although Xu Yuan had various problems, Lu Sheng still knew that she still had a good heart.

She was just led astray by her friends.

It was the two girls who took Xu Yuan in and out of various bars in the first place. Lu Sheng actually knew everything.

Hiding in his original body, Lu Sheng quietly watched Xu Yuan walk home quickly without looking back.

He also entered the bathroom and was accidentally electrocuted while taking a shower.

Everything is completely driven by one's own memory.

Until the last blue spark exploded.

Lu Sheng's eyes blurred, and he returned to where he was standing on the side of the street.

It turns out that I have always wanted to return to Earth. Lu Sheng sighed slightly.

Shuangling, in charge of the changes in the five elements, has two attributes: change and control.

Change refers to the seven emotions and six desires influenced by the outside world, which can induce various changes in oneself. And control means controlling these changes so that they do not affect the self excessively.

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